jombo23 / N64-Tools

N64 Tools
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Sounds are possibly cutoff #9

Open skeddles opened 4 years ago

skeddles commented 4 years ago

I used this tool to export all the sounds from dotsubo no mori, using the preset. There were ~4000 total, but I removed the duplicates which brought it down to 900. Looking through them, a lot seem to be cut off at the end, so they end abruptly which doesn't sound good. It's not all of them, but there are definitely a lot. I know some sounds are meant to be looped, but it's definitely happening on some that are not, such as a guitar pluck.

I'm guessing they are either

I just want to find out more, as I'm trying to make a complete collection of sounds from the game, but it's hard to identify all of them.

SubDrag commented 4 years ago

Hard to say, but it does use the EAD Zelda format, which is one of the more challenging ones. Maybe if you have some specific ones to look at that are cutoff, and ones that are not cutoff, to compare, by soundbank/instrument/sound specifics in editor.

skeddles commented 4 years ago


I think I just misunderstood how they are stored. It seems that they were ripped properly from how they were stored in the game, but they have loop points which the game uses to extend the note. I can tell the difference when I click "play" vs "loop" in the editor, this is an example of the piano [17_0008]: first being played, then looped.

I'm not sure about the ADSR (i assume that's attack/decay/sustain/release), is that being applied anywhere? Since the note ends abruptly both when playing or looping, it doesn't seem like there's any DSR, and attack would just fade in the note which doesn't seem necessary if there's loop points. There also seems to be ASDR being applied to the looping version (they seem to fade in), which doesn't really make sense to me. I'm guessing that when the games are played in game they are using both loop points and ASDR to play the full sound, because even non-instrument sounds are sometimes cut off and seem to require looping, like 1C_0003 (a cymbal crash).

There are also many sounds that don't seem to require looping, mostly drums and sound effects, which are fine being exported the way they are. They do still seem to all have "looping" checked off in the program though.

Ideally I'd like to find a way to rip the sounds so that it plays the note and then continues to loop it (so that custom ASDR can be applied without cutting the note short). Is this possible in this version of the program? It is possible for me to splice them together manually, but I want every sound so it would take too long to do each one (especially since they don't match up perfectly), and I don't see a way to extract the looping part other than recording it from the editor.

Any advice is appreciated.

SubDrag commented 4 years ago

The N64 Sound Tool will export the wav files with looping intact in the data (the loop points/counts). But most tools don't use the looping information. I believe Wavosaur is one that does read that information.

ADSR was never really able to be perfectly translated in EAD format as it is done a bit differently. There is an attempt to have it included in the soundbank, but it's not really that accurate to ingame.