jon-harper / E34M1

EVA 3 modified for the Mercury One.1 3D printer
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Created rear_inlet_single_Papst_RLF35 #25

Closed cuiviemen closed 7 months ago

cuiviemen commented 7 months ago

Created rear_inlet_single_Papst_RLF35 normal and beacon variants. Widened rear/screw_cap pip to make it press fit better.

cuiviemen commented 7 months ago

I haven't added CAD/rear/rear_inlet_single_Papst_RLF35.step into main CAD/EVA 3 Master V2 v26.step

cuiviemen commented 7 months ago

Both variants have sacrificial supports built in. STLs are print oriented.

cuiviemen commented 7 months ago

USB Beacon cable should be routed like this: DSC_0185

jon-harper commented 7 months ago

Looks good to me! Did you want to include a STEP? You mentioned it further up.

EDIT: I missed. APPROVED. :-)