jole78 / TeamCity.SpecFlow.Reporting

Automates, via PowerShell, the process of executing SpecFlow features via specflow.exe to produce a html report that can be shown in TeamCity.
MIT License
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Adding via Nuget doesn't add reference to Nunit.Runners #12

Closed neilkidd closed 7 years ago

neilkidd commented 10 years ago


We are currently building specflow into our TeamCity pipeline, (many thanks). The script failed when looking for NUnit.Runners in packages on the TeamCity server. We fixed this by manually adding Nunit.Runners to the packages.config file in our project - could the package be changed to do this automatically alongside TeamCity.SpecFlow.Reporting ?

Regards, Neil.

jole78 commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the late response...I've been away for a while. I'll have a look and get back to you. /J

Holf commented 9 years ago

I have noticed the same behaviour. A work around is to add it manually.