Tempest device side mission that will start an earthquake across the map every few minutes until the mission is complete (or remoteExec nearestObjects if across the map gets annoying).
SF Too annoying i reckon :p also weird device
Would be interesting to have side missions that span multiple locations across the map. Would be unexpected considering players are so used to going to a single location and leaving.
SF definitely a good idea
Have interesting & unique game mechanics for particular side missions. Such as bio-hazard, signal tracking (using that pulse joko did), diving missions, carrier assault. Would increase variety and encourage some degree of planning & consideration.
SF yes again
Every side mission rewards the player with a certain amount of points. These points can then be exchanged at base (CO AI or something similar) for vehicles and/or and MHQ.
Simultaneously run standard side missions and rarer special side missions. Special missions would include the said unique mechanics and take more time, consideration and travel but reward more points (worth considering that making unique mechanic mission rarer would reduce overall variety).
Spending of points could be decided in a vote declared by a squad leader at base. Required vote total/majority determined by the proportionate cost of the item as compared to the current balance.
Persistent scores. Prioritise stats that are team or skill oriented to promote dedication to a role such as total pilot time, longest sniper kills, best medic (check ace stats) and most rounds fired as auto-rifleman. Would require a custom display created by the up and coming new UI whizz ShadowFox. Replace opening of the vanilla scoreboard when pressing keybind.
here we collect all ideas about side missions