jokob-sk / NetAlertX

🖧🔍 WIFI / LAN intruder detector. Scans for devices connected to your network and alerts you if new and unknown devices are found.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.68k stars 153 forks source link

Save button in setting does nothing #636

Closed Savanta closed 5 months ago

Savanta commented 5 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

Save button in settings not working, manualny editing config file works

Expected Behavior

Saving settings give effect

Steps To Reproduce

  1. deploy via docker compose
  2. go to setting
  3. add new subnet
  4. click save


#-----------------AUTOGENERATED FILE-----------------#
#                                                    #
#         Generated:  2022-12-30_22-19-40            #
#                                                    #
#   Config file for the LAN intruder detection app:  #
#          #
#                                                    #
#-----------------AUTOGENERATED FILE-----------------#

# 🔺 Use the Settings UI - only edit when necessary 🔺

# General
# Scan using interface eth0
# SCAN_SUBNETS    = [' --interface=eth0']
# Scan multiple interfaces (eth1 and eth0):
# SCAN_SUBNETS    = [ ' --interface=eth1', ' --interface=eth0' ]

SCAN_SUBNETS=[' --interface=eth1', ' --interface=eth0']

# Used for generating links in emails. Make sure not to add a trailing slash!

# Email
SMTP_RUN='disabled'  # use 'on_notification' to enable

# Webhooks
WEBHOOK_RUN='disabled'  # use 'on_notification' to enable
WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD='json'                 # webhook payload data format for the "body > attachements > text" attribute 
                                       # in 
                                       #   supported values: 'json', 'html' or 'text'
                                       #   e.g.: for discord use 'html'

# Apprise
APPRISE_RUN='disabled'  # use 'on_notification' to enable

NTFY_RUN='disabled'  # use 'on_notification' to enable

PUSHSAFER_RUN='disabled'  # use 'on_notification' to enable

MQTT_RUN='disabled'  # use 'on_notification' to enable

#-------------------IMPORTANT INFO-------------------#
#   This file is ingested by a python script, so if  #
#        modified it needs to use python syntax      #
#-------------------IMPORTANT INFO-------------------#


    container_name: netalertx
    # use the below line if you want to test the latest dev image
    # image: "jokobsk/netalertx-dev:latest" 
    image: jokobsk/netalertx:latest
    network_mode: host
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./config:/app/config
      - ./db:/app/db
      - ./logs:/app/front/log
      - /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db:/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db
      - /etc/pihole/dhcp.leases:/etc/pihole/dhcp.leases
      - TZ=Europe/Warsaw
      - PORT=20211
networks: {}

What branch are you running?



15:45:54 [MAIN] Setting up ... 15:45:54 [] Setting up ... 15:45:54

15:45:54 The container restarted (started). If this is unexpected check for troubleshooting tips. 15:45:54

