jonallured / dotfiles

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Week 17 - juggernaut #177

Closed jonallured closed 4 years ago

jonallured commented 4 years ago

Terminal Stuff

Filesystem Housekeeping

Check for Updates

Stay in Sync

Finishing Up

jonallured commented 4 years ago


``` + brew upgrade bat fzf gh git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 5 taps (heroku/brew, homebrew/core, homebrew/cask, homebrew/services and mongodb/brew). ==> New Formulae bootloadhid flash gmailctl quill tanka tengo trimage volta ==> Updated Formulae adwaita-icon-theme aliyun-cli ansible apib arduino-cli asciidoctor ask-cli aws-cdk aws-elasticbeanstalk aws-google-auth awscli azure-cli balena-cli ballerina bareos-client bartycrouch bazelisk benthos binaryen bind bindfs bitrise boot-clj buildkit calceph cargo-completion cassandra chakra chapel chromaprint chronograf chuck clojure-lsp closure-compiler codequery colordiff conan contentful-cli couchdb cypher-shell dafny davmail deno devspace dfmt diffoscope dmd dolt doxygen dscanner dub dune duplicity dvc ecl emscripten ethereum exodriver exploitdb fd feedgnuplot file-roller firebase-cli flow folly fonttools freeciv freediameter freetds funcoeszz futhark gatsby-cli gawk gcc gcc@4.9 gcc@5 gcc@6 gcc@7 gcc@8 genders geoipupdate geph2 gettext gforth git git-delta git-gui git-plus gjs glib glooctl gnu-smalltalk gnutls gobject-introspection grakn grex guile harfbuzz helm@2 helmfile helmsman heroku/brew/heroku heroku/brew/heroku-node httpie iam-policy-json-to-terraform imagemagick imagemagick@6 influxdb instead ipopt ipython jenkins jetty-runner jupyterlab kafka kapacitor kotlin krb5 kubecfg kubernetes-cli kyma-cli lazygit lgogdownloader libffi libfido2 libntlm libopenmpt libtorrent-rasterbar libuninameslist libuv libwbxml libyaml libzzip llvm llvm@6 llvm@7 llvm@8 llvm@9 lmod mariadb mariadb@10.2 mariadb@10.3 mbedtls megatools memcached micropython mksh mlpack moarvm mongodb/brew/mongocli mongodb/brew/mongodb-community@4.0 mono-libgdiplus mpop mu mujs mycli mysql-search-replace neomutt neon netlify-cli nginx nickle nift nlopt node nsd nuget numpy oclgrind ocrmypdf okteto oniguruma open-completion open-zwave openconnect openjdk@11 openrct2 opensaml openssl@1.1 openvpn operator-sdk p11-kit passenger pdftk-java perl perl@5.18 php php-code-sniffer php-cs-fixer php@7.2 php@7.3 phpstan phpunit pixman plantuml pnpm postgrest procs profanity proteinortho protoc-gen-go pulumi puzzles pygobject3 pympress pypy pypy3 qcachegrind questdb radare2 rakudo rakudo-star redis repo robotfindskitten rpm ruby ruby@2.6 s-nail sagittarius-scheme sbcl shibboleth-sp silk singular sispmctl skaffold snakemake snort solr squid src sslmate sslyze subversion tass64 telegraf termrec terragrunt testssl texmath thors-serializer timewarrior trafficserver trezor-agent triangle triton txr urh vale vault vim vnu wartremover wavpack winetricks wrangler write-good wumpus wxmaxima xclogparser xgboost xml-tooling-c xtensor yaegi yamllint yaws yaz yle-dl yosys yq z3 zeek zig ==> Updated Casks 0-ad 115browser 1password-cli 4k-youtube-to-mp3 a-better-finder-attributes abricotine activitywatch actual-odbc-pack adafruit-arduino adium adoptopenjdk air-video-server-hd aircall airdroid airflow airpass airqmon airserver alacritty alephone aliworkbench all-in-one-messenger alt-tab altair-graphql-client altserver alva amadeus-pro amadine amazon-music amazon-photos amazon-workdocs amazon-workspaces amethyst ananas-analytics-desktop-edition android-file-transfer android-ndk android-platform-tools android-sdk android-studio angry-ip-scanner anka-flow anki another-redis-desktop-manager anvil anydo anylist apache-couchdb apache-directory-studio apk-icon-editor appcode appgate-sdp-client appium appstudio aptanastudio aptible aquamacs archiver aria-maestosa aria2d ariang ark-desktop-wallet armory arq arrayfire arrsync artisan asciidocfx astah-professional astropad-studio atom audioslicer auryo authy autofirma autopkgr autumn avg-antivirus aviatrix-vpn-client avibrazil-rdm avidemux avira-antivirus avocode avogadro awa aware aws-vault axure-rp azure-data-studio backlog baiducloud baidunetdisk balenaetcher ballast bandage banking-4 banktivity banshee baritone barxtemp basecamp basictex bathyscaphe battlescribe bbc-iplayer-downloads bbedit beaker-browser beautune bee beersmith bestres bettertouchtool betwixt bibdesk bilimini bino biscuit bisq bit-slicer bitmessage bitrix24 bitshares bitwarden blink1control blisk blitz blobby-volley2 blockblock blockstack bluefish bonitastudiocommunity boom boom-3d boostnote bootxchanger borgbackup bossa box-drive box-edit box-sync boxer brackets brain-workshop brave-browser breakaway brewtarget bria bricklink-studio bricksmith brightness-sync brl-cad-mged bubo bunqcommunity-bunq burn butt buttercup cabal cacher cakebrew calcservice camed canary captain captin caption capto carbon-copy-cloner caret catch catlight cave-story ccmenu cctalk cellery cellprofiler cemu cerebro chalk chatmate-for-facebook chatmate-for-whatsapp chatology chatty cheatsheet chessx chromedriver chromium citra cleanmymac clementine clip-studio-paint clipy clock clockify clonk cloud-pbx cloudcompare cloudtv cncjs cncnet coccinellida cockatrice cocoapods cocoarestclient code-notes code42-crashplan collabshot colorpicker-skalacolor colorsnapper colortester colour-contrast-analyser comma-chameleon commander-one commandq controllermate controlplane copyq coqide cord corona-tracker coteditor couchpotato coverload cozy-drive creepy cronnix cryptomator cube cubicsdr cuda-z cumulus cura-lulzbot cutter cycling74-max cytoscape daedalus daemon-tools daily-english-listening darktable dash-dash dashcam-viewer dashlane dat datadog-agent datagrip datazenit datovka davmail db-browser-for-sqlite dbeaver-community dbglass dbkoda dbngin dcv-viewer dd-utility debookee deco deepstream default-folder-x deltawalker deluge detectx-swift detexify devdocs devonagent dexed dhs dia dialpad diashapes dictater dictionaries difffork digikam disk-arbitrator displaycal dissenter-browser djv djview do-not-disturb docker-toolbox dockstation dogecoin doly domainbrain dosbox dosbox-x doteditor double-commander downie dragthing drama drawbot drawio dremel-slicer drop-to-gif dropshare duckietv duet dukto duo-connect dupeguru duplicacy duplicacy-web-edition duplicati dust3d dvdstyler dwarf-fortress-lmp dynamodb-local eaglefiler ebmac eddie edfbrowser editaro eiskaltdcpp elasticwolf electerm electric-sheep electron electron-fiddle electrumsv eloston-chromium emailchemy emby-server empoche endless-sky engine-prime entropy envkey epic epic-games epub-to-pdf eqmac espresso eudic eurkey eve everweb exactscan exfalso exist-db exodus expo-xde extraterm falcon-sql-client family-tree-builder fanny fantasy-map-generator farrago fastrawviewer fedora-media-writer feem feishu fenix ferdi figtree fiji filedrop filepane find-any-file firecamp firefox flame flash-decompiler-trillix flashlighttool flic flightgear flipper flock flowdock flowsync fluor focus-booster focusatwill focused folding-at-home foldingtext foldit fontbase fontforge fontgoggles fontlab fontplop forecast fork forticlient fpcsrc framer franz freac fredm-fuse free-ruler freecad freecol freemind freenettray freeorion freeplane freesmug-chromium freeyourmusic frescobaldi frhelper fromscratch fsmonitor fsnotes fuse futuniuniu fuwari ganache ganttproject garagebuy gb-studio gcollazo-mongodb gdlauncher gearboy geektool geotag-photos-pro geph gephi get-backup-pro getrasplex gfortran ghost ghost-browser ghosttile gifox gifs gingko gisto gitbox gitfinder gitfox github gitkraken gitnote gitup glip glyphfinder glyphs gmvault gns3 gnucash go-agent go-server gobdokumente godot godot-mono gogs goldencheetah goldendict golly goofy google-chrome google-japanese-ime googleappengine gopass-ui gplates gpodder gpower gps4cam gpxsee gqrx gramps grandperspective graphicconverter gretl gridea grip grisbi growlnotify gswitch gtkwave guijs guild-wars2 gureumkim gzdoom ha-menu hab hacker-menu hackhands hackintool hammerspoon handshaker handylock haptic-touch-bar harmony haroopad harvest haskell-for-mac hazel hbuilder hbuilderx hdrmerge headset heimdall-suite helium hermes hex-fiend hipchat hma-pro-vpn houdahspot houseparty hstracker http-toolkit hubic hugin hydrogen hyper ibettercharge ibm-cloud-cli icab icestudio iconizer icq igdm iglance image2icon imagej imaging-edge imazing imazing-mini imgotv impactor indigo inkdrop inky insomnia inssider instant-articles-builder intel-haxm intelliscape-caffeine invesalius invisiblix inxmail-professional ionic-lab ios-app-signer iota-wallet ipe ipepresenter iris isabelle ishowu-instant istat-server itch ithoughtsx itk-snap itools itsycal itubedownloader itunes-volume-control ivideonclient ivideonserver j jabref jalbum jasp jasper jbrowse jd-gui jdk-mission-control jedit jedit-omega jeromelebel-mongohub jet joplin journey jubler julia jumpcut kactus kakapo kaku kaleidoscope kap katalon-studio keep-it keepassxc keeweb keka kext-updater kextviewr keybase keyboard-maestro keyboardcleantool keymanager keystore-explorer kid3 kindle kindle-comic-creator kindle-previewer kindlegen kinza kite kitematic kiwi-for-g-suite klatexformula klayout klokki knime knock knockknock knox koa11y koala kobo kode54-cog kodelife kotlin-native krita kstars kube-forwarder kubernetic lando lantern laravel-kit lark lastpass latexdraw latexit laverna lazarus lazpaint lbry league-displays league-of-legends leanote ledger-live lego-mindstorms-ev3 lektor lelivrescolairefr lens lepton librecad libreoffice libreoffice-language-pack liclipse lidarr lifesize lightgallery lightproxy lighttable lincastor line-bot-designer linear lingo listen1 livechat lmms local localdev lockdown lockrattler logdna-agent logdna-cli loginputmac logisim logitech-presentation logmein-hamachi logos loom loopback love lulu luminance-hdr luxmark luyten lynkeos maccy macdjview macdown macgdbp macpass macs-fan-control macsvg mactex mactex-no-gui macx-dvd-ripper-pro magicavoxel magiccap mailbutler mailmaster mailmate mailspring makehuman makemkv maltego malus malwarebytes mame mammon manta manuscripts manuskript marathon marginnote mark-text marked marshallofsound-google-play-music-player marvel marvin masscode masterway-note mate-translate mblock mcbopomofo mcedit media-converter mediaelch meld mellowplayer memory memory-map mendeley-reference-manager menubar-countdown menutube merlin-project meshcommander meshlab metabase metaz meteorologist mgba microblog microsoft-edge microsoft-excel microsoft-office microsoft-outlook microsoft-powerpoint microsoft-r-open microsoft-teams microsoft-word midikeys miditrail mikogo milanote milkytracker mimecast min mindforger minecraft minecraft-server minecraftpe mini-program-studio miniconda minizincide miro-formerly-realtimeboard mirrordisplays mission-control-plus mjml mjolnir mkchromecast mmex mnemosyne mochi mockoon mockplus mockuuups-studio modelio moneymoney mongotron monitorearth monogame monolingual moodo moonlight morpheus mos moscow-ml motion motrix movist-pro mpeg-streamclip mplayer-osx-extended mplayerx mpv mqtt-explorer mqttfx mu-editor mucommander mullvadvpn multifirefox mumble munki murus museeks musescore mweb my-budget my-image-garden mycloud mycrypto mylio mymonero nagbar nally namebench nano natron navicat-data-modeler navicat-data-modeler-essentials navicat-for-mariadb navicat-for-mysql navicat-for-oracle navicat-for-postgresql navicat-for-sql-server navicat-for-sqlite navicat-premium navicat-premium-essentials nbtexplorer ndm neofinder neteasemusic netiquette netnewswire netron netxms-console ngrok nheko night-owl nightingale nimble nodebox nodeclipse noisytyper nordvpn nosleep nosql-workbench-for-amazon-dynamodb nosqlclient notable notedup noteplan noti notion noto noun-project now nsregextester nuclear nucleo nuclino nulloy nvalt nvidia-geforce-now nzbget obs obyte oclint odio odrive ogdesign-eagle omegat omnidazzle omnifocus one-switch onedrive onenote-importer-preview oni onyx oolite open-ecard openarena openaudible openbazaar openboard openboardview openconnect-gui openemu