joltup / rn-fetch-blob

A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
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[question] save file outside app bundle - persist file after app remove #758

Open nriccar opened 2 years ago

nriccar commented 2 years ago


This is a simple question, not an issue.

I read the documentation and I did not find anything about this, and I tried with different file locations and the file always gets removed when the app is removed from the phone.

What I need to do is an offline backup of the app information. The intended functionality is to save this file - which Im already doing - and being able to recover it if the app is removed.

It would be great being able to share this file between different phones too.

Thanks for reading

retyui commented 2 years ago

Hi This module is unmentionable ⚠️! please use fork:

nriccar commented 2 years ago

Will do! However, do you know the answer to the question?

Should I post the same issue on that repo?


RonRadtke commented 2 years ago

Just since I'm reading it now. it's possible with my version by e.g. using the media provider part and storing it to the public downloads folder (Android)