joleys / niko-home-control-II

Home Assistant Custom Integration for Niko Home Control II
MIT License
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No connected sockets among entities #83

Closed flimofly closed 1 year ago

flimofly commented 1 year ago

Fresh install of Home Assistant and the NHC II integration.

I don't see the connected sockets (product id 170-33505) in the list of entities. They have been added via the Niko Home Control programming software ('addressed') and I can see them in the Energy tab in the Niko Home app.

I do see some inactive entities called binary_sensor.energyhome_report_instant_usage but these don't seem to be it.

Do I need to do something else (perhaps create a virtual device?) to make them show up in the integration?

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

I have the same devices at home, and they appear in the integration.

Do you see other devices listed? Or is binary_sensor.energyhome_report_instant_usage the only one? Are you sure the connection to the Niko controller is successfull? Did you use the hobby account?

flimofly commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2023-07-26 at 16 31 14

I see these ones. Do these match with how they appear in your installation?

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

And are these available? Are there any other devices connected to your Niko Controller?

flimofly commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2023-07-26 at 16 36 25

one of them shows some activity.

In the devices list I have my lights, video doorbell and shutters. These work fine.

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

Ok, if you see your lights video doorbell and shutters it means that the connection to your Niko Controller is working.

Can you send me your device list, see You can mail it to niko-ha [at] Verkoyen [dot] eu if you don't want to share it here. With the device list I can check if the devices are present. And try to debug it here.

flimofly commented 1 year ago

Sure, here are all my devices:

[edit: screenshot removed]

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

That is not a device list, see the steps in

flimofly commented 1 year ago

Ok, I have the settings in my configuration.yaml but where do I retrieve the logs? The full log from System>Logs does not contain a device list.

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

Did you restart Home Assistant? Check if there is a file home-assistant.log in the same folder as configuration.yaml, in this log the device list will be present if you search for "Received device list:".

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

@flimofly any update?

flimofly commented 1 year ago

The file home-assistant.log is present but contains only:

2023-07-28 13:19:06.658 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration nhc2 which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2023-07-28 13:19:06.658 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration hacs which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2023-07-28 13:19:19.579 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.nhc2] Connecting to with 50f25849-c2db-4be7-9335-1e4c186f3a3a
2023-07-28 13:19:19.679 DEBUG (Thread-3 (_thread_main)) [custom_components.nhc2.nhccoco.coco] Connected to MQTT broker
flimofly commented 1 year ago

full content of configuration.yaml:

# for home assistant debugging
      default: warning
          custom_components.nhc2: debug

  purge_keep_days: 30
  commit_interval: 3
  db_url: "postgresql://home-assistant:xxKO4Nat0Ex22hRapcHSePrY7PYgeI7c9hB492HkSJ9kKV9wKUpxW0F69WTOFM@home-assistant-cnpg-main-rw:5432/home-assistant?client_encoding=utf8"
  use_x_forwarded_for: true
tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

If that is the full log, your controller is not sending a device list. Because after this message the device list is requested:

I would suspect none of your other devices can be controlled from within Home Assistant, for instance the lights. It would think they are all reported as unavailable. Is that correct?

It should not be related, but are you using the latest version of this integration, Home Assistant and the Niko Home Controller 2?

How did you authenticate the Controller? Through the Hobby API key?

flimofly commented 1 year ago

Found it. Apologies, there were many empty lines after the short logs posted earlier.