openmsx openmtp openmw opennx openoffice openra openrct2 openrefine opensesame openshot-video-editor opensong opentoonz openvanilla openvisualtraceroute openwebstart openzfs optimal-layout origami-studio origin orka oryoki oscar osxfuse otter-browser outline-manager overflow oversight owasp-zap p4v packet-peeper packetsender pagico paintbrush paintcode pandora paperspace parse parsec particle-dev password-gorilla pastebot path-finder pd-l2ork pdf-expert pdfelement pdfelement-express pdfsam-basic penc pencil2d permute persepolis-download-manager pext pg-commander pgadmin4 phantomjs phoenix-slides phonegap photoninja pibakery pineapple pingid pinta play playback playmemories-home plex plex-media-player plexamp pliim plotdigitizer plover podolski poi pokerth polar-bookshelf pomotodo portfolioperformance postbox posterazor postgres postico postman powder-player powerpanel powershell praat preform presentation prismatik pritunl privatetunnel proclaim projectlibre protege protonvpn proximity proxyman prudent prusaslicer psi psi-plus pulse-sms puppetry purevpn pycharm-edu pyfa pynsource pyzo qbittorrent qblocker qcma qdslrdashboard qgis qgroundcontrol qlstephen qnapi qownnotes qtox qtpass qtspim qtum-qt quakespasm quassel querious quickbooks-online quip quodlibet qutebrowser qv2ray qxmledit rabbitmq race-into-space radarr radiant-player rambox ransomwhere rapidweaver raven razorsql rclone-browser react-proto react-studio redis refined-github-safari reggy reikey remote-desktop-manager remote-desktop-manager-free remoteviewer remotix-agent renamer resolume-arena retinizer retro-virtual-machine retroshare rhinoceros ricochet rider ridibooks ring roaringapps roblox robofont rocket-chat rodeo rotato routebuddy rowanj-gitx royal-tsx rssowl rstudio runjs runway ryver sabaki sabnzbd safarisort sage sameboy sapmachine-jdk satellite-eyes sauerbraten scala-ide scap-workbench scapple scidavis scidvsmac scilab scope scout screens-connect scribus script-debugger scrivener scrutiny seadrive seafile-client seaglass seamonkey segger-embedded-studio-for-arm sejda-pdf send-to-kindle sensei sensiblesidebuttons sequel-pro session session-manager-plugin setapp sfdx sharepod shift shiftit shifty shimo shoes shotcut showyedge shuttle sidequest sidestep sigil signal silentknight simple-comic simplesynth singularity skala-preview sketchpacks sketchup skim skreenics skyfonts skype slack slate slicer slimbatterymonitor slingplayer slite smlnj sneek snes9x snipaste snowflake-snowsql soapui socket-io-tester softmaker-freeoffice softraid softube-central solvespace sonic-visualiser sound-control sound-siphon soundcleod sourcetrail sourcetree sparkle sparkleshare spectacle spectacle-editor spectrum speedcrunch spek spillo spires splashtop-business splashtop-personal splashtop-streamer splice spotifree spotify spotspot springtoolsuite sql-tabs sqlectron sqlexplorer sqlpro-for-mssql sqlpro-for-mysql sqlpro-for-postgres sqlpro-for-sqlite sqlpro-studio squirrel squirrelsql ssh-tunnel-manager stack stand standard-notes starcraft startninja startupizer station steam steamcmd stella stellarium stepmania stoplight-studio storyboarder strawberry stretchly strongvpn studiolinkstandalone subler sublime-merge supercollider superduper superproductivity supertuxkart surge surge-synthesizer sweet-home3d swift-explorer swift-publisher swiftstack-client swifty swiftybeaver swish switchhosts synalyze-it-pro sync-my-l2p syncovery syncplay syncterm syncthing synfigstudio synthesia sysdig-inspect tableflip tableplus tabula tad tagger tagspaces tandem taskexplorer tbe tbs-studio tcl td-agent teambition teamdrive teamspeak-client teeworlds telavox-flow telegram-desktop tencent-lemon tenor termhere terminus termius texpad texstudio textexpander textmate texworks the-archive-browser the-battle-for-wesnoth the-cheat the-unarchiver thebrain thedesk there thingsmacsandboxhelper thonny thonny-xxl thor thumbsup thunder thyme tibco-jaspersoft-studio tickeys ticktick tidepool-uploader tifig tiger-trade tigervnc-viewer tikzit tiled timecamp timelane timely timemator timestamp timeular tinkerwell tinymediamanager tla-plus-toolbox todometer todotxt toggl toptracker torguard torrent-file-editor tortoisehg tower townwifi trailer trainerroad transmission transmit transtype tresorit tribler trim-enabler trinity triplecheese trolcommander tropy trufont tunnelbear tunnelblick tuntap tuple turbo-boost-switcher turbovnc-viewer turtl tusk tv-browser tvrenamer tweetbot tweeten twine twitch tysimulator uc-one ueli ultrastardeluxe uncolored unetbootin unison unite unity unity-android-support-for-editor unity-download-assistant unity-ios-support-for-editor unity-lumin-support-for-editor unity-webgl-support-for-editor unity-windows-support-for-editor universal-media-server unpkg upm utools utox uu-booster vagrant vagrant-manager vagrant-vmware-utility vassal vellum veracrypt veusz vidcutter videostream vienna vimr vip-access virtualbox virtualbox-extension-pack virtualgl visit visual visual-studio visual-studio-code visualboyadvance-m visualvm vitalsource-bookshelf vk-messenger vmpk vnote volt voodoopad vox vox-preferences-pane vscodium vsee vu vysor wallpaper-wizard waltr wanna wasabi-wallet waterfox waterfox-current wavebox webarchiveextractor webcamoid webcatalog webponize webpquicklook webtorrent weiyun weka wercker-cli whalebird whatsyoursign whoozle-android-file-transfer wickrme widelands wifispoof winds wineskin-winery wings3d wire wkhtmltopdf wko wondershare-filmora wordservice workflowy wpsoffice writefull wwdc x-moto x2goclient x48 xact xamarin-studio xamarin-workbooks xampp xaos xca xdm xee ximalaya xld xlink-kai xlplayer xquartz xscope yacreader yammer yandex yandex-cloud-cli yojimbo youdaonote youku yourkit-java-profiler yu-writer yy zalo zazu zeebe-modeler zeplin zeronet zettelkasten zettlr zoho-mail zoho-workdrive zoom-in zoomus zulip zxpinstaller ==> Deleted Casks capture-one font-cica hook Warning: bat 0.13.0_1 already installed Warning: fzf 0.21.1 already installed Warning: github/gh/gh 0.6.4 already installed Warning: artsy/formulas/hokusai 0.5.8 already installed Warning: hub 2.14.2 already installed Warning: macvim 8.2-163 already installed Warning: the_silver_searcher 2.2.0 already installed Warning: tmux 3.0a_1 already installed Warning: yarn 1.22.4 already installed ==> Upgrading 2 outdated packages: git 2.26.1 -> 2.26.2 heroku/brew/heroku 7.39.2 -> 7.39.3 ==> Upgrading git 2.26.1 -> 2.26.2 ==> Installing dependencies for git: gettext ==> Installing git dependency: gettext ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Pouring gettext-0.20.2.catalina.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats gettext is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local, because macOS provides BSD gettext. If you need to have gettext first in your PATH run: echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc For compilers to find gettext you may need to set: export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/gettext/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/gettext/include" ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/gettext/0.20.2: 1,923 files, 18.6MB ==> Installing git ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Pouring git-2.26.2.catalina.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats The Tcl/Tk GUIs (e.g. gitk, git-gui) are now in the `git-gui` formula. Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions Emacs Lisp files have been installed to: /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/git ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.26.2: 1,470 files, 44.8MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.26.1... (1,460 files, 44.8MB) Removing: /Users/jon/Library/Caches/Homebrew/git--2.26.1.catalina.bottle.tar.gz... (17.5MB) ==> Upgrading heroku/brew/heroku 7.39.2 -> 7.39.3 ==> Installing dependencies for heroku/brew/heroku: heroku/brew/heroku-node ==> Installing heroku/brew/heroku dependency: heroku/brew/heroku-node ==> Downloading 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/heroku-node/12.16.2: 3 files, 42.2MB, built in 4 seconds ==> Installing heroku/brew/heroku ==> Downloading ==> Caveats To use the Heroku CLI's autocomplete -- Via homebrew's shell completion: 1) Follow homebrew's install instructions NOTE: For zsh, as the instructions mention, be sure compinit is autoloaded and called, either explicitly or via a framework like oh-my-zsh. 2) Then run $ heroku autocomplete --refresh-cache OR Use our standalone setup: 1) Run and follow the install steps: $ heroku autocomplete Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/heroku/7.39.3: 18,762 files, 46.6MB, built in 27 seconds Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/heroku/7.39.2... (18,762 files, 46.6MB) Removing: /Users/jon/Library/Caches/Homebrew/heroku--7.39.2.tar.xz... (6.4MB) ==> Checking for dependents of upgraded formulae... ==> No dependents found! ==> Caveats ==> gettext gettext is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local, because macOS provides BSD gettext. If you need to have gettext first in your PATH run: echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc For compilers to find gettext you may need to set: export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/gettext/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/gettext/include" ==> git The Tcl/Tk GUIs (e.g. gitk, git-gui) are now in the `git-gui` formula. Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions Emacs Lisp files have been installed to: /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/git ==> heroku To use the Heroku CLI's autocomplete -- Via homebrew's shell completion: 1) Follow homebrew's install instructions NOTE: For zsh, as the instructions mention, be sure compinit is autoloaded and called, either explicitly or via a framework like oh-my-zsh. 2) Then run $ heroku autocomplete --refresh-cache OR Use our standalone setup: 1) Run and follow the install steps: $ heroku autocomplete Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions + set -e + asdf update Update command disabled. Please use the package manager that you used to install asdf to upgrade asdf. + nuke_modules cleaned up ```


``` + PlugClean Searching for invalid plugins in /Users/jon/.vim/plugs [=========================================================] Already clean. + PlugInstall Updated. Elapsed time: 1.618198 sec. [========================================================] - Finishing ... Done! - bufkill.vim: Already installed - fzf: Already installed - vim-hashrocket: Already installed - vim-rake: Already installed - vim-turbux: Already installed - vim-pug: Already installed - vim-ruby: Already installed - vim-textobj-user: Already installed - vim-scriptease: Already installed - vim-json: Already installed - vim-rsi: Already installed - tslime.vim: Already installed - vim-vividchalk: Already installed - vim-coffee-script: Already installed - vim-rhubarb: Already installed - vim-markdown: Already installed - vim-eunuch: Already installed - vim-vinegar: Already installed - vim-repeat: Already installed - vim-slim: Already installed - vim-git: Already installed - vim-commentary: Already installed - vim-blockle: Already installed - vim-endwise: Already installed - supertab: Already installed - vim-sleuth: Already installed - ack.vim: Already installed - vim-spacejam: Already installed - Already installed - vim-railscasts: Already installed - vim-unimpaired: Already installed - vim-headfirst: Already installed - vim-bdubs: Already installed - vim-rails: Already installed - vim-weefactor: Already installed - pgsql.vim: Already installed - vim-sensible: Already installed - gitv: Already installed - vim-irblack: Already installed - vim-fugitive: Already installed - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already installed - tabular: Already installed - vim-speeddating: Already installed - ale: Already installed - vim-bundler: Already installed - vim-haml: Already installed - splitjoin.vim: Already installed - vim-jsx: Already installed - vim-abolish: Already installed - vim-projectionist: Already installed - vim-ragtag: Already installed - vim-surround: Already installed - typescript-vim: Already installed - vim-javascript: Already installed - vim-cucumber: Already installed - vim-styled-components: Already installed + PlugUpdate Updated. Elapsed time: 5.619815 sec. [========================================================] - Finishing ... Done! - bufkill.vim: Already up to date. - fzf: 7 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 599 deletions(-) - vim-hashrocket: Already up to date. - vim-rake: Already up to date. - vim-turbux: Already up to date. - vim-pug: Already up to date. - vim-ruby: create mode 100644 spec/syntax/maxmempattern_limit_spec.rb - vim-textobj-user: Already up to date. - vim-scriptease: Already up to date. - vim-json: Already up to date. - vim-rsi: Already up to date. - tslime.vim: Already up to date. - vim-vividchalk: Already up to date. - vim-coffee-script: Already up to date. - vim-rhubarb: Already up to date. - vim-markdown: Already up to date. - vim-eunuch: Already up to date. - vim-vinegar: Already up to date. - vim-repeat: Already up to date. - vim-slim: Already up to date. - vim-git: Already up to date. - vim-commentary: Already up to date. - vim-blockle: Already up to date. - vim-endwise: 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) - supertab: Already up to date. - vim-sleuth: Already up to date. - ack.vim: Already up to date. - vim-spacejam: Already up to date. - Already up to date. - vim-railscasts: Already up to date. - vim-unimpaired: Already up to date. - vim-headfirst: Already up to date. - vim-bdubs: Already up to date. - vim-rails: Already up to date. - vim-weefactor: Already up to date. - pgsql.vim: Already up to date. - vim-sensible: Already up to date. - gitv: Already up to date. - vim-irblack: Already up to date. - vim-fugitive: Already up to date. - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already up to date. - tabular: Already up to date. - vim-speeddating: Already up to date. - ale: create mode 100644 test/terraform_files/ - vim-bundler: Already up to date. - vim-haml: Already up to date. - splitjoin.vim: create mode 100644 spec/plugin/jsx_spec.rb - vim-jsx: Already up to date. - vim-abolish: Already up to date. - vim-projectionist: Already up to date. - vim-ragtag: Already up to date. - vim-surround: Already up to date. - typescript-vim: Already up to date. - vim-javascript: Already up to date. - vim-cucumber: Already up to date. - vim-styled-components: Already up to date. + PlugDiff 5 plugin(s) updated. [========================================================] Last update: ------------ - ale: * 36e5337 Merge pull request #3117 from zoonfafer/vim-vimls (10 hours ago) |\ | * 60d683d Add vim-language-server linter support (21 hours ago) |/ * d2934ba Merge pull request #3121 from zoonfafer/scala-metals (22 hours ago) |\ | * e0181f8 linter/scala/metals: Fix return value of GetProjectRoot() (3 days ago) * | 36b5005 Add terraform-lsp integration (#2758) (24 hours ago) * | 3281321 Merge pull request #3027 from ndtho8205/fix-kotlinc-stderr (2 days ago) |\ \ | |/ |/| | * 46d7ee5 Fix 3011 - not catching kotlinc output on stderr (7 weeks ago) | * 8f7ccdc Refactor the "s:LoadArgCount()" function (#3025) (7 weeks ago) | * 634c81f Mention using 'hidden' in combination with ALEGoToDefinition (8 weeks ago) | * 8012809 Add default labels to issue templates (8 weeks ago) | * d6d2a0c Merge pull request #2986 from ndrewtl/patch-1 (2 months ago) | |\ | | * 07ee4d3 misc: change email address for @ndrewtl (3 months ago) | |/ | * 4afbf2f Merge pull request #2908 from af/patch-1 (4 months ago) | |\ | | * 31715ff Fix for incorrect eslint output parsing for graphql files (5 months ago) | * | 72d2c55 Mypy: try to find folder containing mypy.ini to use as cwd. (#2385) (4 months ago) | * | 57eba1a Fix the build (4 months ago) | * | 8c4c8df Fix #2704 - Show mypy notes; can be disabled (4 months ago) | * | 0cb432c Add TypeScript autoimport support for deoplete (#2779) (4 months ago) | * | 874c98b Make it more obvious you can use popup in completeopt now (4 months ago) | * | 7a4f5ce Merge pull request #2942 from PsiPhire/master (4 months ago) | |\ \ | | * | 4cbe161 Allow popup to be used instead of preview in completeopt (4 months ago) | * | | 6ad8836 Merge pull request #2937 from kevinoid/eslint-run-from-project-root (4 months ago) | |\ \ \ | | * | | 9ee57d4 Run ESLint from project root dir where possible (4 months ago) | | |/ / | * | | 8148a67 Documented g:ale_hover_to_preview (4 months ago) | * | | 25e4575 Merge pull request #2828 from akhilman/hover-to-preview (4 months ago) | |\ \ \ | | |/ / | |/| | | | * | 31d6f72 Add option to show hover messages in preview. (6 months ago) | * | | 5f84325 Add a Help Wanted message in case people are interested (5 months ago) | * | | d8195e9 Merge pull request #2910 from hsanson/2891-fix-eslinter-json-parser (5 months ago) | |\ \ \ | | |_|/ | |/| | | | * | 5f95d03 Fix 2891 - eslint not showing errors. (5 months ago) | |/ / | * | b91d82b Merge pull request #2847 from DonnieWest/allowUserToCustomizeItems (5 months ago) | |\ \ | | * | e2a6781 Add tagged entry for symbols to documentation (6 months ago) | | * | e6ee613 Switch variables to dictionary key (6 months ago) | | * | 6637de4 Add scriptencoding to `completion.vim` (6 months ago) | | * | 5985f8b Fix typo (6 months ago) | | * | 9779214 Add documentation for ale-symbols feature (6 months ago) | | * | 0b5fcba Allow the user to set their own completion values (6 months ago) | * | | 9005a62 Clean up the nimpretty code (5 months ago) | * | | 7665559 Merge pull request #2660 from YPCrumble/master (5 months ago) | |\ \ \ | | * | | ea91209 Allow the use of StandardX for StandardJS linting and fixing. See (6 months ago) | | * | | cf5120b Remove standardts fixer in favor of allowing standard.vim fixer to handle JavaScript or TypeScript options. (6 months ago) | | * | | 79e9ae4 Make sure README and docs are synced. (6 months ago) | | * | | 9017d3e Add StandardJS for TypeScript linting and fixing. (6 months ago) | * | | | 66a8df0 Merge pull request #2890 from nhanb/master (5 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ | | * | | | abad8e4 add nimpretty fixer (5 months ago) | | | |/ / | | |/| | | * | | | b76165a Merge pull request #2889 from zigford/powershell-7-errorview (5 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ | | |/ / / | |/| | | | | * | | f09cc26 Default errorview in pwsh7 now concise (5 months ago) | |/ / / | * | | db6b1b5 Switch from style to transformers (#2838) (6 months ago) | * | | a273b9c Fix a test failing in AppVeyor (6 months ago) | * | | f11f6a2 Merge pull request #2887 from tamago324/add-nimcheck-end_col-options (6 months ago) | |\ \ \ | | * | | dfbb387 Add nimcheck end_col options (6 months ago) | * | | | bde9b1c Revert "Add definition of c/clangd's language as C (#2791)" (6 months ago) | * | | | 5eefe54 Merge pull request #2617 from robindar/master (6 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ | | |/ / / | |/| | | | | * | | e19b8c0 Fix crystal-lang non file-tied message handling (6 months ago) | * | | | 2d9380d Merge pull request #2690 from iclanzan/purty (6 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ | | * | | | f89b49a Add purty fixer. (8 months ago) | * | | | | e259dd5 Merge pull request #2819 from greg0ire/psalm_extra_options (6 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | 95b8689 Add the possiblity to add extra psalm options (7 months ago) | * | | | | | 9a0b604 Fix the test issues with html-beautify (6 months ago) | * | | | | | 47eb3dd Add support for html-beautify (#2788) (6 months ago) | * | | | | | af8c851 fixers/stylelint: enhance `stylelint` fixer (#2745) (6 months ago) | * | | | | | 0d4dfb6 Merge pull request #2700 from elebow/clangcheck-no-color-diagnostics (6 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | |_|_|_|/ / | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | 6260256 clangcheck: Add -fno-color-diagnostics (7 months ago) * | | | | | | 64b9a27 Merge pull request #3098 from tarikgraba/verilator-columnn (3 days ago) |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | * | | | | | | 00eee55 Adds column number to the verilator verilog linter (3 days ago) * | | | | | | | 1f9ac1c Fix the cursor tests, that stop tests running (3 days ago) * | | | | | | | 93a13d7 Broken message in pycodestyle (or any other Linters whose name include 'code') (#3114) (3 days ago) |/ / / / / / / * | | | | | | 198361b Merge pull request #2681 from mynomoto/clj-kondo-cache (4 days ago) |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | * | | | | | | 9ee8067 Use cache for clj-kondo linter (9 months ago) | | |_|_|/ / / | |/| | | | | * | | | | | | dc054f3 Merge pull request #2823 from jeremija/do-not-save-on-autoimport (4 days ago) |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | * | | | | | | 4937053 Add old check for bufline api (4 months ago) | * | | | | | | 463deed Merge branch 'master' into do-not-save-on-autoimport (6 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | | |/ / / / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | 67d0ccc Fix #2835 - Bump up the sign group version check for NeoVim (6 months ago) | | * | | | | | c064674 Mention the disabled option for message severity (6 months ago) | | * | | | | | 5e69aaf Adding support for LSP `window/showMessage` method (#2652) (6 months ago) | | * | | | | | 9125ec8 Merge pull request #2845 from DonnieWest/fixItemDetailsOnEmptySource (6 months ago) | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | | * | | | | | 8698c44 Fix tsserver not returning details for items with empty source (6 months ago) | | * | | | | | | 99e64ed Merge pull request #2844 from DonnieWest/fixAsyncompleteCodeActions (6 months ago) | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | | |/ / / / / / | | |/| | | | | | | | | * | | | | | b27df1b Allow code actions to work on callback based sources (6 months ago) | | |/ / / / / / | | * | | | | | dfe9b7c Merge remote-tracking branch 'murfalo/clangd-compile-commands' (6 months ago) | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | | * | | | | | a1fab59 Suboptimal fix to prevent variables from leaking out of new clangd test (7 months ago) | | | * | | | | | d488198 Hopefully fixed issue with Windows paths (7 months ago) | | | * | | | | | a62f264 Added tests for clangd compile commands dectection (7 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 35f5122 Updated ale_linters/c/clangd.vim to match ale_linters/cpp/clangd.vim (7 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 618f2d7 Added automatic compile-commands-dir arg to ale_cpp_clangd linter (7 months ago) | | * | | | | | | e5a4c82 Add support for nimlsp (#2815) (6 months ago) | | * | | | | | | f4070f6 Add definition of c/clangd's language as C (#2791) (6 months ago) | | * | | | | | | b24fd13 (tag: v2.6.0) Bump the ALE version (6 months ago) | | / / / / / / | * | | | | | | 40890cf Rename ale#fix#SetBufferContents to ale#util#SetBufferContents (6 months ago) | * | | | | | | c8c142b Do not save for ALERename and ALEOrganizeImports (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | 3fe2223 Fix #2800 - Ignore completion user data which is not a dictionary (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | e8de12c Fix #2821 - Fix the debride linter after merging older code (7 months ago) | | |_|_|/ / / | |/| | | | | | * | | | | | f932211 fix tflint handler for 0.11+ (#2775) (7 months ago) | * | | | | | 6d88801 Clarify that virtualtext is only in NeoVim (7 months ago) | * | | | | | 59b34dd Merge pull request #2813 from werneta/master (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | d0e87c0 Correct vint-discovered advisory in vlog handler (7 months ago) | | * | | | | | 89fa435 Add test for new vlog format (7 months ago) | | * | | | | | 98b0dcd Update vlog parser to handle new output format (7 months ago) | | | |_|_|_|/ | | |/| | | | | * | | | | | f2b231d Merge pull request #2771 from gpanders/master (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | 7795898 Add tests for