jomibauer / unity

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objective manager #10

Open jomibauer opened 2 years ago

jomibauer commented 2 years ago

Hidden UI element that tracks our objectives during a chapter. This would be what knows whether we've satisfied victory conditions, but also whether we've met conditions for unit recruitment, side chapters, or special events.

jomibauer commented 2 years ago

Some ideas for objectives: (note: these originally were intended for the procedurally generated version of this game, but these can be adapted to this game pretty easily)

Roaming mid-bosses : strong enemies that might follow you around, getting stronger at subsequent encounters Character unlocks: quest lines that you have to follow/ complete in a particular run to unlock characters in later runs. Like a jailed soldier who you can free and then in other runs you can find them free. You could do simple ones which can be solved in one map, but also more complicated ones with 2-3 steps that have to be completed across multiple battles. Same idea for weapon unlocks and item unlocks. Quests for these kinds of unlocks can be like:

A kind of morality system: certain encounters offer binary good and evil choices: pillage or fortify a village. Protect or attack a caravan. Attack a Well Snake or provide it with a sacrifice. Doing good or evil stuff can influence the types or units that will join you or that you encounter, as well as the types of enemies you might encounter. This could be a way for players to influence or “build” their run. Different types of vendors: Classic vendors that sell items for gold vs a sort of investment system where you give gold in exchange for the possibility of certain events (like curses on enemy units, certain types of units appearing on the map, the chance to recruit units to your army) Ghosts that disguise themselves as useful items: piles of weapons or gold that you can interact with to either get the item or get attacked by a ghost, then get the item after killing the ghost. Maybe there can be a system where you can like position an enemy next to the pile and attack it with splash damage to scare off the ghost before it attacks. (can’t attack the pile directly before it appears as a ghost, so this adds a bit of a mini challenge for players who know about the mechanic but that isn’t totally necessary) Weather conditions: like rain, fog of war, sandstorms (enemies reinforce seemingly out of nowhere.) Terrain: beneficial and negative terrain. Forests and castles, but also poison swamps and marshes that slow movement. Generator buildings: stationary targets on maps that spawn reinforcements until they’re destroyed Unit combinations: something like dual attacks from crono trigger. Certain units can do special attacks when adjacent that have special effects. Puzzles: doors that unlock when a unit waits on a switch nearby. Chests hidden behind a wall accessible only by a particular teleporter tile. instead of teleports, why not use tubes Resource management: keys for unlocking doors, jails, chests. food/supplies that functions as a cap on max army size. Weapons degrade after a certain number of uses.

jomibauer commented 2 years ago

i guess there should be a quest controller that gets the quests for each level. there are two types of quests, ones you complete before a chapter start, ones you complete in the course of a chapter.

for ones you complete before a chapter itll work like: There'll be a check before the level loads, and itll see if you pass the quests based on x,y or z criteria. This'll be for stuff like alternate or extra levels.

the other types are just your standard fire emblem quests, things like recruiting units, rescuing villages or getting to chests, etc. a little more variety could be fun, see above comment for ideas.

I think quests will be loaded into scriptable objects at teh start of a level, and it'll have listeners for its objectives. each objective is a bool field.

I think this works. I don't know if its that resource intensive to post notifications after events like that. I think what I'd need to do is post like every action that happens, as in, evey unit i kill, everyone i talk to, all the loot i get, money i accumulate, units i recruit, supports I have etc. Idk i need to draw this out i think.