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Integration Dashboard #19

Open bbertucc opened 3 years ago

bbertucc commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Higher Ed Pros often ask, "What's the best solution for our problem?" These discussions are often lost in Slack ether and are not implemented across the entire Higher Ed industry. There's currently no centralized tests for solutions, leading to ad-hoc implementation of sometimes conflicting "best practices." Wouldn't it be great if there was a central, community-run repository, for Higher Ed solution recommendations?

Centralization also allows Edupack to negotiate Enterprise discounts with tech providers and gives the Higher Ed community a stronger seat at the table when requesting features that are specific to Higher Education.

From an Edupack POV, we want to use third-party functions in our core features and keep dependencies managed. Currently, we have either have to reinvent core features in our product or lean on users to add plugins we depend on, like ACF.

Describe the solution you'd like A managed integration dashboard could formalize community editorial standards, highlighting plugins that are trusted by Edupack Pros. The dashboard could include public usage data to objectively visualize how the feature is adopted by Higher Ed pros, for better or worse. Additional recommendations, reasoning, alternatives can be provided or linked to (like this Mozilla documentation). The dashboard could also offer quick a install actions that Edupack core features can hook into, so that Edupack developers can integrate third-party features without relying on users to perform installs or update.

Edupack would maintain the dashboard's technology, but rely on editorial feedback from the widest possible Higher Ed community. This would allow us to better represent the Higher Ed web publishing industry as we push to develop a platform for campus website publishing.

Describe alternatives you've considered WPCampus and HighEdWeb Slack channels are where I often ask for plugin recommendations. WordPress's plugin repo is also a key alternative.

Additional context I'm using intentionally using the term "integration" instead of "plugin." Many website publishing tools Higher Ed pros use are not currently integrated into WordPress, like ThemeForrest. Edupack could develop this dashboard to hook integrations into WordPress even if the integration didn't have a WordPress plugin available.

Edupack Development Process

bbertucc commented 3 years ago

This dashboard includes issue #6, #7, and #8.

bbertucc commented 3 years ago

Matt from Pantheon thinks a "Hot Content" widget that pulls popular pages from GA data would be baller.