jonallured / dotfiles

Here be my dotfiles
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Week 37 - magneto #148

Closed jonallured closed 4 years ago

jonallured commented 4 years ago

Terminal Stuff

Filesystem Housekeeping

Check for Updates

Stay in Sync

Finishing Up

jonallured commented 4 years ago


``` + brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated Homebrew from 5194870b9 to 4a3442d1a. Updated 2 taps (homebrew/core and homebrew/cask). ==> New Formulae base91 codespell go@1.12 libsigc++@2 wiiuse ==> Updated Formulae activemq afflib allure amazon-ecs-cli amtk angular-cli anjuta ansible ansible-lint ant apache-arrow apache-geode apr-util armadillo ask-cli atk atkmm atlantis autorest avro-c avro-cpp avro-tools aws-okta azure-cli babel badtouch baobab bash-snippets bedtools berkeley-db bind biogeme bitcoin boost boost-bcp boost-build boost-mpi boost-python boost-python3 breezy buildifier buku cairomm certbot cfn-lint cglm cimg citus cmake cnats cointop collector-sidecar conan conjure-up consul-template convox cppcheck credstash cryptol crystal-icr cucumber-cpp curl-openssl deno dialog dita-ot dive dnscrypt-proxy dnsperf docker docker-completion docker-compose docker-machine docker-machine-completion doctl doitlive dtc dub efl emscripten enchant eralchemy etcd ettercap exim exploitdb fabric fb-client fdroidserver ffmpeg ffmpeg@2.8 ffsend file-roller firebase-cli flac flintrock flow flyway folly freetds frpc frps frugal gdal gdcm gdk-pixbuf gdl gedit getdns ghc git git-quick-stats git-series gjs gkrellm glib glib-networking glib-openssl glibmm glooctl gmic go gobby godep golang-migrate gradle graph-tool graphene groonga grpc gsettings-desktop-schemas gsmartcontrol gspell gst-plugins-bad gstreamermm gtk+3 gtkmm gtkmm3 gtksourceview4 gtksourceviewmm gtksourceviewmm3 gtranslator gwenhywfar hadolint hashpump helmfile hfstospell hledger httpd hub hugo hydra icarus-verilog inlets innotop ipmitool ipv6calc irssi isync janet jenkins jpeg-turbo jsonrpc-glib lasso lastpass-cli lazydocker ldapvi ledger lgogdownloader libarchive libbitcoin libbitcoin-client libbitcoin-explorer libbitcoin-protocol libbitcoin-server libcouchbase libdap libdazzle libevent libevhtp libewf libgda libglademm libgnomecanvasmm libmypaint liboauth libogg libopendkim libp11 libpeas libpq libpqxx libpulsar librdkafka librealsense librsvg libsecret libsigc++ libssh libssh2 libstrophe libtorrent-rasterbar libvirt libvmaf libvoikko libwebsockets libxml++ libxml++3 libxmlsec1 libzdb lighttpd links lmod lxc magic-wormhole mame mariadb mariadb-connector-c mariadb-connector-odbc mariadb@10.0 mariadb@10.1 mariadb@10.2 mariadb@10.3 maven maxwell megatools mercurial micronaut midnight-commander mill miller minio-mc mitmproxy mkl-dnn mkvtoolnix monero monkeysphere mosquitto mutt mycli mydumper mysql-client mysql-connector-c++ mytop ncmpcpp neo4j neomutt netdata nghttp2 node nsd nss ntl oath-toolkit ocrmypdf opencv opencv@2 opencv@3 openimageio openldap opensaml opusfile orc-tools ori osquery osslsigncode paket pango pangomm pcb2gcode pdftk-java percona-server percona-toolkit percona-xtrabackup pgcli php php-cs-fixer php@7.1 php@7.2 picard-tools pijul pioneer postgresql postgresql@10 postgresql@9.4 postgresql@9.5 postgresql@9.6 prefixsuffix presto profanity proj pspg psqlodbc pulseaudio pulumi pygobject3 pypy pypy3 python qt quickjs rclone readline robot-framework rom-tools root rpm rtmpdump ruby rust rustup-init s3ql salt sbt sccache shibboleth-sp signal-cli