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Content Governance #9

Open nathansmonk opened 3 years ago

nathansmonk commented 3 years ago

Short description

Tools to manage out-of-date content and sunset stale sites.

User story

“As a Network Admin, my university's acceptable use policies need to be inline with how a user's content is published and sunsetted. I'm also scared that unauthorized users will publish unapproved content under my institution's branding.”

What is the problem that this feature solves?

Content Governance usually happens via ad-hoc, human-controlled workflows. These workflows are not perfect. Stale content stays on systems long after users leave institutions, and Academic Leaders fear users exploiting University branding.

How should it work?

A simple "User Story Editor" feature allows Network Admins to set a selection of events related triggered by user interaction, ping or time-based milestones.

For example, Network Admins may update the "user story" of a Site Admin role. The story could start when the new user is created. The Network Admin adds a trigger that sends an approval email to a Super Admin anytime a Site Admin presses "Publish." The Network Admin also adds a trigger that archives the site when the site is pinged about the user's status with the university changing. They also add a trigger that sends an email to the Site Admin if the system is pinged that the user's institution account is active again. Finally, The Network Admin adds a trigger to send a deletion email to a Super Admin 30 days after the site is archived.

Is this ticket blocked by any other dependencies?

Needs more research, discussion, and specific user stories.

What are the views that need designing?

What sub-functions build up this piece of functionality?

Next steps

bbertucc commented 3 years ago

User Story: Lafayette College

Lafayette College has a policy related to archiving and deleting sites:

The policy must now be manually implemented because there are no tools to automate the process.

Lafayette College Automation

Here are key Lafayette College sunsetting actions that can be automated:

Lafayette College's sunsetting automation needs to be segmented between employee and student users:

Additionally, Lafayette College notifies the admins that are linking to a site that's being sunsetted:

When ITS archives, deletes, or redirects a website the Communications Division will identify internal and external links which reference old content and make every effort to contact the administrators of those sites and advise them of the forthcoming change.

bbertucc commented 3 years ago

UX Ideas

On SI, admins accesses “User Story Editor” from the Edupack “Core Features” list or from under the “Appearance” tab. MS Super Admins can access “Core Features” under the Network Settings tab or from the Edupack “Core Features” list.

The “User Story Editor” view includes a list of existing User Roles and summary of user stories within the role (ie- “2 Stories, 8 Waiting Periods, 17 Events, 20 Actions” or “No Stories”).

When adding a new user story, you must first select a user role (ie- “Teacher”). Then you add the first user event (ie- “Account Creation” or “Content Publication” or “Content Deletion”). You can then add a “Waiting Period” (ie- 20 Days) followed by a system action (ie- “Email Notification”, “Delete User”, “Publish Post”, “Archive Site,” “Delete Site”).

Any existing user story can also be edited, removing any item or adding new items after/before any user event, system action, or waiting period.

Editing this page in any way saves the user story.

bbertucc commented 3 years ago

To more clearly define the broad "content governance" feature, I've created issue #16 .. future updates will happen there. closing this broad feature now

nathansmonk commented 3 years ago

This ticket is used for the product roadmap, so you may not want to close it as it'll look like the feature is launched.

I'd say #16 is a good sub-ticket of this one.

bbertucc commented 3 years ago

This ticket is used for the product roadmap, so you may not want to close it as it'll look like the feature is launched.

I'd say #16 is a good sub-ticket of this one.

Right. Won't close it.

bbertucc commented 3 years ago

It's probably worth thinking of content governance as integrated into every feature we have. #5 Brand Control, for instance, is a form of content governance. #12 Education Gutenberg Blocks will also have to have some sort of governance, giving specific users access to specific blocks (a Faculty180 block, for instance, doesn't need to be accessed by anyone but faculty). @nathansmonk - curious to think how you might update the ticket description to make content governance an aspect of everything? Maybe one of the sections of every feature ticket is Governance?