15:45:54 Permissions check (All should be True) 15:45:54 ------------------------------------------------ 15:45:54 /config/app.conf | READ | True 15:45:54 /config/app.conf | WRITE | True 15:45:54 /db/app.db | READ | True 15:45:54 /db/app.db | WRITE | True 15:45:54 ------------------------------------------------ 15:45:54 [Setup] Attempting to fix permissions. 15:45:54 [Setup] Attempting to fix permissions. 15:45:54 [Database] Opening DB 15:45:54 [upgradeDB] Adding dev_Network_Node_MAC_ADDR to the Devices table 15:45:54 [upgradeDB] Adding dev_Network_Node_port to the Devices table 15:45:54 [upgradeDB] Adding dev_Icon to the Devices table 15:45:54 [upgradeDB] Re-creating Settings table 15:45:54 [upgradeDB] Re-creating Pholus_Scan table 15:45:54 [upgradeDB] Re-creating Parameters table 15:45:55 [Version check] Running the latest version. 15:45:55 [Config] reading config file 15:45:55 [Config] Plugins: Number of dynamically loaded plugins: 29 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] display_name: PiHole (Device sync) 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin syncs devices from the PiHole database 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] display_name: Set password 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] description: A simple plugin to set the web ui password on app start. 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] display_name: New Devices 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] description: The template used for new devices. 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] display_name: CSV backup 15:45:55 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to auto-generate devices.csv backups. 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] display_name: Pushover publisher 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to publish a notification via the 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] display_name: UniFi import 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin is used to import devices from an UNIFI controller. 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] display_name: MQTT publisher 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to publish a notification via the Apprise gateway. 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] display_name: Internet-Check 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to check your internet connectivity and IP. 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] display_name: Internet speedtest 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to perform a scheduled internet speedtest. 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] display_name: Email publisher (SMTP) 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to publish a notification via Email (SMTP) gateway. 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] display_name: Website monitor 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin is to monitor status changes of services or websites. 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] display_name: Apprise publisher 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to publish a notification via the Apprise gateway. 15:45:56 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Arp-Scan (Network scan) 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin is to execute an arp-scan on the local network 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Rogue DHCP 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin is to use NMAP to monitor for rogue DHCP servers. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: DDNS update 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin update the DDNS record. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Workflows 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to adjust behavior of workflows. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Un-Discoverable Devices 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin is to import undiscoverable devices from a file. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: NTFY publisher 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to publish a notification via the NTFY gateway. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Pholus (Name discovery) 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin is to execute a Pholus (name discovery) on the local network 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Maintenance 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin for maintenance tasks. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to discover device names. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: SNMP discovery 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin is used to discover devices via the arp table(s) of a RFC1213 compliant router or switch. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: DHCP Leases (Device import) 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin is to import devices from dhcp.leases files. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Services & Ports (NMAP) 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: This plugin shows all services discovered by NMAP scans. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Vendor update 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to schedule vendor database updates for mac based vendor resolution. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Webhook publisher 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to publish a notification via Webhooks. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Pushsafer publisher 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to publish a notification via the Pushsafer gateway. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: DB cleanup 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to schedule database cleanup & upkeep tasks. 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] display_name: Notification Processing 15:45:57 [Plugin utils] description: A plugin to for advanced notification processing. 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_settings.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [Config] Imported new config 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_appevents.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_devices.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_events_pending_alert.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_plugins_events.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_plugins_history.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_plugins_objects.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_plugins_language_strings.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [Database] - SQL ERROR: no such table: Notifications 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_notifications.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [API] Updating table_custom_endpoint.json file in /front/api 15:45:58 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:45:58 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:45:58 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:45:58 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:45:58 [Database] Opening DB 15:45:58 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:45:58 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:45:58 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:45:58 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:45:58 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:45:58 [Notification] No changes to report 15:45:58 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:46:03 [API] Updating table_notifications.json file in /front/api 15:46:59 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:46:59 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:46:59 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:46:59 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:46:59 [Database] Opening DB 15:46:59 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:46:59 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:46:59 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:46:59 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:46:59 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:46:59 [Notification] No changes to report 15:46:59 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:48:04 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:48:04 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:48:04 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:48:05 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:48:05 [Database] Opening DB 15:48:05 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:48:05 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:48:05 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:48:05 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:48:05 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:48:05 [Notification] No changes to report 15:48:05 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:49:05 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:49:05 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:49:05 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:49:05 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:49:05 [Database] Opening DB 15:49:05 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:49:05 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:49:05 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:49:05 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:49:05 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:49:05 [Notification] No changes to report 15:49:05 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:50:06 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:50:06 [Plugin utils] display_name: Internet-Check 15:50:06 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/internet_ip/ prev_ip={prev_ip} INTRNT_DIG_GET_IP_ARG={INTRNT_DIG_GET_IP_ARG} 15:50:06 [INTRNT] In script 15:50:06 [INTRNT] INTRNT_DIG_GET_IP_ARG: -4 15:50:06 [INTRNT] - Retrieving Internet IP 15:50:06 [INTRNT] DIG result :