Received device list: {'Params': [{'Devices': [{'Uuid': 'afa14035-b7ea-4da4-be62-3de50f6954c9', 'Identifier': '9f3c682f-34d0-412f-be9c-fcabdc440f2c', 'Model': 'light', 'Online': 'True', 'Name': 'Light Terras keuken', 'Technology': 'nikohomecontrol', 'Type': 'action', 'Traits': [], 'Parameters': [{'IconCode': 'lamp2'}, {'LocationId': '4fdb0489-e443-4131-b862-2b93e96ef177'}, {'LocationIcon': 'living2'}, {'LocationName': 'Terras keuken'}], 'Properties': [{'Status': 'Off'}], 'PropertyDefinitions': [{'Status': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Choice(On,Off)'}}]}, {'Uuid': '3c42d06d-08ff-42bb-9b3e-84209e4805be', 'Identifier': 'a0d04d34-3963-4173-a69b-33cb16bef61f', 'Model': 'rolldownshutter', 'Online': 'True', 'Name': 'Shutter Keuken 1', 'Technology': 'nikohomecontrol', 'Type': 'action', 'Traits': [], 'Parameters': [{'IconCode': 'shutter2'}, {'LocationId': '8f8dc2f7-679e-4ee5-bb7a-8336fdbcefe0'}, {'LocationIcon': 'kitchen'}, {'LocationName': 'Keuken'}], 'Properties': [{'Aligned': 'True'}, {'LastDirection': 'Open'}, {'Moving': 'False'}, {'Position': '100'}, {'Action': ''}], 'PropertyDefinitions': [{'Aligned': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'false', 'Description': 'Boolean'}}, {'LastDirection': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Choice(Open,Close)'}}, {'Moving': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'false', 'Description': 'Boolean'}}, {'Position': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Range(0.00,100.00,1.00)'}}, {'Action': {'HasStatus': 'false', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Choice(Open,Close,Stop)'}}]}, {'Uuid': 'a211240f-7642-4610-bca6-9b3bb65ed589', 'Identifier': '4a91d680-411b-4858-aa0a-8bc6bc6dfb76', 'Model': 'light', 'Online': 'True', 'Name': 'Light Nachthal', 'Technology': 'nikohomecontrol', 'Type': 'action', 'Traits': [], 'Parameters': [{'LocationName': 'Nachthal'}, {'LocationId': 'e7b70b56-3887-4b37-ae0f-f5a56f713043'}, {'LocationIcon': 'stairways'}, {'IconCode': 'lamp2'}], 'Properties': [{'Status': 'Off'}], 'PropertyDefinitions': [{'Status': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Choice(On,Off)'}}]}, {'Uuid': '098358b7-7dc2-4efc-9b28-9374b67644b8', 'Identifier': '7822fea7-d68f-4f45-962b-4dfdf861e609', 'Model': 'dimmer', 'Online': 'True', 'Name': 'Light Slaapkamer 1', 'Technology': 'nikohomecontrol', 'Type': 'action', 'Traits': [], 'Parameters': [{'LocationName': 'Slaapkamer 1'}, {'LocationId': '43e5c708-397d-451c-acb8-148255bab8f7'}, {'LocationIcon': 'bedroom'}, {'IconCode': 'lamp2'}], 'Properties': [{'Aligned': 'True'}, {'Status': 'Off'}, {'Brightness': '16'}], 'PropertyDefinitions': [{'Aligned': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'false', 'Description': 'Boolean'}}, {'Status': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Choice(On,Off)'}}, {'Brightness': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Range(0.00,100.00,1.00)'}}]}, {'Uuid': '53206ab5-7c8e-494c-9377-9de63277e96f', 'Identifier': 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{'UpgradeStatus': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Choice(Idle,RemoteVersionCheck,RemoteVersionVerify,DownloadImage,VerifyImage,WaitForConfirmation,UserConfirmed,Installing,InstallationCompleted,Reboot,FallBack,FellBack)'}}, {'CurrentFWInfo': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'false', 'Description': 'Text'}}, {'AvailableFWInfo': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'false', 'Description': 'Text'}}, {'RemoteAvailableFWInfo': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'false', 'Description': 'Text'}}]}, {'Uuid': '542ae116-aa45-435d-80d4-a655297b8665', 'Identifier': '043872f1-f0cc-4b8c-bd1e-2a8da7df1248', 'Model': 'light', 'Online': 'True', 'Name': 'Light Tuin berging', 'Technology': 'nikohomecontrol', 'Type': 'action', 'Traits': [], 'Parameters': [{'IconCode': 'lamp2'}, {'LocationId': '789b77ea-2a9e-4241-b9df-fe646a087abf'}, {'LocationIcon': 'terrace'}, {'LocationName': 'Tuin'}], 'Properties': [{'Status': 'Off'}], 'PropertyDefinitions': [{'Status': {'HasStatus': 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{'IpAddress': '172308444.00'}, {'CallStatus01': 'Idle'}], 'PropertyDefinitions': [{'Status': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'false', 'Description': 'Choice(Online,Offline)'}}, {'IpAddress': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'false', 'Description': 'Range(0.00,4294967295.00,1.00)'}}, {'CallStatus01': {'HasStatus': 'true', 'CanControl': 'true', 'Description': 'Choice(Idle,Ringing,Active)'}}]}]}], 'Method': 'devices.list'}
flimofly commented 1 year ago

