joltup / rn-fetch-blob

A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
MIT License
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Fix for #183 #688

Closed alexnaiman closed 2 years ago

alexnaiman commented 3 years ago

Fixing #183

Removed all the requiring cycles by changing all to use directly the NativeModules

Thanks to

brian-perlego commented 3 years ago

Any update on approving the PR ?

zabojad commented 3 years ago

Hi there! If everything is OK, could be great to merge it really...

penghouho commented 2 years ago

Anything else we need to get this merge? thanks

peanudge commented 2 years ago

Please merge this pr~ 🥲. I don`t want to see warning about it.

clintisgoodboy commented 2 years ago

Please merge this pr~ 🥲. I don`t want to see warning about it.

rpenfold commented 2 years ago

This PR has already been merged to master. It hasn't yet been published to NPM; we're working on that. In the meantime you can point your package.json entry to the git commit or wait for the next package version. I'm hoping to publish a beta version in the next week or so that will contain this change and many others that have recently been merged.

hipages-ligang commented 2 years ago

Haven't publish to NPM?

rpenfold commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I apologize for the delay. It took a while to get the appropriate permissions and sort out a few things. I just published rn-fetch-blob@0.13.0-beta.1 as a beta package to NPM. Unfortunately, at the moment we are not particularly well-equipped to test thoroughly ourselves, so upgrade at your own risk. We intend to begin testing it internally with our software, but those tests should not be considered comprehensive.

Since inheriting this project, I am not familiar with testing strategies that have been used in the past. I'll continue to look into this and other solutions to enhance testability. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to this but I'm hoping to at least begin to regain some momentum.