Announce the Juggy's killer in the "Juggernaut has died" message, and select that person to be
Juggernaut the next round (assuming Jugg doesn't get disabled).
Cassie should periodically announce how many NTF are alive.
Add a true/false setting that when true will refill grenades to the Jugg's inventory
Whenever a Dboi dies, a message should be shown to all players indicating how many are left.
When there is only 1 Dboi left, the round ends(already implemented) and there should be a broadcast of the Winning Dbois name.
If the next round is another Survival round, the winning Dboi should be picked as one of the peanuts(?)
Gang War
Broadcast message indicating how many people on each side are alive, and which team will be recieving the next respawn. (This respawn indicator should update to whichever team will recieve the respawn if it were to happen immediately, since the respawn is determined by which team has less players.
A test broadcast to indicate how many Alpha Zombies, Child zombies and Humans there are alive.
Integration with SCP-008 plugin to periodically infect a random Human player.
Gang War