jolupa / stdbgames

A database for all Stadia Games created with CodeIgniter4 and Sqlite3
MIT License
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Idea: Add a chart to demonstrate the price variation #8

Closed jos3s closed 3 years ago

jos3s commented 3 years ago

It would be better for viewing if the price history could be viewed as a line graph

jolupa commented 3 years ago

Is a good idea and I try at the beginning to use (I think it was chart.js) but my null JavaScript compression makes a little difficult to integrate the chart and scroll it when we have a lot of entries with prices. But I can look at it, there's no problem... Also if you can help with this could be great! 😀

jos3s commented 3 years ago

I would love to help, but I will not be of much help, my knowledge with web development is totally basic and would not help much. But it’s good that you want to try to make the graphics again

jolupa commented 3 years ago

Added chart deals on last commit a939aa409ee9398a5a4832be9cf061d848124c30 Now I'm open to make some tweaks if it's possible.