jombo23 / N64-Tools

N64 Tools
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N64 Soundtool Looping Predictor(s) bug for SM64 #2

Open Mosky2000 opened 5 years ago

Mosky2000 commented 5 years ago

I found a strange bug when it comes to importing an instrument into Mario 64. Whenever I get to slot 0030 to import the strings from the game, the secondary predictor starts to bug out the values for the loops and when I play it in-game, all I get is a earrapy string sound. I always make sure that I imports all my sounds right and I don't know why this happens. It only happens on this peculiar slot. It can also do the same thing to the previous predictor since I've done this many times before. This can be easily seen with the photos here. The bugged one is how it appeared when I opened the rom again in soundtool. I really hope that a fix can come by for this. bugged

how it s supposed to be

CrashOveride95 commented 5 years ago

There are no plans to modify the source to any of these programs

Mosky2000 commented 5 years ago

Oh. That's such a bummer. Thanks for answering btw. I actually found a way to fix the bug just by exporting the instrument sample in another program and then re importing it back.

SubDrag commented 4 years ago

I took a quick look, for the record, I can't recreate this. I just added sounds in bank 0x25, till hit 0x30, add sound to end, and inject, and the ROM looks ok as are the loop values. So I guess I would need a concise way to recreate, starting at the original ROM, exact steps on what you did to cause the issue, what sounds imported, etc, simplest way