jolupa / stdbgames

A database for all Stadia Games created with CodeIgniter4 and Sqlite3
MIT License
6 stars 3 forks source link

Developers page #11

Open jos3s opened 3 years ago

jos3s commented 3 years ago

How about adding a side carousel to the home page of the website with developers who have already released games on Stadia or who are yet to launch?

jolupa commented 3 years ago

Let me made some tests, but I don't see it on the front page.

jolupa commented 3 years ago

I was thinking that adding this to the web is best suited to do a carousel with the Devs logos, so I need to implement a new entry on the database for that. Is doable? Yes. It needs time.

jos3s commented 3 years ago

You could add the logo little by little, since it is possible to create this page without a logo, you would do a development in stages: first this new page with the carousel and then adding the logo of the developers