jolly-good-toolbelt / sphinx_gherkindoc

A tool to convert Gherkin into Sphinx documentation
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Cross-references, inline markup, viewcode and documenters #53

Open cblegare opened 2 years ago

cblegare commented 2 years ago

Hello there!

Thank you for this nice project. I have a few ideas for improvement. I might be able to contribute a bit, but I think it is better to first discuss them beforehand :+1:

What do you think about these? Would you be willing to review and merge contributions?

dgou commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and ideas!

Re: the Viewcode option, I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm not against it, per se, but I'm not gung ho about it either, I will defer to the rest of the team on this one.

Re: Cross reference for the glossary - YES! This is something that has been a pet idea of mine for a long time, but never rose to the level of being important enough to pursue. Domains are an interesting idea, but I'm not sure I get how to make them work without adding additional markup to the Gherkin which I really really want to avoid. One idea I have thought a lot about is harvesting data from the step definitions themselves, but that can be tricky since, for example, behave and pytest-bdd handle that in different ways, and that is all within Python, let alone other implementation languages. tl;dr I am highly interested in more specific ideas about this. (The cross reference glossary has been near and dear to my heart for a long time.)

Re: Markup for keywords is already in place, you can use .CSS files per

Re: Documenters - it's late enough that something about this isn't clicking for me, I'll need fresher eyes and maybe a skosh more detail...

cblegare commented 2 years ago

Hey, that was fast, thanks!


This one might is indeed less appealing, also, I am not sure how the pygment lexer would behave with different implementations of the language. Lets forget about this one then, at least for now.


Sorry about that one. You got us covered!


You can manually place the documentation for ,say, a python class by using the .. class:: some.Class directive. Sphinx then finds the definition, reads the function name and arguments and docstring and generate the docutil nodes, which in turn are rendered. I'll get back to this below.

Documenters build whole documents including the directives, but let's put that aside for the moment.


Let me have a look deeper down how sphinx_gherkindoc models all those. I must admit I don't know much about Gherkin, let alone different implementations. I'm simply the guy knowing a thing or two about Sphinx extensions that tries to help a few people. I'll get back with a more solid opinion on the complexity of this, including differences between implementations.

Using directives (and roles) makes it easier to leverage the standard Sphinx APIs to wire together the references.

So instead of generating a document like this:

:gherkin-feature-keyword:`Feature:` :gherkin-feature-content:`Integrated Backgrounds`

:gherkin-scenario-keyword:`Scenario:` :gherkin-scenario-content:`First Scenario`

| :gherkin-step-keyword:`Given` a step that is from the background
| :gherkin-step-keyword:`But` the step actually appears with the scenario steps in the sphinx docs
| :gherkin-step-keyword:`Given` a step that is defined in the scenario
| :gherkin-step-keyword:`And` one more for good measure
| :gherkin-step-keyword:`When` I use sphinx-gherkindoc with the --integrate-background flag
| :gherkin-step-keyword:`Then` the background steps should be integrated with the scenario steps

You would instead generate something like

.. gherkin:feature:: Integrated Backgrounds

    Optionaly some descriptive stuff here

    .. gherkin:scenario:: First Scenario

        .. gherkin:given:: a step that is from the background
        .. gherkin:but:: the step actually appears with the scenario steps in the sphinx docs
        .. gherkin:given:: a step that is defined in the scenario
        .. gherkin:and:: one more for good measure
        .. gherkin:when:: I use sphinx-gherkindoc with the --integrate-background flag
        .. gherkin:then:: the background steps should be integrated with the scenario steps

(that would be one way of doing it)

and having these directives, you can still render the nodes (and HTML/latex), still using the CSS, etc, but also get to hook into the cross-referencing engine.

Of course, cross-referencing roles would be quite verbose, for instance:

For more details, see :gherkin:scenario:`Integrated Background.First Scenario`.
dgou commented 2 years ago

Thank you, it is nice having an external set of Sphinx expertise eyes looking over this. The cross referencing is... verbose, but it should be mostly machine generated. One thing related to what we've been discussing, that I have been thinking about for a long time, is also to have a way for steps of the gherkin to be grouped by subject matter (such as all the steps that mention a specific word or phrase). Not as explicit references in the Gherkin files themselves, but perhaps with a side processor or plug-in that would be called with the text of a step (or scenario name or feather name, etc. etc.) and could return a list of "hey, here are the categories that are relevant for this text. (Such as recognizing Persona names, for example, or other aspects of the system under test). In large part the Feature file itself is such a grouping, but as steps are more and more reused, its nice to have a way to find where all the steps that reference concept - X are.

But, back to the most immediate topic(? I think ?) instead of having the glossary listing files and line numbers, you're suggesting using the directives as targets for links, and have the glossary use the cross-reference roles. That is something that, at least pre-coffee monday morning, makes sense to me. :)

cblegare commented 2 years ago

The cross referencing is... verbose, but it should be mostly machine generated.

Yes, it is. In fact, that markup would have more chances to be hand-written than the above directives. It can be shortened though

Once you have directives and domain data, all of the above are quite simple to put in place.

steps of the gherkin to be grouped by subject matter

This is again a nice use-case for a domain Index. Since a given domain can provide multiple indexes, and the base strings to search in steps could come from configuration or directives.

instead of having the glossary listing files and line numbers, you're suggesting using the directives as targets for links, and have the glossary use the cross-reference roles.

At least to get started, and in order to go easy on this package's users, both could be available.

To sum up, I'll look into ways of making the Sphinx application aware of the gherkin features and scenarios as soon I get the chance. Then, wiring things together with configs and directives is not that complicated, and the Indices need only to feed on Domain data.

I'm still busy with another project of mine (have a look if you're a Terraform user ;) Sphinx-Terraform) but I expect to have a bit of free time in the next few weeks.

cblegare commented 2 years ago

I've skimmed through the gherkin parser implementation.

Once I get the chance, I'll try with a basic extension:

cblegare commented 2 years ago

Hi there!

I ended up writing it on the side:

It misses a lot of feature sphinx_gherkindoc provides, but has some the the things we discussed above. The main difference is that I built it with the Sphinx extension API in mind from the start

dgou commented 2 years ago

Interesting. Some how the email notification of your comment ended up in my junk folder, sorry for the delay!