15:50:06 [INTRNT] Current internet_IP : 15:50:06 [INTRNT] previous_IP : 15:50:06 [INTRNT] Finished 15:50:06 [Plugins] SUCCESS, received 1 entries 15:50:06 [API] Updating table_appevents.json file in /front/api 15:50:06 [API] Updating table_plugins_events.json file in /front/api 15:50:06 [API] Updating table_plugins_history.json file in /front/api 15:50:06 [API] Updating table_plugins_objects.json file in /front/api 15:50:06 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:50:06 [Plugin utils] display_name: Arp-Scan (Network scan) 15:50:06 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/arp_scan/ userSubnets={subnets} 15:50:06 [ARP Scan] In script 15:50:06 [ARP Scan] values.userSubnets: ["userSubnets=b'MTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQgLS1pbnRlcmZhY2U9ZXRoMQ=='"] 15:50:06 [ARP Scan] userSubnetsParamBase64: 'MTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQgLS1pbnRlcmZhY2U9ZXRoMQ==' 15:50:06 [ARP Scan] userSubnetsParam: --interface=eth1 15:50:06 [Database] Opening DB 15:50:06 [ARP Scan] arpscan_output: 15:50:06 [ARP Scan] Found: Devices without duplicates 0 15:50:06 Devices List len:0 15:50:06 Devices List:[] 15:50:06 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin ARPSCAN - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Processing scan results 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Print Stats 15:50:06 [Scan Stats] Devices Detected.......: 2 15:50:06 [Scan Stats] New Devices............: 1 15:50:06 [Scan Stats] Down Alerts............: 0 15:50:06 [Scan Stats] New Down Alerts........: 0 15:50:06 [Scan Stats] New Connections........: 0 15:50:06 [Scan Stats] Disconnections.........: 0 15:50:06 [Scan Stats] IP Changes.............: 1 15:50:06 [Scan Stats] Scan Method Statistics: 15:50:06 INTRNT: 1 15:50:06 local_MAC: 1 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Stats end 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Sessions Events (connect / discconnect) 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Creating new devices 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Updating Devices Info 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Voiding false (ghost) disconnections 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Pairing session events (connection / disconnection) 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Creating sessions snapshot 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Inserting scan results into Online_History 15:50:06 [Process Scan] Skipping repeated notifications 15:50:06 [Skip Repeated Notifications] Skip Repeated 15:50:06 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:50:06 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:50:06 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:50:06 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:50:06 [Database] Opening DB 15:50:06 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 1 15:50:06 [NSLOOKUP] Domain Name: thinkfox.lan. 15:50:06 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:50:06 [Plugins] SUCCESS, received 1 entries 15:50:06 [API] Updating table_appevents.json file in /front/api 15:50:06 [API] Updating table_plugins_history.json file in /front/api 15:50:06 [API] Updating table_plugins_objects.json file in /front/api 15:50:06 [Update Device Name] Trying to resolve devices without name. Unknown devices count: 1 15:50:06 [Update Device Name] Pholus entries from prev scans: 0 15:50:07 [Update Device Name] Names Found (DiG/NSLOOKUP/Pholus): 1 (1/0/0) 15:50:07 [Update Device Name] Names Not Found : 0 15:50:07 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:50:07 [Plugin utils] display_name: Pholus (Name discovery) 15:50:07 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/pholus_scan/ userSubnets={subnets} timeoutSec={timeout} 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] In script 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] Subnets: ["userSubnets=b'MTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQgLS1pbnRlcmZhY2U9ZXRoMQ=='"] 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] len Subnets: 1 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] 'MTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQgLS1pbnRlcmZhY2U9ZXRoMQ==' 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] 300 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] userSubnetsParam --interface=eth1 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] 300.0 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] Scan: Pholus for 300.0s (5.0min) 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] Pholus scan on [interface] eth1 [mask] 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] Scan: Pholus SUCCESS 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] [] 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] Pholus output number of entries:0 15:50:07 [PHOLUS] List:[] 15:50:07 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin PHOLUS - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:50:07 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:50:07 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:50:07 [Notification] Open text Template 15:50:07 [Notification] Open html Template 15:50:07 [Notification] Using template/app/front/report_templates/reporttemplate.html 15:50:07 [Notification] New Devices sections done. 15:50:07 [Notification] Down Devices sections done. 15:50:07 [Notification] Events sections done. 15:50:07 [Notification] Plugins sections done. 15:50:07 [Send API] Updating notification* files in /app/front/api/ 15:50:07 [Notification] Udating API files 15:50:07 [Notification] Notifications changes: 1 15:50:07 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:50:12 [API] Updating table_appevents.json file in /front/api 15:50:12 [API] Updating table_devices.json file in /front/api 15:50:12 [API] Updating table_plugins_events.json file in /front/api 15:50:12 [API] Updating table_notifications.json file in /front/api 15:51:08 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:51:08 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:51:08 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:51:08 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:51:08 [Database] Opening DB 15:51:08 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:51:08 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:51:08 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:51:08 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:51:08 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:51:08 [Notification] No changes to report 15:51:08 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:52:13 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:52:13 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:52:13 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:52:13 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:52:13 [Database] Opening DB 15:52:13 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:52:13 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:52:13 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:52:13 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:52:13 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:52:13 [Notification] No changes to report 15:52:13 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:53:14 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:53:14 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:53:14 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:53:14 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:53:14 [Database] Opening DB 15:53:14 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:53:14 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:53:14 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:53:14 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:53:14 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:53:14 [Notification] No changes to report 15:53:14 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:54:19 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:54:19 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:54:19 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:54:20 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:54:20 [Database] Opening DB 15:54:20 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:54:20 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:54:20 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:54:20 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:54:20 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:54:20 [Notification] No changes to report 15:54:20 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:55:20 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:55:20 [Plugin utils] display_name: Internet-Check 15:55:20 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/internet_ip/ prev_ip={prev_ip} INTRNT_DIG_GET_IP_ARG={INTRNT_DIG_GET_IP_ARG} 15:55:20 [INTRNT] In script 15:55:20 [INTRNT] INTRNT_DIG_GET_IP_ARG: -4 15:55:20 [INTRNT] - Retrieving Internet IP 15:55:20 [INTRNT] DIG result :

