Hi! ComplexHeatmap is one of my favourites packages! Thanks so much.
I know you must be swamped but I'm really hoping one day you can allow for stacked bar plots in the upset plots, e.g. aes(fill=someFactor). I've recently had to switch to a different package for all my upsets to include this information but I much prefer working with ComplexHeatmap. Please consider it!
P.S Apologies if I've missed how to do this in the documentation, but I've looked a lot and not spotted it anywhere.
Hi! ComplexHeatmap is one of my favourites packages! Thanks so much.
I know you must be swamped but I'm really hoping one day you can allow for stacked bar plots in the upset plots, e.g. aes(fill=someFactor). I've recently had to switch to a different package for all my upsets to include this information but I much prefer working with ComplexHeatmap. Please consider it!
Thanks, Daniel
P.S Apologies if I've missed how to do this in the documentation, but I've looked a lot and not spotted it anywhere.