clangtidy with Makefile (7 months ago) | | * | | | | | 06a97a8 Use Makefile output with clang-tidy when useful (7 months ago) | | |/ / / / / | * | | | | | 8fda1ce Merge pull request #2814 from andys8/improvement/elm-ls-name-fix-in-documentation (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | 0fa2d18 elm-ls: Removed some leftovers of previous name (7 months ago) | | |/ / / / / | * | | | | | 8097d51 Merge pull request #2750 from andys8/improvement/elm-language-server-elm-analyse-trigger-param (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | bd1f7e1 Elm language server params update (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | 06082ef Merge pull request #2735 from zoonfafer/scala-metals (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | 5fcb24b Add linter for Scala Metals (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | | d3a3f40 Merge pull request #2676 from davidtwco/nixfmt-fixer (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | 6aeb462 Add nixpkgs-fmt fixer. (8 months ago) | | |/ / / / / / / | * | | | | | | | cebbb67 Merge pull request #2659 from greg0ire/psalm-language-server-option (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | e47c196 Use the psalm executable with the LS option (9 months ago) | * | | | | | | | | 32b7842 Merge pull request #2694 from elebow/add-ruby-debride (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | |_|_|_|/ / / / / | |/| | | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | 8aa1578 Correct copied typo in doc/ale-ruby (8 months ago) | | * | | | | | | | 501af8d debride: Add debride linter (closes #2471) (8 months ago) | | | |_|_|_|_|/ / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | a486aa1 Merge pull request #2809 from hsanson/2802-fix-sign-group-parsing (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | |_|_|_|_|/ / / | |/| | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | 7c2f5e8 Fix sign parser to be language independent. (7 months ago) | |/ / / / / / / | * | | | | | | 41ff80d 569 support vim sign group and priority (#2786) (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | 6746eae Merge pull request #2683 from ahayworth/ahayworth-add-ink-lsp (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | ab0bf61 Add support for ink-language-server (9 months ago) | | | |_|_|_|/ / | | |/| | | | | | * | | | | | | d7dbc8f Merge pull request #2719 from kevinywlui/patch-1 (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | 442fb2d Remove texlab rust rewrite link (8 months ago) | | | |_|_|/ / / | | |/| | | | | | * | | | | | | e329413 Merge pull request #2667 from Chris-Slade/master (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | 9c7673e Edit ale-cs-csc docs (9 months ago) | * | | | | | | | e6241ee Merge pull request #2784 from hsanson/2733-add-semistandard-executable-to-path-search (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | 07c11e4 Add semistandard to node_modules search. (7 months ago) | |/ / / / / / / / | * | | | | | | | ab8e043 Merge pull request #2691 from elebow/mdl-use-json-output (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | 08a5bfc mdl: Use JSON output instead of parsing text (8 months ago) | | | |_|/ / / / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | e6946de Merge pull request #2736 from zoonfafer/doc-typos (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | da262f4 doc: Fix typos (8 months ago) | | | |_|/ / / / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | 6ab264f Close #2641 - Document how to add your own LSP linters (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | d93512f Fix #2744 - Make ALEFix work when only casing is changed (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | 7b38e97 Merge pull request #2780 from jeremija/tsserver-autoimport-desc (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | f5e4441 Show description of autoimport action for tsserver (7 months ago) | |/ / / / / / / / | * | | | | | | | e3784c4 Close #2764 - Support the new React filetypes with aliases (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | b531a4e Merge pull request #2653 from AntoineGagne/bugfix/bugged-plt-detection (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | c675212 Fix bug with detection of the PLT (9 months ago) | | | |_|_|_|/ / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | dd6bd6f Fix #2711 - Fix writing to files on save (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | 529f57a Document and test solc (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | b8949aa `arguments` needs to be handled for `compile_commands.json` in addition to `command` (#2123) (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | dc42c0f Add support for `solc` Solidity compiler (#2648) (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | 41ed10b Merge pull request #2770 from statquant/master (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | 34431d8 Adding linting for rmd filetype (duplicate of rmarkdown) (7 months ago) | |/ / / / / / / / | * | | | | | | | 61cfb3f Merge pull request #2693 from elebow/chmod-remove-x (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | b1810b2 Remove +x bit from some files that don't need it. (8 months ago) | | | |_|_|_|/ / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | 321ee6d Merge pull request #2738 from Joshuao95/patch-1 (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | cf47bda Update irrelevant JSCS site link (8 months ago) | | | |_|/ / / / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | 58b7c28 Merge pull request #2696 from elebow/update-test-docs-for-linter-lists (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | 74a4375 Update test docs and output for linter tables checked (8 months ago) | | | |/ / / / / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | a6c59fa feat: support sqlformat. (#2702) (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | 3e8c8d3 Add ALERename (tsserver & LSP), ALEOrganizeImports (tsserver) and auto import support (tsserver) (#2709) (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | b66d202 Merge pull request #2695 from elebow/move-ruby-escape-executable (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | 58e8d32 Move ale#handlers#ruby#EscapeExecutable to ale#ruby#EscapeExecutable (8 months ago) | | |/ / / / / / / | * | | | | | | | 05ba522 languagetools: stop auto-appending --autoDetect (#2616) (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | 34f2943 Limit the branches for branch builds for AppVeyor (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | 84a4551 Limit the branches for Travis CI branch builds (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | fbe7cea Merge pull request #2741 from zoonfafer/shell (7 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | 2b12c8c linter/sh: Improve parsing of error messages in different locales (8 months ago) | | | |/ / / / / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | cda4663 Fix #2760 - Ignore all errors for adding NeoVim highlights (7 months ago) | * | | | | | | | 2e323b5 dfmt support (#2662) (7 months ago) | | |_|_|_|_|/ / | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | 6e18c03 Make help text clearer for line number highlights (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | 9f814a8 Add g:ale_sign_highlight_linenr (#2678) (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | 67ee2b9 Fix tests so they work with new NeoVim highlight code (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | 7d7ddf2 Merge pull request #2638 from frangio/nvim-highlight (8 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | |/ / / / / / | |/| | | | | | | | * | | | | | 6e6ad2e Try to mock nvim api functions (10 months ago) | | * | | | | | 79dde5f Implement highlights using neovim API (10 months ago) | * | | | | | | 73812c3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'AlexeiDrake/master' into bugfix/c-lsp-build-dir-settings (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | 91636cf Merge pull request #2677 from davidtwco/check-toc-test-failure (8 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | 20cc6d3 Remove `/bin/ls` assumption. (9 months ago) | | | |_|_|/ / / | | |/| | | | | | * | | | | | | d787369 Merge pull request #2701 from elebow/doc-elixir-linters-floppy_disk (8 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | b70eeaa Add :floppy_disk: to dialyxir and dogma (8 months ago) | | | |_|/ / / / | | |/| | | | | | * | | | | | | c4bdf16 Black fixer should include --pyi for files with .pyi extension (#2705) (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | ddb559b Merge pull request #2631 from timlag1305/feat/ada-gnatpp (8 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | 221aceb Add gnatpp fixer for Ada (10 months ago) | * | | | | | | | ee62cc6 Merge pull request #2706 from richyfish/2703_mypy_stderr (8 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | | | 266fa1c mypy linter capture stderr for error reporting in ALEInfo (8 months ago) | | | |/ / / / / / | | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | | | | 219fb58 Keep cursor position on screen when opening/closing lists (#2632) (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | | b62e306 Fix cflags parsing (#2510, #2265) (#2590) (8 months ago) | * | | | | | | | 5388ff1 Add asyncomplete.vim Support (#2627) (8 months ago) | |/ / / / / / / | * | / / / / / 28c93ab aleinfo global options (#2686) (8 months ago) | | |/ / / / / | |/| | | | | | * | | | | | dd1e102 Fix #2668 - Set g:ale_go_go111module (9 months ago) | * | | | | | 3ae01ba Merge pull request #2430 from eliath/master (9 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | |_|_|_|/ / | |/| | | | | | | * | | | | 49db821 Support $GO111MODULE with Go tooling (10 months ago) | * | | | | | 8f5ecf0 Merge pull request #2646 from paulreimer/fixer-clangformat-use-assume-filename (9 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | d25711a Set --assume-filename for clangformat fixer (9 months ago) | | | |_|_|/ / | | |/| | | | | * | | | | | d1c5676 Add setting for numhl highlights (#2637) (9 months ago) | * | | | | | b123087 Merge pull request #2612 from andys8/feature/elm-language-server-update (9 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | | fa5aecc Elm-ls backward compatibility for previous naming (10 months ago) | | * | | | | | 0843efc Update elm-ls (10 months ago) | | | |_|_|_|/ | | |/| | | | | * | | | | | 4fe7402 Update links to use the new GitHub organization (9 months ago) | | |/ / / / | |/| | | | | * | | | | aae6d30 Merge pull request #2618 from rustic-games/clippy-flags (9 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | 53b0e6c support all cargo options for build/clippy (10 months ago) | | * | | | | e52388b support clippy options with -- (10 months ago) | | |/ / / / | * | | | | bafa1c6 Merge pull request #2643 from delphinus/feature/update-deoplete-for-cpp (9 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | 240bb8a Add Deoplete's input_patterns for cpp (9 months ago) | |/ / / / / | * | | | | 36a5011 Merge pull request #2601 from delphinus/feature/better-completion-for-deoplete (9 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | a3521de Use input_patterns & add comments for updating it (10 months ago) | | * | | | | 4e1c469 Add & fix tests for added funcs (10 months ago) | | * | | | | e0f8304 Add separated func for deoplete (10 months ago) | | * | | | | f5a908b Add input_pattern setting for deoplete (10 months ago) | * | | | | | abb3895 Add Sorbet ruby linter and fixer (#2614) (9 months ago) | | |_|_|_|/ | |/| | | | | * | | | | 6c47d7f Merge pull request #2606 from hsanson/fix-javalsp-executable-docs (10 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ \ | | * | | | | f2e52b9 Default executable for javalsp is empthy string. (10 months ago) | | |/ / / / | * | | | | a524000 Fix incorrect re-selection (#2630) (10 months ago) | * | | | | 46ab7c5 Support csc, update mcsc (#2586) (10 months ago) | * | | | | 8700586 Add clangtidy fixer (#2548) (10 months ago) | | |_|/ / | |/| | | | * | | | 89f7292 Merge pull request #2625 from