joltup / rn-fetch-blob

A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
MIT License
2.8k stars 767 forks source link

⚠ Please archive this repository and link to the new fork ⚠ #863

Open laurent22 opened 4 months ago

laurent22 commented 4 months ago

Joltup, when you forked the original react-native-fech-blob package the owner of the repo agreed to archive it and link to your project.

Now that you have abandoned the project too, please have the same courtesy - archive it and link to the latest fork, probably

This ensures that developers don't waste time implementing your package or creating pull requests that you will never merge, and ensures that the active fork gets the attention it deserves (and the pull requests and donations).

Tagging the last committer @rpenfold

rpenfold commented 4 months ago

That is valid feedback. While we use this library extensively for our core products and have ambitions of revitalizing and improving it, during the last few years our organization hasn't had the resources to regularly maintain or upgrade the package. On and off I've brought it up that we need to either dedicate resources, find a new maintainer, or archive it. The conversation never really goes anywhere. I'll bring it up again and push a little harder on a final decision. Thank you for the feedback.

laurent22 commented 4 months ago

Many thanks for your answer, much appreciated. It would be nice if the package can start being maintained again but indeed that represents a lot work