simple-scan singular sip skaffold skopeo snort source-highlight sourcekitten spdylay spice-gtk ssh-permit-a38 sslsplit sstp-client starship step strongswan subversion subversion@1.8 svtplay-dl swagger-codegen swagger-codegen@2 swi-prolog sync_gateway synfig sysbench talloc tectonic telegraf telegram-cli teleport template-glib termius terraform terragrunt tflint thrift tile38 topgrade tor unbound upscaledb vala valabind vim vim@7.4 virgil vte3 vulkan-headers watchman webtorrent-cli weechat widelands wine wireguard-tools wtf xml-security-c xml-tooling-c xmount xmrig xrootd xsimd yelp-tools ykman you-get zim zint ==> Deleted Formulae cclive engine_pkcs11 httest konoha nordugrid-arc packetbeat postgres-xc voms Error: bat 0.12.1 already installed Error: fzf 0.18.0 already installed Error: heroku/brew/heroku 7.29.0 already installed Error: artsy/formulas/hokusai 0.5.7 already installed Error: macvim 8.1-157 already installed Error: the_silver_searcher 2.2.0 already installed Error: tmux 2.9a_1 already installed Error: yarn 1.17.3 already installed ==> Upgrading 2 outdated packages: git 2.23.0 -> 2.23.0_1, hub 2.12.3 -> 2.12.4 ==> Upgrading git ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Pouring git-2.23.0_1.mojave.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions Emacs Lisp files have been installed to: /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/git ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.23.0_1: 1,543 files, 44.9MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.23.0... (1,543 files, 44.9MB) ==> Upgrading hub ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Pouring hub-2.12.4.mojave.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/hub/2.12.4: 36 files, 9.0MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/hub/2.12.3... (36 files, 9.0MB) Removing: /Users/jon/Library/Caches/Homebrew/hub--2.12.3.mojave.bottle.tar.gz... (4.6MB) ==> Caveats ==> git Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions Emacs Lisp files have been installed to: /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/git ==> hub Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions + set -e + asdf update From 65e88bb..54ef3be master -> origin/master HEAD is now at 58eaad8 Update version to 0.7.4 Updated asdf to release v0.7.4 + asdf plugin-update --all Updating nodejs... Already up to date. Current branch master is up to date. Updating python... Already up to date. Current branch master is up to date. Updating ruby... Already up to date. Current branch master is up to date. + asdf reshim + gem update --system Latest version already installed. Done. + npm install --global npm /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/bin/npx -> /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/bin/npm -> /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js > npm-pick-manifest@3.0.2 postinstall /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-pick-manifest > /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/.hooks/postinstall > read-cmd-shim@1.0.4 postinstall /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/read-cmd-shim > /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/.hooks/postinstall > npm@6.11.3 postinstall /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/npm > /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/.hooks/postinstall + npm@6.11.3 updated 3 packages in 4.981s + nuke_modules /Users/jon/code/artsy-cli/node_modules 117M cleaned up ```


