Closed JusSil501 closed 2 years ago
@JusSil501 I've changed the way how the params are defined in this repo but didn't find the time to update the blog.
Take a look at the training script:
# hyper-parameters
class Params:
BATCH_SIZE: int = 2
OWNER: str = "johschmidt42" # set your name here, e.g. johndoe22
SAVE_DIR: Optional[
] = None # checkpoints will be saved to cwd (current working directory)
LOG_MODEL: bool = False # whether to log the model to neptune after training
GPU: Optional[int] = None # set to None for cpu training
LR: float = 0.001
PRECISION: int = 32
CLASSES: int = 2
SEED: int = 42
PROJECT: str = "Heads"
EXPERIMENT: str = "heads"
MAXEPOCHS: int = 500
PATIENCE: int = 50
BACKBONE: ResNetBackbones = ResNetBackbones.RESNET34
FPN: bool = False
ANCHOR_SIZE: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], ...] = ((32, 64, 128, 256, 512),)
ASPECT_RATIOS: Tuple[Tuple[float, ...]] = ((0.5, 1.0, 2.0),)
MIN_SIZE: int = 1024
MAX_SIZE: int = 1025
IMG_MEAN: List = field(default_factory=lambda: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406])
IMG_STD: List = field(default_factory=lambda: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
IOU_THRESHOLD: float = 0.5
Here are some examples in the tests section.
It worked thanks!
Im using the same param "resnet34" as stated on tutorial. I also tried 'RESNET34', but that didint work.