ericdwang/update-readme (10 months ago) | |\ \ \ \ | | |_|/ / | |/| | / | | | |/ | | |/| | | * | 6feeca7 Update README section about running linters on save (10 months ago) | |/ / | * | 65ba4b8 Merge branch 'fix-small-doc-typo' (10 months ago) | |\ \ | | * | bf0d059 Fix small doc typo (10 months ago) | |/ / | * | 9ad8fd6 Handle powershell unexpected token with newline (#2588) (10 months ago) | * | d2c3141 Merge pull request #2600 from hsanson/add-javalsp-lsp-options-2 (10 months ago) | |\ \ | | * | 40bf6e6 Add support for javalsp configuration options. (10 months ago) | | |/ | * | 418f8a6 Merge pull request #2602 from lbonn/master (10 months ago) | |\ \ | | * | 9c48c58 Update docs on default after recent changes (10 months ago) | |/ / | * | 38a55fa Merge pull request #2599 from parkovski/cpp-autocomplete-trigger (10 months ago) | |\ \ | | |/ | |/| | | * c5a4bbf Enable C++ autocompletion on '::' and '->' (10 months ago) | |/ | * 1c71da5 Add support for purescript language server (#2572) (10 months ago) | * 701c1e4 Merge pull request #2578 from andys8/patch-2 (10 months ago) | |\ | | * 0135fb3 Elm: Update link to compiler repository (11 months ago) | * | 15f2353 Merge pull request #2577 from hsanson/fix-checkstyle-defaults (10 months ago) | |\ \ | | * | eb6a7b7 Fix checkstyle default configuration. (11 months ago) | | |/ | * | 3acfa08 Merge pull request #2591 from blahgeek/inc-deoplete-rank (10 months ago) | |\ \ | | * | e0871be Raise deoplete source rank to 1000 (10 months ago) | |/ / | * | 6e28eec Merge pull request #2563 from dcyriller/fixer-prettier-glimmer (10 months ago) | |\ \ | | |/ | |/| | | * 8620596 Refactor to be less verbose (10 months ago) | | * 3e4b8ea prettier: Support experimental languages (11 months ago) | | * 7b78f2b Fix #2525 - Convert Windows paths in a Unix environment (11 months ago) | | * 381fff0 Make ale_lint_on_save work with b:ale_fix_on_save = 1 (11 months ago) | | * 42a1fc2 Merge pull request #2557 from hy2k/update-doc (11 months ago) | | |\ | | | * bb7481e Update README deoplete completion source section (11 months ago) | | |/ | | * eb6015c #2542 - Improve checkstyle project configuration (11 months ago) | | * 4496c9b Fix tests on Windows (11 months ago) | | * 4129c35 Fix #1279 - Run cppcheck differently when modified (11 months ago) | | * c6a5cbb Feature/add ant support (#2539) (11 months ago) | | * a76f056 Fix #2555 - Remove highlights in lowercase, etc (11 months ago) | | * a730a6d Update the license year (11 months ago) | | * 135de34 Merge pull request #2549 from m-pilia/custom-lsp-requests (11 months ago) | | |\ | | | * 5542db1 Support custom LSP notifications (11 months ago) | | | * 3321685 Refactor LSP custom request handling (11 months ago) | | | * 7053d46 Add API for custom LSP requests (11 months ago) | | |/ | | * 27146ad Fix #2544 - Completion positions are off by one (11 months ago) | | * 4f02edc Merge pull request #2529 from maxwell-k/terraform_linter (11 months ago) | | |\ | | | * 88fa0b9 Add a terraform linter (11 months ago) | | * | 166435d #2533 - Run phpcs in the directory the file is in (11 months ago) | | * | ca0cdd2 Merge pull request #2540 from sijad/pgformatter (11 months ago) | | |\ \ | | | * | 8d8b295 add pgformatter (11 months ago) | | * | | 6b819dd Merge pull request #2543 from hsanson/fix-checkstyle-handler (11 months ago) | | |\ \ \ | | | * | | 181bc69 Fix java checkstyle handler. (11 months ago) | | | |/ / | | * | | 90b1ea2 Fix #2438 - Print a friendly message when the clipboard is not available (11 months ago) | | * | | 67d7cae Fix #2535 - Automatically emit less to prevent issues (11 months ago) | | * | | bc0abc3 Merge pull request #2541 from jwkvam/neovim-bufline (11 months ago) | | |\ \ \ | | | |/ / | | |/| | | | | * | 47ad24c fix neovim missing setbufline (11 months ago) | | |/ / | | * | bb08b81 Merge pull request #2524 from hsanson/2521-fix-lsp-diagnostics-buffer-match (11 months ago) | | |\ \ | | | |/ | | |/| | | | * 36c35d8 Fix LSP tests (11 months ago) | | | * 33b4a90 Add tests for LSP responses (11 months ago) | | | * 85b3a4a Add exact file match test to TSServer response handler (11 months ago) | | | * 2f13c2d Add fix to HandleTSServerDiagnostics function. (11 months ago) | | | * b418361 Fix HandleLSPDiagnostics buffer match logic. (11 months ago) | | * | 1a9b8a5 Merge pull request #2520 from hsanson/fix-eclipselsp-workspace-config (11 months ago) | | |\ \ | | | * | 5a8ba75 Fix workspace data path. (11 months ago) | | | |/ | | * / 092748c Update the README to use (11 months ago) | | |/ | | * 67d49c7 Fix the eclipselsp tests (11 months ago) | | * 0427ee8 Allow running eclipselsp as installed by system package on GNU/Linux (#2523) (11 months ago) | | * f6ae056 Stop a test from failing randomly (11 months ago) | | * 3e3801e Revert "Fix #2492 - Remove all Deoplete support for now" (11 months ago) | | * 89db851 Merge pull request #2502 from ericvw/flake8-config (11 months ago) | | |\ | | | * 57736cd Change Python project root dir detection for flake8 configuration (11 months ago) | | | * 57b9d8b Test for Python project root directory (11 months ago) | | * | 26e5948 Close #2516 - Handle problems with inlined functions (11 months ago) | | * | 42f5e8c Fix a test on Windows (11 months ago) | | * | 28819ee Close #2359 - Find compile_commands.json in build dirs for cppcheck (11 months ago) | | * | 937138d Try to fix the tests (11 months ago) | | * | 143af2b Fix #2421 - Use compile_commands.json in build dirs to find roots (11 months ago) | | * | 781bf15 Make a test fail less (11 months ago) | | * | 5e64acc Fix #2512 - Use -o /dev/null for gcc linting (11 months ago) | | * | 4ee28d3 Fix #2515 - Send client capabilities to LSP servers (11 months ago) | | * | 9d908ec Close #1739 - Use deletebufline() for fixing files were available (11 months ago) | | * | 3b7c86e Add support for Erlang dialyzer (#2509) (11 months ago) | | |/ | | * 652d991 Fix #1317 - Jump to column 1 for problems at column 0 (11 months ago) | | * e6745a3 Fix #1989 - Use ESlint options for fixers too (11 months ago) | | * e5ea809 Close #2285 - Add a function for use with omnifunc (11 months ago) | | * 8cb6d04 Use the updated Docker image (11 months ago) | | * 8c76b88 Update the Dockerfile with newer Vim versions (11 months ago) | | * 975cc7a Fix #2492 - Remove all Deoplete support for now (11 months ago) | | * d0f2a0a Fix #2505 - Remove NeoVim highlight support for now (11 months ago) | | * 9b89ec3 #2505 Try to fix NeoVim highlighting out of range errors (11 months ago) | | * 4234d39 Close #908 - Report phpcs problems as style problems (11 months ago) | | * 381fe1b Close #829 - Close LSP documents when buffers are deleted (11 months ago) | | * 07b596e Close #791 - Handle exceptions for puglint (11 months ago) | | * 7060482 Merge pull request #2500 from rliang/texlab (11 months ago) | | |\ | | | * ab7e5b2 [linter] Add LSP support for LaTeX via texlab (11 months ago) | | |/ | | * c88ebc5 Make phpstan tests fail less (11 months ago) | | * 42cbff2 Fix #2497 - ALE should not lint on save when disabled after fixing (11 months ago) | | * bf17bbf Merge pull request #2496 from liskin/sort-locale (11 months ago) | | |\ | | | * fb6fd80 Force sort locale in check-supported-tools-tables (12 months ago) | | * | aa047b5 Merge pull request #2491 from mpesari/phpstan-autoload-option (12 months ago) | | |\ \ | | | * | 6b919e8 Add test to verify phpstan autoload parameter (12 months ago) | | | * | afa20d9 Add phpstan autoload option (12 months ago) | | * | | bfc79bd #2492 - Try to fix a deoplete bug again (12 months ago) | | * | | 7943bfa Make eslint respect the ale_warn_about_trailing_whitespace setting (12 months ago) | | * | | 3303f59 Fix #2490 - Kill other processes when the test script is interrupted (12 months ago) | | * | | df90725 Support b:ale_completion_enabled for disabling it for some buffers (12 months ago) | | * | | edd3114 Make it less likely people will do the wrong thing (12 months ago) | | * | | f0152bc #2492 - Try to fix a bug with ALE's deoplete source (12 months ago) | | |/ / | | * | 79e42fe #2403 - Make ale_disable_lsp apply consistently, and document it better (12 months ago) | | * | f444abd Add option to show msg id when pylint is used (#2445) (12 months ago) | | * | 722c3e8 #2481 - Use text to insert from insertText (12 months ago) | | * | bff3d25 Merge pull request #2486 from Sh3Rm4n/doc-typo-fix (12 months ago) | | |\ \ | | | |/ | | |/| | | | * 77c5802 Fix typos in documentation (12 months ago) | | |/ | | * a223253 Merge pull request #2134 from oaue/master (12 months ago) | | |\ | | | * c7292ce javac linter: fix handling of error messages containing ':' character (1 year, 4 months ago) | | * | d390abd Merge pull request #2479 from hsanson/288-fix-eclipse-jar-path-docs (12 months ago) | | |\ \ | | | * | 53db52e Improve eclipselsp jar search logic. (12 months ago) | | | * | 63abd2d Fix eclipselsp path documentation. (12 months ago) | | |/ / | | * | 5f64f8d Escape phpstan arguments, and update documentation (12 months ago) | | * | c10da0e Add fixer for OCaml ocp-indent (#2436) (12 months ago) | | * | 548ee56 Merge pull request #2475 from andreypopp/andreypopp/fix-nvim-hl (12 months ago) | | |\ \ | | | * | e6ba936 Fix off by one error line highlight w/ nvim api (12 months ago) | | |/ / | | * | 7f0954b Add XO as a linter/fixer for TypeScript files (#2453) (12 months ago) | | * | c6aae3b Better phpstan default configuration (#2444) (12 months ago) | | * | 4c6f67a Merge pull request #2446 from fnichol/add-var-sh-shellcheck-change-directory (12 months ago) | | |\ \ | | | * | 2303b05 Add g:ale_sh_shellcheck_change_directory (1 year ago) | | * | | 5d65f93 Merge pull request #2437 from robertjlooby/add-floskell (12 months ago) | | |\ \ \ | | | * | | 99361b2 Add floskell for Haskell formatting (1 year ago) | | * | | | eae124e Fix #2460 - Do not track when LSP linters are busy (12 months ago) | | * | | | 114198e Optionally use neovim's api-highlights (#2169) (12 months ago) | | * | | | 2f3bce5 Merge pull request #2448 from reedriley/master (12 months ago) | | |\ \ \ \ | | | * | | | 46c743a Updated Vim version in Dockerfile and made UpdateTagStack clearer (12 months ago) | | | * | | | c36f3e7 Add support for Vim's tagstack to ALEGoToDefinition (1 year ago) | | | | |/ / | | | |/| | | | * | | | b34274a Merge pull request #2466 from alerque/patch-1 (12 months ago) | | |\ \ \ \ | | | * | | | 69b7ec1 Include plugin description in local help line (12 months ago) | | |/ / / / | | * | | | 737ed31 Disable fsync for writefile() calls for performance (12 months ago) | | * | | | 0133126 Close #1753 - Implement minimum viable integration with Deoplete (12 months ago) | | * | | | ce0b149 Add a fixer for r based on the styler package (#2401) (12 months ago) | | * | | | 893ac34 Fix #2452 - Strip trailing spaces off sign text automatically (12 months ago) | | |/ / / | | * | | fcc2c3b Fix #2415 - Mark tsserver and LSP linters inactive again (1 year ago) | | * | | 2eb68f6 #1791 Set the working directory for cabal and stack (1 year ago) | | * | | 104980e Merge pull request #2443 from JulioJu/patch-1 (1 year ago) | | |\ \ \ | | | * | | 5bbce34 Documentation: ale-java eclipselsp customization (1 year ago) | | |/ / / | | * | | 9e95032 fix 2434: use text field instead of the detail field for virtualtext (#2441) (1 year ago) | | * | | 59f8c35 Fix #1930 - Finish ale_fix_on_save_ignore (1 year ago) | | * | | 24d2773 #1930 - Add ale_fix_on_save_ignore for disabling some fixers on save (1 year ago) | | * | | 3a010f6 Adjust the README wording slightly (1 year ago) | | * | | 23a8208 #782 - Use compile commands for matching source files for headers (1 year ago) | | * | | 7f31065 improve the lsp diagnostic message format (#2425) (1 year ago) | | * | | 61c1ddd Fix #2440 - Fix the kotlinc command when Maven and Gradle are missing (1 year ago) | | |/ / | | * | 495bce3 Add support for latexindent (#2387) (1 year ago) | | * | f0f0cc3 Merge pull request #2121 from hsanson/1996-add-support-for-eclipse-jdt-ls (1 year ago) | | |\ \ | | | * | f02e2ec Fix 1996 - Add eclipse LSP support. (1 year ago) | | * | | 784d1a9 Merge