joltup / rn-fetch-blob

A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
MIT License
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Typescript is not updated for RNFetchBlobWriteStream's write() method #824

Open andresmejia3 opened 1 year ago

andresmejia3 commented 1 year ago

Version: 0.12.0

In the documentation it says "Since version 0.10.9 write() resolves with the RNFetchBlob instance so you can promise-chain write calls", but in the typescript index it shows that write resolves with a void promise.

export interface RNFetchBlobWriteStream {
    id: string;
    encoding: string;
    append: boolean;

    write(data: string): Promise<void>;
    close(): void;

The library still works, but it trips up intellisense. Are you open to accepting pull requests? Thanks again for the great library!