jomwells / ambilights

Custom Home Assistant (Light) Component for Ambilight LED's on Philips Android TV's
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custom updater #3

Closed h4nc closed 5 years ago

h4nc commented 5 years ago

Would be nice to see this integrated in custom updater.

nstrelow commented 5 years ago Link for reference

Actually not that hard, you only have to add a custom_components.json and put some links to the files on GitHub inside.

As an example:

h4nc commented 5 years ago

Nice, so do you add this to your next version? And also update the docs?

nstrelow commented 5 years ago

I am not the developer of this repo :P

Ask @jomwells

h4nc commented 5 years ago

In the meanwhile custom updater is depricated.

Could you add support for HACS?

jomwells commented 5 years ago

Again, my fault for constantly being behind on HA updates, looking into it now đź‘Ť

jomwells commented 5 years ago

I've split up the repos and (hopefully) added support for HACS for all three components, could you let me know if it is working for you using hacs custom repositories, and if it's all working I will see if I can get them added to the default list

h4nc commented 5 years ago

Just tested. It's works (installed ambihue and ambilights). However I did not try installing Ambilight+Yeelight as I don't have those lights.

Great work thanks!

jomwells commented 5 years ago

Perfect, thanks!

h4nc commented 5 years ago

@jomwells Found one issue with ambihue

in switch.yaml


- platform: philips_ambihue

now the example has to be changed to:

- platform: philips_ambilight+hue

jomwells commented 5 years ago

Good spot, fixed đź‘Ť Thanks

h4nc commented 5 years ago

it stills shows up at the hacs page of ambi hue. Don't know when or how that page refreshes, but could cause confusion.

jomwells commented 5 years ago

Yeah it will for a while, I haven’t quite figured that out yet either, but restarting ha seemed to fix it for me, it just needs to pull the new, all new users will see the updated text :)

h4nc commented 5 years ago
