jon-myers / idtp

An Interactive Digital Transcription Platform for Hindustani Music
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Etic and articulation based phrase markings #383

Open Dard-Neuman opened 6 months ago

Dard-Neuman commented 6 months ago

Have button to automatically create phrases (lines): 1) after every silence (non-transcribed space) and/or; 2) on every articulation, and/or; 3) every phrase grouping. Analyst can still code.

jon-myers commented 6 months ago

2) What would be considered an articulation for these purposes? Probably not krintin. But plucks? Every consonant?

3) Not sure what is meant by "phrase grouping"

jon-myers commented 4 months ago

phrase grouping = "groups"

jon-myers commented 4 months ago

for # 2: Pluck, consonant, and any vocal non-consonant following a silence.

jon-myers commented 4 months ago

The point of #3 might be to prevent #2 in certain situations. You could basically have an option to prevent 2 from chopping up a group, if you so desire.