According to the Diagnostics tab in the Niko Home Control programming software, I have three Connected socket outlet, Zigbee connected, with IDs C90D, E001 and 81F5.

flimofly commented 1 year ago

If that is the full log, your controller is not sending a device list. Because after this message the device list is requested:

I would suspect none of your other devices can be controlled from within Home Assistant, for instance the lights. It would think they are all reported as unavailable. Is that correct?

I can toggle light with the switches on the dashboard, so those work.

It should not be related, but are you using the latest version of this integration, Home Assistant and the Niko Home Controller 2?

Yes, I did a clean install of Home Assistant and NHC2 this morning.

How did you authenticate the Controller? Through the Hobby API key?

When setting up the NHC2 custom component I was given the choice between the Niko Hobby API and a profile on the Niko touchscreen. I chose the touchscreen. Filled in the password, but haven't touched the touchscreen in the meantime.

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

From what I can see in your devices list, these 3 sockets are not present in the device list. I think the best way forward is to contact Niko and ask them why these are not present in the device list.

flimofly commented 1 year ago


I reinstalled NHC2 custom component authenticating via hobby API rather than touchscreen and now they show up.

Would be nice if it worked via the touchscreen too.

flimofly commented 1 year ago

While on the subject, am I correct that toggling the connected socket's electrical power (on/off) is not available as a an action / device?

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

I reinstalled NHC2 custom component authenticating via hobby API rather than touchscreen and now they show up. Would be nice if it worked via the touchscreen too.

To be honest I don't have a clue on why these sockets are not working with the profile. It is almost certain related to the Niko Home Control II as these devices just don't appear in the device list. Feel free to compare the previous device list with the one that is received now.

The only thing I could think of is that these devices are not checked in the list of devices under the profile in the Niko Home Control Programming Software.


While on the subject, am I correct that toggling the connected socket's electrical power (on/off) is not available as a an action / device?

Yes it is. Check in Home Assistant → Settings → Devices & Services → niko Home Control II → XX devices. Search for devices with model "Socket". This is another device that is not the same as the energy metering, as stated in the Readme:

NHC Zigbee Smart plug This is the energy metering linked to a zigbee smart plug. The smart plug itself is a different device.

flimofly commented 1 year ago

"Energy" was indeed switched off in the touchscreen profile, I will try a reinstall to see if that has any effect.

Among the devices I see the connected sockets with model "Naso (Smartplug)". When I click those, I only see electricity measuring related info:

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 13 58 29

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

The Naso (smartplug) is the device for energy metering. There wil also be a a device with type (socket), which you can toggle.

flimofly commented 1 year ago

Apologies for reopening this issue, but I still cannot spot a (socket) in the device list. Any ideas?

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

Can you check the device list again and search for the exact name that appears in the Niko Home Control app on your phone. If they don't appear in the app on your phone, you will need to contact Niko.

flimofly commented 1 year ago

Solved after contacting Niko

tijsverkoyen commented 1 year ago

What was the issue?