15:55:20 [INTRNT] Current internet_IP : 15:55:20 [INTRNT] previous_IP : 15:55:20 [INTRNT] Finished 15:55:20 [Plugins] SUCCESS, received 1 entries 15:55:20 [API] Updating table_appevents.json file in /front/api 15:55:20 [API] Updating table_plugins_history.json file in /front/api 15:55:20 [API] Updating table_plugins_objects.json file in /front/api 15:55:20 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:55:20 [Plugin utils] display_name: Arp-Scan (Network scan) 15:55:20 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/arp_scan/ userSubnets={subnets} 15:55:21 [ARP Scan] In script 15:55:21 [ARP Scan] values.userSubnets: ["userSubnets=b'MTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQgLS1pbnRlcmZhY2U9ZXRoMQ=='"] 15:55:21 [ARP Scan] userSubnetsParamBase64: 'MTkyLjE2OC4xLjAvMjQgLS1pbnRlcmZhY2U9ZXRoMQ==' 15:55:21 [ARP Scan] userSubnetsParam: --interface=eth1 15:55:21 [Database] Opening DB 15:55:21 [ARP Scan] arpscan_output: 15:55:21 [ARP Scan] Found: Devices without duplicates 0 15:55:21 Devices List len:0 15:55:21 Devices List:[] 15:55:21 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin ARPSCAN - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Processing scan results 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Print Stats 15:55:21 [Scan Stats] Devices Detected.......: 2 15:55:21 [Scan Stats] New Devices............: 0 15:55:21 [Scan Stats] Down Alerts............: 0 15:55:21 [Scan Stats] New Down Alerts........: 0 15:55:21 [Scan Stats] New Connections........: 0 15:55:21 [Scan Stats] Disconnections.........: 0 15:55:21 [Scan Stats] IP Changes.............: 0 15:55:21 [Scan Stats] Scan Method Statistics: 15:55:21 INTRNT: 1 15:55:21 local_MAC: 1 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Stats end 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Sessions Events (connect / discconnect) 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Creating new devices 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Updating Devices Info 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Voiding false (ghost) disconnections 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Pairing session events (connection / disconnection) 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Creating sessions snapshot 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Inserting scan results into Online_History 15:55:21 [Process Scan] Skipping repeated notifications 15:55:21 [Skip Repeated Notifications] Skip Repeated 15:55:21 [Plugin utils] --------------------------------------------- 15:55:21 [Plugin utils] display_name: NSLOOKUP (Name discovery) 15:55:21 [Plugins] Executing: python3 /app/front/plugins/nslookup_scan/ 15:55:21 [NSLOOKUP] In script 15:55:21 [Database] Opening DB 15:55:21 [NSLOOKUP] Unknown devices count: 0 15:55:21 [NSLOOKUP] Script finished 15:55:21 [Plugins] No output received from the plugin NSLOOKUP - enable LOG_LEVEL=debug and check logs 15:55:21 [Notification] Check if something to report 15:55:21 [Notification] Included sections: ['new_devices', 'down_devices', 'events'] 15:55:21 [Notification] No changes to report 15:55:21 [MAIN] Process: Wait 15:55:26 [API] Updating table_appevents.json file in /front/api

Debug enabled

jokob-sk commented 5 months ago

Hi there,

Could you please refresh the cache/try a different browser and if the issue persists check the developer console in the browser and share any errors that are logged? Here is an example guide where you can find the Dev console:

Savanta commented 5 months ago

For some reason it started working by itself after a day. Closing.

crltc commented 4 months ago

I am experiencing the same issue on a fresh install of 24.5.9 where the save button in the settings menu does not work. Multiple different browsers on multiple devices has not fixed it.

jokob-sk commented 4 months ago

Hi there,

Could you please follow the advice mentioned here and report back?

crltc commented 4 months ago

Hi there,

Could you please follow the advice mentioned here and report back? #636 (comment)

For some reason I thought that I mentioned this in my original message but apparently didn't. I don't get any error response, all I get is the table_settings.json where the response is just my settings in json form.

jokob-sk commented 4 months ago

I think this issue is different from the original poster's one - can you open a new issue with additional information so I know what your debug logs say etc?

Please include screenshots from your browser console.

Thanks in advance, j

crltc commented 4 months ago

I think this issue is different from the original poster's one - can you open a new issue with additional information so I know what your debug logs say etc?

Please include screenshots from your browser console.

Thanks in advance, j

I redeployed it via Docker on Ubuntu 24.04 and it works as expected now, saving settings in the UI now works so I don't see a reason to open a new issue. Previously when I deployed with Docker on Debian 12 it wouldn't save on any desktop device/browser but for some reason it did work on mobile browsers. Just some data points for anyone who stumbles upon this in the future.

Appreciate your quick response and willingness to help :) it's a great app!