Hi, and thank you for the package. I have the following problem (wish). I have succeeded to make an OncoPrint with a bar annotation on the right side (the OncoPrint and the annotation as separate objects, then joining them in a list and plotting them together using draw()). It works fine but now I want to use different colours for the bars on different rows depending on whether the respective row depicts a mutation, chromosome gain or chromosome loss (this is what the main oncoPrint displays and I use different colours there). Whatever I tried, colour changes affect all of the bars on all rows. How can I define different colours for different rows if it is at all possible?
Hi, and thank you for the package. I have the following problem (wish). I have succeeded to make an OncoPrint with a bar annotation on the right side (the OncoPrint and the annotation as separate objects, then joining them in a list and plotting them together using draw()). It works fine but now I want to use different colours for the bars on different rows depending on whether the respective row depicts a mutation, chromosome gain or chromosome loss (this is what the main oncoPrint displays and I use different colours there). Whatever I tried, colour changes affect all of the bars on all rows. How can I define different colours for different rows if it is at all possible?