jonahbron / angular-owl-carousel

**ARCHIVED**: This library is for AngularJS. Neither that framework nor this library should be used at this point in time.
43 stars 36 forks source link

Missing automatic bower includes - grunt serve #9

Open adskiremote opened 8 years ago

adskiremote commented 8 years ago


I found that running grunt serve didn't include all the js and css files necessary.

So I created a bower.json file.

As follows...

{ "name": "owlcarousel", "main": ["owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js", "owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css", "owl-carousel/owl.theme.css"], "license": "MIT", "ignore": [ "package.json" ], "keywords": [ "owlcarousel", "javascript", "browser", "library" ] }

vtombesi commented 8 years ago

Don't create a bower.json file for the package, it's the wrong way to do this. You should add this to your own bower.json, to point to the main files of the package. You won't need this when the package bower.json is updated with the "main" entry.

"overrides": { [...] "owlcarousel": { "main": [ "owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js", "owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css", "owl-carousel/owl.transitions.css", "owl-carousel/owl.theme.css" ] } },

In this way you are overriding package bower.json indications about the main files, and providing them yourself.