pull request #2394 from harttle/master (1 year ago) | | |\ \ \ | | | * | | 4b6691f test: unit test for fecs fixer, fecs command (1 year ago) | | | * | | d4841ce style: fecs related doc and vim scripts (1 year ago) | | | * | | c820089 feat: fecs support for js/html/css lint and format (1 year ago) | | * | | | 6428162 Merge pull request #2433 from belka-ew/bugfix/remove-otherproject-util-double (1 year ago) | | |\ \ \ \ | | | * | | | 7518386 Remove otherproject#util#Double from d.vim (1 year ago) | | * | | | | 2ed5310 Linter for powershell syntax errors (#2413) (1 year ago) | | |/ / / / | | * | | | d739590 Merge pull request #2432 from superobertking/master (1 year ago) | | |\ \ \ \ | | | |/ / / | | |/| | | | | | * | | fb7099d modify rls testcase (1 year ago) | | | * | | df806c5 change default value of ale_rust_rls_toolchain and update documentation (1 year ago) | | |/ / / | | * | | 4813165 Add a linter for clojure using clj-kondo (#2377) (1 year ago) | | * | | 16b43a5 Do not complain about generated _callback settings (1 year ago) | | * | | 2ef3f98 #2428 Remove deprecated linter options for psscriptanalyzer (1 year ago) | | * | | 2e8c808 Close #2179 - Add support for gopls (1 year ago) | | * | | 042b351 Merge pull request #2366 from aweis/fixtypo (1 year ago) | | |\ \ \ | | | * | | 1427a09 ruby: fix a typo in a comment (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | 5f03bae Fix parsing the third part of version string (#2355) (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | 365ffae Fix #2351 - Escape spaces and backslashes for signs (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | f0da35b Merge pull request #2349 from oblitum/fix-missing-languagetool-file-argument (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | d9a1234 Fix passing file to languagetool (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | | a22ab78 make options for credo configurable (#2337) (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | | a6012d8 Merge pull request #2347 from codenut/master (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / | | | |/| | | | | | | * | | a5cf7e8 set maximum number of autocomplete suggestions for results coming from LSP (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | | 03384a5 #2341 - Handle completion messages with textEdit objects (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | 8a0213f Remove more uses of command_callback and executable_callback (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | c6a6a37 Update documentation for languagetool (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | 7eae06d linter/markdown: adds support for languatool (#2155) (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | fd31987 Merge pull request #2327 from akshit-sharma/master (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | 32dbf59 fixed mismatched ToC and heading (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | | * | | 163f0ab clang-format supported with nvcc (cuda files) (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 413529f Fix #2326 - ALEComplete no longer replaces completeopt (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | * | | | be2c0c3 Merge pull request #2325 from rustic-games/rust-spans (1 year, 1 month ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | 26460a7 set correct Rust span end column (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | | |/ / / | | | * | | | 5505f23 Fix #2330 - Do not use getcurpos() to avoid changing curswant (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 6aef52f Merge pull request #2305 from campbellr/master (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | 4fc27f0 javac: Don't assume src/main/java always exists (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | cf883aa #2132 - Document ale#command#Run (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | e5746d9 Add lsp_config support for rls (#2332) (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | | |/ / / | | | |/| | | | | | * | | | c4328f2 #2132 - Support deferred execution for LSP executables, commands, and addresses (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 37a1d24 Skip the command#Run test for fixers on Windows (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 38009b8 #2132 - Support deferred fixers (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 70a9176 #2132 - Set up fixers for deferred support (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 89e5491 Revert "#2132 Change (buffer, lines) fixer functions to (buffer, done, lines)" (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 883978e #2132 - Replace all uses of foo_callback with foo (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | f53b25d #2132 - Implement project_root as a replacement for project_root_callback (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | f8aeb5c #2132 - Make most foo_callback options work as foo (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | ffa45fa #2132 - Implement deferred command handling for linters (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | a8b987a Fix #2300 - Handle more URIs per RFC 3986 (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 8012e5b Merge pull request #2303 from kevinoid/bandit-use-config (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | 52c2400 python/bandit: Use .bandit configuration file (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | 707a421 Merge pull request #2302 from kevinoid/pylint-cd-proj-root (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | 3300b1a python/pylint: Change directory to project root (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | | 09cbd70 Merge pull request #2307 from lukas-reineke/clear-virtualtext-on-disable (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | |_|/ / / | | | |/| | | | | | | | * | | | b8cecca Clear the virtualtext on disable (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | fefc093 Merge pull request #2304 from mandreyel/patch-1 (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / | | | |/| | | | | | | * | | 90457fd Fix typo in ale.txt (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | c3d4e09 Try to get tests to pass on Windows again (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 5b6df0a Fix #2299 - Make tsserver run again (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 1a69c9c #2295 Send an empty object for the initialized notification, per the spec (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 0d10653 Fix #2295 - Respond to initialize with an initialized message (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 8903918 Fix #2294 - Fix some syntax that broke LSP (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 7487ecb Simplify code for marking linters as active (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 3140abc Fix #2293 - Update linter option documentation (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 3050a13 Remove ProcessChain code we do not need now (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 21a8b9f Make it easier to remove command_chain support later (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 1ee5671 #2132 Use an on-init callback for all LSP logic (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | e882436 Better wording (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | f1bf795 Explain what linting is in the first sentence (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 690b1a5 Merge pull request #2291 from kevinoid/pylama-no-temp (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | a6caa85 pylama: Use %s instead of %t (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | 926ad47 #2132 - Implement deferred executable string handling for linters (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | bf196ba Fixers are not disabled by default (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | df9bee8 Rewrite the supported tools lists in new files (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | aca1edb add project_root_callback for tsserver (#2290) (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | 6ebe24b Merge pull request #2268 from m-pilia/alex (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | 771581a Add settings for the Alex linter (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | 752e6f0 Merge pull request #2277 from chaucerbao/feature/redraw-after-open (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | 70b95f1 Replace `normal` with `normal!` (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | | * | | | 9f63bec Remove the `redraw` since it's implicit with the `zz` (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | | * | | | 7ce481c Center the line within the viewport after a jump (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | | * | | | a4ed9a1 Force Vim to `redraw` after `ale#util#Open` (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | 5dbac4a Merge pull request #2287 from kevinoid/vulture-options (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | 82b15fb Document and test ale_python_vulture_options (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | | b235e08 Merge pull request #2289 from kevinoid/shellcheck-dialect (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / / / | | | |/| | | | | | | | | * | | | | a0d4eb3 Support ale_sh_shellcheck_dialect to set dialect (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |/ / / / / | | | * | | | | 7a48750 Complain about binary operators on the ends of lines (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | d072d26 Supporting filtered jump (#2279) (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | a24f0b4 Support pylama for python (#2266) (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | 422908a #2009 - Force Windows jobs to run in a CMD shell (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | ba6f08f Merge pull request #2262 from sectioneight/cd-for-black (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | de29ff2 Respect python black fixer configuration file (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | | 3ba7d02 Merge pull request #2272 from Rahlir/fix-c-compilecommand (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | 37daeda Fix error when parsing compile_commands for c langs (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | | |/ / / | | | | |/| | | | | | * | | | | 1fb0de2 Add `-relative` option to ALESymbolSearch (#2255) (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | d215810 Fix #2257 - Fix an off by 1 which broke completion for some servers (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | 800d029 Merge pull request #2284 from jqno/master (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | 5ce1e9b Fixes javalsp linter (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | | b32fdfe #2132 Implement deferred objects for ale#command#Run (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 19cc724 Add a function for parsing command args (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 2885c57 Fix #2276 - Replace a potentially infinite loop for hie (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |/ / / / / | | | * | | | | 0b9c0c2 Merge pull request #2278 from oblitum/improve-cypher-lint (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | b47a0c9 Make Cypher linter dynamic (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |/ / / / / | | | * | | | | c0c634c Merge pull request #2270 from oblitum/add-cypher-lint (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | 626572a linter/cypher: add cypher-lint (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | | 81c73da #2132 - lint and fix with ale#command#Run (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | * | | | | 3e11cbd Update syntax checking (1 year, 2 months ago) | | | |/ / / / | | | * / / / 4d426bf Fix #2263 - detailed Flow errors should show the original message (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | 067601e Set lint_file for the ameba linter (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | 17a2f55 Add initial