jolupa / stdbgames

A database for all Stadia Games created with CodeIgniter4 and Sqlite3
MIT License
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Fix for user library error conflicting with the wishlist. #14

Closed Harrk closed 3 years ago

Harrk commented 3 years ago

Wishlist is only rendered when there are no errors. Because I have no games in my library an error is being raised which conflicts with the wishlist. As a result the wishlist also believes there are no games.

I've opened a PR to resolve the issue, though it bypasses the errors altogether. Also I've renamed the wishlist variable within the foreach loop to avoid confusion and unwanted side effects. Also note this hasn't been tested as I don't have your project set up.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hi thanks for the patch I didn't saw it before because apple shuts down my email account and can verify the patches, tomorrow I will try it on local machine but I think they're ok. I will be continue the project on here thanks a lot!!

Harrk commented 3 years ago

@jolu-pa No probs! FYI, I sent you a PM on Twitter regarding an authentication bug that I came across. 🕵️‍♂️

ghost commented 3 years ago

DM answered! I will try to fix all later! When I come out of work! Also thanks a lot!