joltup / rn-fetch-blob

A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
MIT License
2.8k stars 770 forks source link

Unmaintained #666

Open Traviskn opened 3 years ago

Traviskn commented 3 years ago

I am no longer employed by the company behind Joltup, and I do not believe this library will be well-maintained for community usage. Even during my time working for Joltup, I was not able to dedicate the time necessary to keep up with PRs and questions. Unless something has significantly changed at Joltup, I don't expect issues or PRs to be addressed very quickly going forward.

At this point if there are those in the community who have the time and wherewithal to maintain rn-fetch-blob, I would recommend either forking this library and publishing it under a new name, or perhaps starting a new file transfer library from scratch using this library and other existing solutions as some inspiration. Considering that react native now supports the Blob API I think that there is a lot of bloat in rn-fetch-blob that could be stripped out. Expo File System continues to be a good alternative, relying on react native core functionality for file uploads, and only bridging native code for file downloads and local file management.

LouisJS commented 3 years ago

This is a very important news. There is so many projects that relies on it. We should mention it in the ReadMe and redirects user to Expo File System in Bare workflow. It shouldn't be just mention on an issue that is going to be lost !

cristianoccazinsp commented 3 years ago

Can we get yet another fork? This is really bad news, this library is extremely useful and using Expo just for file system access is overkill (considering all the stuff that has to be installed).

dommangetnicolas commented 3 years ago

Can we get yet another fork? This is really bad news, this library is extremely useful and using Expo just for file system access is overkill (considering all the stuff that has to be installed).

You don't need to use the entire Expo workflow. It is possible to install only certain blocks with Expo Unimodules.

cristianoccazinsp commented 3 years ago

It still means having a dependency with Expo, and also means having to wait for Expo to update their libs after each RN upgrade. I mean it's not the end of the world, and I understand there's an attempt to move more people into using expo, but it's a dependency I would really like to avoid if possible.

El jue., 26 de noviembre de 2020 11:43, Nicolas Dommanget-Muller <> escribió:

Can we get yet another fork? This is really bad news, this library is extremely useful and using Expo just for file system access is overkill (considering all the stuff that has to be installed).

You don't need to use the entire Expo workflow. It is possible to install only certain blocks with Expo Unimodules

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sylvanaar commented 3 years ago

Wow! what awful governance. To take an important and well-used library, and just neglect it. Why take it over in the first place, and why not find a maintainer for it before you just abandon it?

skyliwq commented 3 years ago

react-native-blob-courier new open source project no one has ever heard of

alpha0010 commented 3 years ago

Just started drafting out a new filesystem library: . Scope is file operations and download url directly to disk. Uses Kotlin/Swift. Low impact on app size (approx. 200 lines native code per platform). (Note: no "production ready" stamp yet. Use at your own risk, or wait while I continue testing it.)

lumberman commented 3 years ago

issue #666

caojianfeng commented 3 years ago

There are so many issues and pull requires . I think we need a group of maintainers. Can you join my org: or found a new one?

I had sent an invite to you. So we can maintain it on

RonRadtke commented 3 years ago

I decided to frok it and started fixing some stuff and integrated some pull requests. Including Support for Android > API 28 You can find it here: If there is some interest in I would put ot on npm too

nixoschu commented 3 years ago

I can totally understand if someone drops the maintenance on a repo no matter the cause. But this repo still has around ~100k downloads a week which makes it very vital to a lot of people.

So what exactly is the go to from here ?

Using expo or part of the unimodules seems kind of an overkill if you want to download a single file somewhere.

There are a lot of answers with other repos or forks that can work in a same way, but (no front to anyone) who can guarantee support on one of these.

Wouldn't it be a good option to get in touch with e.g. react-native-community (or else) so this repo maybe gets some more "official" support since downloading, uploading and storing files is a very common task for a lot of apps.

Anyway, a statement on how to proceed with this repo for the developers using it would be very much appreciated.

cristianoccazinsp commented 3 years ago

I agree on putting this under the react-native-community umbrella to get some additional support. This library is vital to pretty much any RN project and using Expo or Unimodules is a pain in the neck and overkill.

React Native is great, but having to constantly keep up with dependencies going stale / getting unmaintained is quite an issue nowadays.

RonRadtke commented 3 years ago

@nixoschu I forked it and will maintain it there. So far I added the implementation for windows and support for Android 10, 11. Also I changed it so we get feedback for Android if there is no app to open a file with. You can find it here: or The next days I also will update the Readme for new installation hints, etc. If anyone wants to help maintaining I'm always open for help!

Edit: alos @cristianoccazinsp since you where slightly faster with answering...

flashman2 commented 3 years ago

Hey @Traviskn

This library is forked from original react-native-fetch-blob In 2017 original library lost support/maintenance But as everyone can see, in the main page of this library added a note: / This repository no longer is the main location of "react-native-fetch-blob". The owners of this fork have agreed to maintain this package: That means issues and PRs should be posted there. /

What's the next home for this library? Can you please add the same note to README? There is a few people in the comments who want to maintain this library. Who will be "official" supporter?

pke commented 3 years ago it is for me. It's actively developed and improved.

wumke commented 3 years ago

Since @RonRadtke forked this project and it is fully compatible I'd suggest putting this link as maintained and compatible substitute in the README of this project:

I also suggest @RonRadtke updates the readme of his fork such that it mentions that his package is a substitute for, which is a substitute for

This way users find their way to a maintained fully compatible fork. => @flashman2 : you can use

@Traviskn : Please make one final update to the readme as described above... (And thanks for picking up and maintaining the initial project up to here!)

billnbell commented 3 years ago

Hey, can you add release numbers and put into NPM?

You can find it here: or

RonRadtke commented 3 years ago

@wumke I updated the readme of my project as you suggested. @billnbell for which project do you want release numbers? Mine or this one here

flashman2 commented 3 years ago

@RonRadtke Thank you! Great job. Glad that your fork is the new official home for this module! :)

billnbell commented 3 years ago

Whatever project is taking over, you should have release tags, and publish on NPMJS

RonRadtke commented 3 years ago

@billnbell Added a release. It's on NPM for quite a while already

kelset commented 3 years ago

Hey @RonRadtke thanks for deciding to take this on yourself, really appreciated!

Do you have a way I can reach out to you directly? I want to see if there are ways to make sure that things will be smoother on this next fork :)

(if you don't want to share your details here please just send me an email at 🤗)

RonRadtke commented 3 years ago

Hey @kelset , of course. I appreciate you wanting to help (or do a full background check on me) there :) You can contact under the following email address:

cristianoccazinsp commented 3 years ago

Hello all. Had to dig deep to find back this issue on my emails. Is it possible to update this repo in order to point to the new home of this fork?