ameba (crystal linter) support (#2174) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | 08d3523 Merge pull request #2228 from Nomad145/ktlint (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | bd1e639 Add ktlint fixer support. (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | 3c38fdb Extend statusline interface (#2240) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | a7b3b84 Merge pull request #2225 from ravicious/master (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | 9c0c6ef Pass --compiler flag to elm-test when linting 0.19 tests (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | |/ / / | | | * | | | 03b25dd Add textlint for tex (#2234) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | 79135df Fix #2192 - Handle more ignore-pattern messages for ESLint (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | d7ced31 add cmake-format fixer support (#2244) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | e46c17e SugarSS support from PR 1967 (#2219) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | f03370e Merge pull request #2207 from pmacosta/master (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | 86af4be Fixed parsing of pydocstyle errors (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | d882c43 Merge pull request #2215 from irwand/master (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | cdc3bc9 added hacking compatibility test (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | * | | | | 08affaa support older flake8 output, still used by hacking module from open style guide (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | | |/ / / | | | | |/| | | | | | * | | | | 3ac12b6 Fix #2216 - Tolerate versions without path numbers (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | dd995d9 Merge pull request #2235 from erydo/stack-ghc-options (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | e273f67 Add haskell_stack_ghc_options like …_cabal_ghc_… (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 6288c8b Use relative paths when previewing file locations (#2238) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | | b8bf7b2 Add VHDL Support & Newer Verilog Linters (#2229) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 91c1fc3 Sort documentation entries alphabetically better (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 20b9dfd Fix #2195 - Handle the command key being missing (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 6e9040d Merge pull request #2131 from 0mco/master (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | | 8037f47 Parse more C/C++ compiler options (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / / | | | * | | | | | 0a9dc7b Merge pull request #2245 from andrewimeson/adi/add-ksh-support (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | | a6de3f3 Add better detection for KornShell/ksh (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | * | | | | | eec8b9d Fix test name for csh to not say zsh (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / / | | | * | | | | | 6543d0e #2248 Mention tsserver as a JavaScript tool too (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | | a47deea Merge pull request #2250 from m-pilia/bandit (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | | 0a5de2b Add bandit linter for Python (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / / | | | * | | | | | 452460b Merge pull request #2241 from bk2204/lsp-detect-hook (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | | 6fc016a Add additional ways to detect LSP project root (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | * | | | | | 766636e test/lsp: ensure linter name is set (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / / | | | * / / / / / cf14d0a #2132 Unify temporary file management in command.vim (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |/ / / / / | | | * | | | | f12d312 Add `babylon` as default Prettier parser (#2220) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | d0284f2 Add textDocument/typeDefinition for LSP (#2226) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | a493267 Merge pull request #2224 from andreypopp/andreypopp/lsp-hover-fix-column (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | bcf63ee Request LSP completion for the next col after the cursor (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | * | | | | e960e54 Update tests (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | * | | | | 2e85eed Fix ale#lsp#message#* to convert column to 0-based (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 37107df Merge pull request #2223 from andreypopp/andreypopp/lsp-diagnostics-end (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / / / | | | |/| | | | | | | | | * | | | | c2e4b55 Update tests (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | * | | | | d6d6fcf End position in LSP range is exclusive (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | | bffb26c Merge pull request #2230 from yut23/master (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / / | | | |/| | | | | | | | * | | | f2db164 Add support for pyls configuration options (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | d1fc084 Merge pull request #2209 from samzeng/patch-1 (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / | | | |/| | | | | | | * | | 6efa37d Fixed typo (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | a50e049 Mention raco in the list of supported tools (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | d09e8bc Racket linting using raco (#2146) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | c0b2090 #2132 Move CreateTemporaryFileForJob calls into FormatCommand (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | 7f17639 Support textlint for reStructuredText (#1978) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | 56b7dca Fix flow tests on Windows (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | cbaa7eb Clean up bingo tests, so they pass on my machine too (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | 6644563 #2132 Remove the need for the hidden add_newline option by tweaking the flow command (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | d8a53cc Merge pull request #2191 from davidvandebunte/fixCompDbDir (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | 4f72023 bugfix: c.vim: Pull build directory from compilation database (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | fabebb3 Add textlint for Asciidoc and add it to Fixers (#2193) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | 7211831 Merge pull request #2194 from fx-carton/fix-cflags-parsing (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / | | | |/| | | | | | | * | | 7e7447b Cflags: added a test case (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | * | | 4bbb10b Cflags parser: fix special chars matching algorithm (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | f238117 Add briefer help tags for ALE development documentation (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | 84475ff Merge pull request #2189 from jeremija/jeremija/manual-autocomplete-wo-prefix (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | b1b05e6 Optimize ale#completion#Filter when prefix is "" (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | | * | | 9bcf8a2 Manually trigger autocomplete even when prefix is "" (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | 1d7acad Merge pull request #2161 from guill/compile_database_perf (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / | | | |/| | | | | | | * | | cb0a5c7 Improve perf for compile dbs in large projects (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | * | | | 0fcd5e7 Add ability to manually trigger completion menu (#2177) (1 year, 3 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | 5bbe771 Add support for bingo (#2165) (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | 4f3190d Fix a test on Windows (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | 3b96ab4 Merge pull request #2176 from altaurog/feat/elm-tests (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | 1f21eb0 fallback to elm if elm-tests isn’t available (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | 4a11a63 fix: don’t use regex match (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | ba38688 support tests/ with elm 0.19.0 (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | bbf02d8 test elm-make changes to rootdir when elm.json is found (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | 08606b8 Clean up the new g:ale_shell code. Use it for Windows (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | 7919db0 Merge pull request #2167 from stegmanh/master (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | 5f613a5 change ale to use value of g:ale_shell regardless of what it is (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | 8550fa6 fix tests on windows (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | 3ec20a7 address PR feedback by fixing docs and hardcoding bash to use -c on fish and pwsh environments (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | c499825 add tests for ale_shell option (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | 57a0470 Merge branch 'master' of (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | |\ \ \ | | | | | | |/ | | | | | |/| | | | | * | | cbc029b Add initial support for settings to overwrite ale shell (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | | 1b264b8 Merge pull request #2168 from fx-carton/master (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | e5f33c6 Add a test for cflags merging bug (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | f7c4c40 Fix CFLAGS parsing (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | | | 78724f4 Fix some formatting issues (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | | | a1654cf Merge pull request #1988 from mdtusz/pipenv-black (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | 4805740 Fixup tests for auto-pipenv (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | | 4bf260e Remove unnecessary exe check for black (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | | 63e7687 Add test for python_black_auto_pipenv (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | | 1c9ad77 Add documentation for python_black_auto_pipenv (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | | 6619e1a Add auto_pipenv config for black (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | | 1d87c84 Merge pull request #2173 from chaucerbao/feature/find-references-line-text (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / / | | | |/| | | | | | | | * | | | 5792bd6 Update FindReferences tests (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | f534db1 Replace `trim` with `substitute` for compatibility (Vim <8.0.1630) (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | 24fda01 Add associated line text on ALEFindReferences results for TypeScript (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | 73ca1e7 Merge pull request #2150 from mvgrimes/perl-linter-data-fix (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | c19f2aa Adds tests for perl-linter where a second file/line is included in error (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | ebab81b Use non-greedy matching instead of looking for the comma (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | 38d25fc Update the perl-linter's l:pattern to catch missing errors (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | | | 5345a5d Merge pull request #2141 from benjaminjkraft/master (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | 73a204d Add versions of ALEGoToDefinition that open in splits (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | |/ / / / | | | * | | | | f1ed654 #2132 Change (buffer, lines) fixer functions to (buffer, done, lines) (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | | | 0e3778e Merge pull request #2153 from deltaskelta/gqlint-fix (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | * | | | | e55d07c changed gqlint to lint the file on disk (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | | | | 9a3be90 Close #2152 - Use ale_javascript_standard_options for fixing files too (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |/ / / / / | | | * | | | | 13060a3 Merge pull request #2136 from hsanson/368-chktex-latex-report-errors-from-wrong-file (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ \ \ | | | | |/ / / / | | | |/| | | | | | | | * | | | 5052eca Add tests to lacheck linter (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | * | | | a6a8c90 Fix 368 - Lacheck reports errors from input{} files. (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | | | |/ / | | | | |/| | | | | * | | | 2cfa09e Adds standardrb linter (#2133) (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | | c899ff3 Explain the .