jolicode / slack-php-api

:hash: PHP Slack Client based on the official OpenAPI specification
MIT License
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Fatal Error Jane\JsonSchemaRuntime\Normalizer\CheckArray #153

Open bulentevren opened 1 year ago

bulentevren commented 1 year ago

Fatal error: Trait "Jane\JsonSchemaRuntime\Normalizer\CheckArray" not found in C:\serve\htdocs\greeter\vendor\jolicode\slack-php-api\generated\Normalizer\JaneObjectNormalizer.php on line 24

php 8.2/ windows

Could not figure out what is the problem here :(

bulentevren commented 1 year ago

`C:\serve\htdocs\greeter>composer info jolicode/slack-php-api name : jolicode/slack-php-api descrip. : An up to date PHP client for Slack's API keywords : api, client, openapi, sdk, slack, slackapi, swagger versions : * v3.0.0 type : library license : MIT License (MIT) (OSI approved) homepage : source : [git] 4f8cd6ada7ef89eebae71250068c84cbe0fb2d71 dist : [zip] 4f8cd6ada7ef89eebae71250068c84cbe0fb2d71 path : C:\serve\htdocs\greeter\vendor\jolicode\slack-php-api names : jolicode/slack-php-api

support issues : source :

autoload psr-4 JoliCode\Slack\ => src/ JoliCode\Slack\Api\ => generated/

requires jane-php/open-api-runtime ^6.0 php >= 7.2 php-http/client-common ^1.9 || ^2.0 php-http/discovery ^1.7 php-http/multipart-stream-builder ^1.1 psr/http-client-implementation *

requires (dev) friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer ^2.16 jane-php/open-api-2 ^6.0 nyholm/psr7 ^1.2 opis/json-schema ^1.0 symfony/console ^5.1 symfony/contracts ^2.1 symfony/http-client ^4.3.3 || ^5.1 symfony/phpunit-bridge ^4.3 symfony/process ^5.1 symfony/string ^5.1

conflicts php-http/httplug < 2.0`

damienalexandre commented 1 year ago

Hi! Sorry you bump into this issue!

I don't know what the issue is, but do you know why you are using version 3.0? It's quite old, can you try v4.5.0?

bulentevren commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I just followed documentiation and use composer to install composer require jolicode/slack-php-api how should i update?

bulentevren commented 1 year ago

ok i have updated it by using composer update but it is 3.0.2 now. I have different error this time

Fatal error: Declaration of JoliCode\Slack\Api\Endpoint\ChatPostMessage::transformResponseBody(string $body, int $status, Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface $serializer, ?string $contentType) must be compatible with Jane\OpenApiRuntime\Client\EndpointTrait::transformResponseBody(string $body, int $status, Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface $serializer, ?string $contentType = null) in C:\serve\htdocs\greeter\vendor\jolicode\slack-php-api\generated\Endpoint\ChatPostMessage.php on line 119

damienalexandre commented 1 year ago

Oh dear, I can reproduce the issue you are right. Looks like there is a dependency issue.

You can run this to use the latest version:

composer require jolicode/slack-php-api:v4.5.0 -W

It will downgrade psr/http-message (2.0 => 1.1).

bulentevren commented 1 year ago

thanks a lot all working :)

damienalexandre commented 1 year ago

Good to know.

Let's keep this issue open, looks like this upstream change is needed:

/tmp/lol $ composer why psr/http-message
league/uri               6.8.0  requires psr/http-message (^1.0.1)       
nyholm/psr7              1.8.0  requires psr/http-message (^1.1 || ^2.0) 
php-http/client-common   2.6.1  requires psr/http-message (^1.0 || ^2.0) 
php-http/httplug         2.4.0  requires psr/http-message (^1.0 || ^2.0) 
php-http/message         1.14.0 requires psr/http-message (^1.0 || ^2.0) 
php-http/message-factory 1.1.0  requires psr/http-message (^1.0 || ^2.0) 
psr/http-client          1.0.2  requires psr/http-message (^1.0 || ^2.0) 
psr/http-factory         1.0.2  requires psr/http-message (^1.0 || ^2.0) 

/tmp/lol $ composer why league/uri
jane-php/json-schema-runtime v7.5.0 requires league/uri (^6.0)