joltup / rn-fetch-blob

A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
MIT License
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'React/RCTDefines.h' file not found #461

Open tzwickl opened 4 years ago

tzwickl commented 4 years ago


Installed Versions:

we recently upgraded from react-native version 0.59 to 0.61 and now the rn-fetch-blob library no longer works with XCode, we get the following errors when trying to build the project:

Screenshot 2019-10-11 at 5 47 33 PM

In the error stack trace it says that the error originates from node_modules/rn-fetch-blob/ios/RNFetchBlob/RNFetchBlob.h:22

Any ideas or pointers on how we can solve this issue?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Best regards, Thomas

alpha0010 commented 4 years ago

Sounds like it might be a library configuration issue. Are you using the new podfile base autolinking?

tzwickl commented 4 years ago

Yes we use the podfile base autolinking. We now downgraded to version 0.60 and now it works :) Seems like it is only an issue with version 0.61 and above

romk1n commented 4 years ago

is there a way to fix it for 0.61.2 we have exactly the same issue?

romk1n commented 4 years ago

actually downgrading to 0.60.6 didn't solve a problem for us :(

alpha0010 commented 4 years ago

Do native libraries work at all for you? For example, can you successfully use something like react-native-webview?

Also, if you have an old version of Xcode, you may need to update it to at least 10.

josectobar commented 4 years ago

I found a work around by adding a condition in the import:

#if __has_include("RCTDefines.h")
#import "RCTDefines.h"
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
rcidt commented 4 years ago

I am seeing this as well.

This is being caused by a few of our dependencies which don't support auto linking (they're linked manually).

herstand commented 4 years ago

@josectobar Where are you adding that workaround? If I replace the error line in the OP with that, I just get new errors ('React/RCTAssert.h' file not found).

eyalabadi98 commented 4 years ago

Following. We are facingn the same issue

infostreams commented 4 years ago

Ok, I managed to fix it (for me, at least). What you do is the following:

  1. Go to Project navigator > Libraries > RNFetchBlob.xcodeproj
  2. Click on Build Settings and then the first item under "Targets"
  3. Scroll down to 'Search Paths'
  4. Double click to edit the 'Header Search Paths'
  5. Add the following entry (click '+'): ${SRCROOT}/../../../ios/Pods/Headers. Make sure to set it to recursive.
  6. Clean (cmd + shift + K) and re-build (cmd + B)

Repeat for other libraries that complain about missing React/<whatever>.h files, perhaps with differing amounts of ../ before the ios/Pods/Headers/

luatnd commented 4 years ago

Ok, I managed to fix it (for me, at least). What you do is the following:

  1. Go to Project navigator > Libraries > RNFetchBlob.xcodeproj
  2. Click on Build Settings and then the first item under "Targets"
  3. Scroll down to 'Search Paths'
  4. Double click to edit the 'Header Search Paths'
  5. Add the following entry (click '+'): ${SRCROOT}/../../../ios/Pods/Headers. Make sure to set it to recursive.
  6. Clean (cmd + shift + K) and re-build (cmd + B)

Repeat for other libraries that complain about missing React/<whatever>.h files, perhaps with differing amounts of ../ before the ios/Pods/Headers/

To sum up, I'll update my workaround here:

judygab commented 4 years ago

Ok, I managed to fix it (for me, at least). What you do is the following:

  1. Go to Project navigator > Libraries > RNFetchBlob.xcodeproj
  2. Click on Build Settings and then the first item under "Targets"
  3. Scroll down to 'Search Paths'
  4. Double click to edit the 'Header Search Paths'
  5. Add the following entry (click '+'): ${SRCROOT}/../../../ios/Pods/Headers. Make sure to set it to recursive.
  6. Clean (cmd + shift + K) and re-build (cmd + B)

Repeat for other libraries that complain about missing React/<whatever>.h files, perhaps with differing amounts of ../ before the ios/Pods/Headers/

Did anyone got this error while trying this solution?

Screen Shot 2020-03-28 at 12 44 14 PM
ram95krishh commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. React-Native: 0.62.2 React: 16.11.0 rn-fetch-blob: 0.12.0



Recursive option was also set image

joeyBerger commented 4 years ago

Having the same issue with react-native-passcode-auth:

"react": "16.11.0",
"react-native": "0.62.2",
"react-native-passcode-auth": "^1.0.0",
ravinalamada commented 1 year ago

Hi @judygab, I tried your solution and got the errors you mentioned above too. Did you solve it already? If so, can you please tell me how? Thanks in advance.

gokugen commented 1 year ago

Any updates ?

saeedtkh commented 1 year ago

any updates ?

megancooper commented 1 year ago

After following the ${SRCROOT}/../../../ios/Pods/Headers I ran into another issue with duplicate symbols.

Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? 🤔 (Edit: fix is down below 👇🏾 )

❌  duplicate symbol '_OBJC_CLASS_$_RNFetchBlob' in
┌─ librn-fetch-blob.a(RNFetchBlob.o)
└─ libRNFetchBlob.a(RNFetchBlob-a70a61ec5fbdd003117a6dd9c81d14ef.o)

❌  duplicate symbol '_OBJC_METACLASS_$_RNFetchBlob' in
┌─ librn-fetch-blob.a(RNFetchBlob.o)
└─ libRNFetchBlob.a(RNFetchBlob-a70a61ec5fbdd003117a6dd9c81d14ef.o)

❌  ld: 73 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64

❌  clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)


Edit (fix found 🚀 ): Here's the fix:

  1. removing libRNFetchBlob.a from Your_Project_Name > General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content (assuming you following the manual linked guide like I did)
  2. adding the pod directly to my share extension in my Podfile:
target 'py_project-share-extension' do
    :hermes_enabled => false,
    :flipper_configuration => flipper_config

  pod 'rn-fetch-blob', :path => '../node_modules/rn-fetch-blob'
  1. run pod install from the ios folder 🤞🏾

The issue seemed to be that because I was already linking the pods directly (see pic below) I didn't need to manually add the libRNFetchBlob.a file. Here's what my final frameworks section looked like:

Screenshot 2023-05-29 at 11 14 51 PM