* .gitignore rule (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | | 39c892e #1520 - Add an :ALEDocumentation for tsserver (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | 9226e13 Add support for Pod based SwiftLint (#2122) (1 year, 4 months ago) | | | * | | 3db564f Merge pull request #2061 from hsanson/1910-add-support-for-bibclean-fixer (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | 9e97a69 Add bibclen fixer support (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | | |/ / | | | * | | fdd37ac Add support for pydocstyle linter (#2085) (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | * | | 2760cf7 refactor sasslint linter (#2077) (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | * | | dc61d46 Merge pull request #2119 from hsanson/1994-fix-javalsp-support (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | 3346b20 Fix javalsp command. (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | 92668b6 Merge pull request #2117 from gitter-badger/gitter-badge (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | |\ \ \ | | | | * | | b4bcbfc Add Gitter badge (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | |/ / / | | | * | | f4af915 Make the suggestion about asking for help friendlier (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | * | | 0d14380 Do not wrap bug report lines (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | * | | f2b353f Fix a mistake with a link (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | * | | 6f32f00 Revert "Merge pull request #2083 from zackhsi/scalac-until-jvm" (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | * | | 9eda079 Typo (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | * | | 146769c Tell people to ask for tech support outside of GitHub issues (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | |/ / | | | * / 1d4f985 (tag: v2.3.0) Merge pull request #2110 from w0rp/lazy-clipboard (1 year, 5 months ago) | | | / | | * / 8142370 Adding new linter "cookstyle" for chef recipes (Issue #1187) (#2362) (1 year ago) | | |/ | | * abcefe7 [doc] Add swift support documentation (#2426) (1 year ago) | | * 864d086 [lsp] Add Swift / SourceKit-LSP support (#2420) (1 year ago) | | * 9a0ece1 Fix #2399 - Do not check buffers used for displaying diffs (1 year ago) | | * 6d14dc0 #2417 - Silence errors for shortmess+=T (1 year ago) | | * 02af53b (tag: v2.4.0) Document ale#Has (1 year ago) | * 80ab12c (tag: v2.5.0) Bump the ALE version (11 months ago) * 16cd598 Merge pull request #3050 from StarryLeo/fix-vim-sign-priority-patch-check (4 days ago) |\ | * 302ce71 Fix vim sign priority patch check (5 weeks ago) * 82f734a Closes #3019 - Implement default navigation (6 days ago) - fzf: * a6d3e36 Improve error messages (#1962) (14 hours ago) * 08c2bcb Quote LDFLAGS (#1995) (14 hours ago) * 98ca4bd Add conda installation instruction (3 days ago) * 3f8e741 Add more details on apt installation in (#1977) (3 days ago) * 6e464eb Remove dead code (4 days ago) * c329279 [completion] Make kill completion more consistent with the others (4 days ago) * cf04753 Make flaky tests reliable (#1978) (4 days ago) * 69e7eab [install] Clarify that .bashrc should be loaded from .bash_profile on macOS (4 days ago) - splitjoin.vim: * 62d42e1 Merge branch 'self-closing-tags' (30 hours ago) |\ | * 84f8773 Fix test (31 hours ago) | * 91c99e6 Minor documentation reordering (31 hours ago) | * 92ba9db Docs for self-closing tags (31 hours ago) | * e040ee0 Allow targeted disabling of callbacks (2 days ago) | * 4411c25 Handle self-closing on the same line (2 days ago) | * 9f6784b Additional HTML test (3 days ago) | * 6ce63eb Split and join self-closing tags (3 days ago) * | 379d25e Check for visibility modifier on struct prop (3 days ago) |/ * 266b0a8 Handle Rust struct field attributes (3 days ago) * 1ffbe06 Fix joining for nested modules (5 days ago) * 8ffd777 Handle rust imports (5 days ago) - vim-endwise: * 97180a7 Add installation instructions for Vim's built-in package support (2 days ago) - vim-ruby: * fd49b25 Merge pull request #413 from vim-ruby/fix-memory-intensive-pattern (2 days ago) * 79fc3c5 Try fixing a memory-intensive pattern (3 weeks ago) * 871e7a1 Fix contained groups highlighting in eRuby (3 months ago) * 58c21f8 Merge pull request #409 from sergio1990/autodetect-sorbet-rbi-files (3 months ago) |\ | * 07e8c85 Detect Sorbet RBI files as Ruby files (3 months ago) |/ * 81f64ec Fix indent bug with continuation chars in regexp syntax group (5 months ago) * d37f5a5 Don't add second .rb on gf (6 months ago) * 1c70532 Loosen match for default 'path' (8 months ago) * 1aa8f0c Re-enable after/ files to define custom keywords (9 months ago) * 96d5db4 Optimize some keyword style syntax patterns (1 year, 1 month ago) * d04ba6d Refactor syntax tests (1 year, 1 month ago) * 296173a Whitespace and comment fixes (1 year, 1 month ago) * 25074cb Fix highlighting of required trailing keyword parameters (1 year, 1 month ago) * d530625 Rename rubyExceptionHandler1 -> 2 for consistency's sake (1 year, 1 month ago) * eba5233 Highlight block parameters like method parameters (1 year, 1 month ago) * 4952435 Fix highlighting of symbol default values (1 year, 1 month ago) * 4663c19 Move defined? and English bool operators to *Operator syntax groups (1 year, 1 month ago) * 1507e68 Simplify 1.9-style rubySymbol patterns (1 year, 1 month ago) * 67445fe Revert "Make matchit's "%" ignore Range.end method" (1 year, 1 month ago) * b54b4e3 Normalise test formatting (1 year, 1 month ago) * 763877d Support %=...= percent string literals (1 year, 1 month ago) * 4c91c8e Optionally highlight pseudo operators (1 year, 1 month ago) * 142712c Fix highlighting of capitalized bare bang/predicate method calls (1 year, 1 month ago) * 4abc434 Add rudimentary syntax highlighter testing (1 year, 1 month ago) * db9173e Clean up rubyBracketOperator pattern (1 year, 1 month ago) * 2fcaad1 Fix matchit curly brace block matching (1 year, 1 month ago) * 552cd6f Highlight ., &., and :: when nobbling keywords (1 year, 1 month ago) * 351cb78 Highlight whitespace character literals (1 year, 1 month ago) * c711bc2 Improve non-ASCII identifier support (1 year, 1 month ago) * a5b3e53 Move deprecated predefined constants to new section (1 year, 1 month ago) * 8f551bb Prevent heredocs from matching after backtick strings (1 year, 1 month ago) * 5de2749 Fold level comment improvements (1 year, 1 month ago) * 7f382d7 Improve keyword nobbling highlighting performance (1 year, 1 month ago) * 1adb6a1 Rename bracket escape syntax groups (1 year, 1 month ago) * c1e0106 Minor fix (1 year, 2 months ago) * c924cde Merge pull request #395 from datanoise/master (1 year, 2 months ago) |\ | * 8c2812d do not ignore a:flags parameter for key mappings (1 year, 2 months ago) |/ * 70b6b12 Don't allow heredocs to start after the dot 'operator' (1 year, 2 months ago) * 2af3000 Move interpolation syntax groups to top of section (1 year, 2 months ago) * 33d9c2b Fix == operator highlighting with no leading whitespace (1 year, 2 months ago) * dca5e81 Add =begin/=end pair to matchit (1 year, 2 months ago) * 5da839c Highlight statement modifiers after capitalized ?! methods (1 year, 2 months ago) * f753e93 Merge pull request #394 from jerryskye/update_missing_comma (1 year, 2 months ago) |\ | * b46fce0 Fix missing comma in indent/ruby.vim in s:syng_strcom list (1 year, 2 months ago) |/ * ed2104b Fix matchit method name skipping (1 year, 2 months ago) * fe35544 Skip comments when determing completion types (1 year, 2 months ago) * eec4d89 Add new syntax groups for percent literal delimiters (1 year, 2 months ago) * d3bb65a Improve statement modifier highlighting (1 year, 2 months ago) * c7088aa Fix highlighting of one-line nested if blocks (1 year, 2 months ago) * cf470dc Fix highlighting of assignments from loops (1 year, 2 months ago) * 18fb61c Fix whitespace (1 year, 2 months ago) * acf0718 Expand predefined global variable error highlighting (1 year, 2 months ago) * 412a8c3 Fix conditional highlighting after redundant line continuations (1 year, 2 months ago) * d0a9fed Documentation for g:ruby_recommended_style (1 year, 2 months ago) * f820008 Fix completion bug with `end` detection (1 year, 2 months ago) * 8efffcc Don't highlight r suffix with exponential notation float literals (1 year, 2 months ago) * d22929f Fix documentation formatting (1 year, 2 months ago) * 31ea647 Fix completion of :: qualified constants and methods (1 year, 2 months ago) * 5984d82 Fix indenting of leading &. chained continuation lines (1 year, 2 months ago) * 74217b2 Clean up the ruby_operators rat's nest (1 year, 2 months ago) * 3760d3f Fix lookbehind limit on rubyMethodName syntax pattern (1 year, 2 months ago) * e56d870 Highlight escaped delimiters in single quoted percent literals (1 year, 2 months ago) * 0293102 Fix highlighting of interpolated global variable look-alikes (1 year, 2 months ago) * 1ba3c95 Highlight exception handlers in module, class and do blocks (1 year, 2 months ago) * db00e97 Extract some deprecated predefined vars to a separate section (1 year, 2 months ago) * 5fa8650 Add some missing syntax groups to rubyNotTop (1 year, 2 months ago) * e79add9 Allow matchit commands to skip the rescue modifier (1 year, 2 months ago) * df6fb0b Fix whitespace (1 year, 2 months ago) * 0f38a09 Move eRuby syntax config to head of file (1 year, 2 months ago) * 1512c3f Remove unused rubyHeredoc syntax group (1 year, 2 months ago) * ba16775 Remove remnants of the rubyNoInterpolation syntax group (1 year, 2 months ago) * 19c19a5 Add highlighting support for magic comments (1 year, 2 months ago) * cc7a38a Add highlighting support for some missing regex features (1 year, 2 months ago) * ea7f998 Simplify handling of escaped string interpolation (1 year, 2 months ago) * 24d20e1 Highlight the [:word:] regexp character class (1 year, 2 months ago) * 16b315a Improve backslash escaping in double quoted literals (1 year, 2 months ago) * 67c3955 Fix whitespace -- :retab! (1 year, 2 months ago) * 4855d0f Improve backslash escaping in single quoted literals (1 year, 2 months ago) * 4f640da Normalise fold-level source comments (1 year, 3 months ago) * d917ea0 Highlight Unicode escape sequences (1 year, 3 months ago) * 2a332fe Fix :SynFold on Vim 7.4 (1 year, 3 months ago) * 663f34d Actually support 'string' in ruby_foldable_groups (1 year, 3 months ago) * 9a84b56 Don't match identifiers ending in "def" as indent keywords (1 year, 3 months ago) * 947cfcc Split and reformat documentation (1 year, 3 months ago) * c1b3eea Fix text object mapping clashes (1 year, 3 months ago) * 2d6b37d Use :exe abbreviation for :execute (1 year, 3 months ago) * ee13adc Fix the pattern for rubyCapitalizedMethod (1 year, 3 months ago) * 81ca455 Fix backslash escaping in regex character classes (1 year, 3 months ago) * 240c041 Revert "Improve performance of some slow rubySymbol patterns" (1 year, 3 months ago) * 85cb134 Actually support NONE in ruby_foldable_groups (1 year, 3 months ago) * 0021564 Remove syntax folding related duplication (1 year, 3 months ago) * b3a4af9 (tag: stable-20190106) Revert "Support filetype=html.eruby" (1 year, 3 months ago) + PlugUpgrade + replug done ```
jonallured commented 4 years ago

Hrm, I seem to have forgotten to close this one!