jokergoo / circlize

Circular visualization in R
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How to hide track (but show associated edges) #73

Closed adamlmaclean closed 6 years ago

adamlmaclean commented 6 years ago

There may well be an answer to this in docs but if so, I haven't found it.

In this example:

I would like to hide completely the 'model' track, only plotting the 'brand' track and the edges associated with the model track. How can this be done? Thanks a lot!

jokergoo commented 6 years ago

Then, when you use chordDiagram(), set annotationTrack = NULL.

adamlmaclean commented 6 years ago

If I set annotationTrack = NULL this hides both tracks --- the car "models" and the "brands". I would like to show the outer track (brands) but hide the inner track (models). Can this be done with annotationTrack? Thanks for your help-- circlize is a great package.

jokergoo commented 6 years ago

Try following code:

df = read.table(textConnection("
 brand_from model_from brand_to model_to
      VOLVO        s80      BMW  5series
        BMW    3series      BMW  3series
      VOLVO        s60    VOLVO      s60
      VOLVO        s60    VOLVO      s80
        BMW    3series     AUDI       s4
       AUDI         a4      BMW  3series
       AUDI         a5     AUDI       a5
"), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

brand = c(structure(df$brand_from, names=df$model_from), structure(df$brand_to,names= df$model_to))
brand = brand[!duplicated(names(brand))]
brand = brand[order(brand, names(brand))]
brand_color = structure(2:4, names = unique(brand))
model_color = structure(2:8, names = names(brand))

gap.after ="c", lapply(table(brand), function(i) c(rep(2, i-1), 8)))
circos.par(gap.after = gap.after, cell.padding = c(0, 0, 0, 0))

chordDiagram(df[, c(2, 4)], order = names(brand), grid.col = model_color,
    directional = 1, annotationTrack = NULL, preAllocateTracks = list(
        list(track.height = 0.02))

for(b in unique(brand)) {
  model = names(brand[brand == b])
  highlight.sector(sector.index = model, track.index = 1, col = brand_color[b], 
    text = b, text.vjust = -1, niceFacing = TRUE)


You also need to remove the code which draws the model names.

adamlmaclean commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this. I do actually want the model names plotted though -- in the end I solved the problem (at least for my purposes) by hiding the brands track by coloring it white, i.e.

    highlight.sector(sector.index, col = "#ffffff", border="#ffffff")