joltup / rn-fetch-blob

A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
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using download manager without fetching #728

Open asphyxiar opened 3 years ago

asphyxiar commented 3 years ago

Hello, i need to use config but in my case, iam not fetching anything, bcuz i already have base64 string from my api so iam just writingFile. I've seen some examples where people chained the config and then used fetching on it. I tried it like this RNFetchBlob.config(configOptions).fs.writeFile(configfb.path, data, 'base64'); but this was not working. Without this iam not able to get the downloadmanager on android work. also ive tried to use just RNFetchBlob.config(configOptions); but the download manager is not triggering. Is there a way to trigger the download manager without having to use fetch on the command? thanks