``` + PlugClean Searching for invalid plugins in /Users/jon/.vim/plugs [=========================================================] Already clean. + PlugInstall Updated. Elapsed time: 1.354061 sec. [========================================================] - Finishing ... Done! - bufkill.vim: Already installed - fzf: Already installed - vim-hashrocket: Already installed - vim-rake: Already installed - vim-turbux: Already installed - vim-pug: Already installed - vim-ruby: Already installed - vim-textobj-user: Already installed - vim-scriptease: Already installed - vim-json: Already installed - vim-rsi: Already installed - tslime.vim: Already installed - vim-vividchalk: Already installed - vim-coffee-script: Already installed - vim-rhubarb: Already installed - vim-markdown: Already installed - vim-eunuch: Already installed - vim-vinegar: Already installed - vim-repeat: Already installed - vim-slim: Already installed - vim-git: Already installed - vim-commentary: Already installed - vim-blockle: Already installed - vim-endwise: Already installed - supertab: Already installed - vim-sleuth: Already installed - ack.vim: Already installed - vim-spacejam: Already installed - Already installed - vim-railscasts: Already installed - vim-unimpaired: Already installed - vim-headfirst: Already installed - vim-bdubs: Already installed - vim-rails: Already installed - vim-weefactor: Already installed - pgsql.vim: Already installed - vim-sensible: Already installed - gitv: Already installed - vim-irblack: Already installed - vim-fugitive: Already installed - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already installed - tabular: Already installed - vim-speeddating: Already installed - ale: Already installed - vim-bundler: Already installed - vim-haml: Already installed - splitjoin.vim: Already installed - vim-jsx: Already installed - vim-abolish: Already installed - vim-projectionist: Already installed - vim-ragtag: Already installed - vim-surround: Already installed - typescript-vim: Already installed - vim-javascript: Already installed - vim-cucumber: Already installed - vim-styled-components: Already installed + PlugUpdate Updated. Elapsed time: 3.888190 sec. [========================================================] - Finishing ... Done! - vim-styled-components: Already up to date. - vim-cucumber: Already up to date. - vim-javascript: Already up to date. - typescript-vim: Already up to date. - vim-surround: Already up to date. - vim-fugitive: create mode 100644 .github/FUNDING.yml - supertab: Already up to date. - bufkill.vim: Already up to date. - fzf: 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - vim-hashrocket: Already up to date. - vim-rake: Already up to date. - vim-turbux: Already up to date. - vim-pug: Already up to date. - vim-ruby: 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - vim-textobj-user: Already up to date. - vim-scriptease: Already up to date. - vim-json: Already up to date. - vim-rsi: Already up to date. - tslime.vim: Already up to date. - vim-vividchalk: Already up to date. - vim-coffee-script: Already up to date. - vim-rhubarb: Already up to date. - vim-markdown: Already up to date. - vim-eunuch: Already up to date. - vim-vinegar: Already up to date. - vim-repeat: Already up to date. - vim-slim: Already up to date. - vim-git: Already up to date. - vim-commentary: Already up to date. - vim-blockle: Already up to date. - vim-endwise: Already up to date. - vim-sleuth: Already up to date. - ack.vim: Already up to date. - vim-spacejam: Already up to date. - Already up to date. - vim-ragtag: Already up to date. - vim-railscasts: Already up to date. - vim-unimpaired: Already up to date. - vim-headfirst: Already up to date. - vim-bdubs: Already up to date. - vim-rails: 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) - vim-weefactor: Already up to date. - pgsql.vim: Already up to date. - vim-sensible: Already up to date. - gitv: Already up to date. - vim-irblack: Already up to date. - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already up to date. - tabular: Already up to date. - vim-speeddating: Already up to date. - ale: Already up to date. - vim-bundler: Already up to date. - vim-haml: Already up to date. - splitjoin.vim: 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) - vim-jsx: Already up to date. - vim-abolish: Already up to date. - vim-projectionist: Already up to date. + PlugDiff 5 plugin(s) updated. [========================================================] Last update: ------------ - fzf: * 80b5bc1 [vim] Shell-escape `--color` option generated by fzf#wrap (2 days ago) - splitjoin.vim: * 98d3523 Merge pull request #151 from josa42/fix-spliting-map-inside-array (6 days ago) * 272a1f3 Fix splitting nested yaml objects inside an array (7 days ago) - vim-fugitive: * 35f1095 Expose completion helpers for subcommands (19 hours ago) * f5fc469 Ignore blank buffers in fugitive#Statusline() (4 days ago) * cb66611 Remove blank buffer FAQ entry (5 days ago) * 49287b6 Remove redundant autocommands (5 days ago) * ec918b9 Support blank buffers (5 days ago) * ff0eeac Document disabling global maps (5 days ago) * eb04d8b Standardize on "maps", not "mappings" (5 days ago) * 2d0df58 Fix `:Glog` (6 days ago) * 1937bc3 Experimental support for blank buffers (6 days ago) * d2837b1 Add sponsor button (6 days ago) * 10c54df Set b:git_dir for :terminal buffers (6 days ago) * 40bc5af Make universal maps global (6 days ago) * 68da9a2 Make :Glog and :Ggrep global (6 days ago) * 804957a Make :Gbrowse global (6 days ago) * cf88ce9 Make :Gmove and :Gremove global (6 days ago) * 2464b0c Make :Gcd global (6 days ago) * 77a732c Explicitly document :Git subcommands (6 days ago) * 64d106d Remove fugitive- prefix from command help topics (6 days ago) * c9d4ea7 Always use Git style path for (6 days ago) * 99ad1a8 Relocate 'path' adjustment (6 days ago) * 2eb6aac Adjust warning wording (6 days ago) * c80ffaf Don't override user :Gr (6 days ago) * 63a05a6 Remove 'tags' support (7 days ago) * 522d3d3 Make edit commands global (7 days ago) * b8c33aa Enable edit commands to work without git dir (7 days ago) * 39f9e2d Move IO functions with rest of API (7 days ago) - vim-rails: * a6dcabf More robust projection highlighting (3 days ago) - vim-ruby: * 1c70532 Loosen match for default 'path' (5 days ago) + PlugUpgrade + replug done ```