jonallured / dotfiles

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Week 43 - juggernaut #200

Closed jonallured closed 3 years ago

jonallured commented 3 years ago

Terminal Stuff

Filesystem Housekeeping

Check for Updates

Stay in Sync

Finishing Up

jonallured commented 3 years ago


``` + brew upgrade asdf awscli bat fzf gh git heroku hokusai httpie hub jo jq macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn zsh-completions Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 4 taps (homebrew/cask-versions, homebrew/core, homebrew/cask and mongodb/brew). ==> New Formulae blaze cvs-fast-export device-mapper foreman fpart gcalcli googletest gost libdrm or-tools postgresql@12 zsh-you-should-use ==> Updated Formulae Updated 319 formulae. ==> Deleted Formulae meson-internal ==> New Casks displays gactions mechvibes messenger modern-csv mongodb-realm-studio perimeter81 s3stat-setup ==> Updated Casks 5kplayer affinity-designer-beta airy alt-tab amazon-music appcleaner appcode-eap appgate-sdp-client atom atom-beta audiobook-builder audirvana azure-data-studio bbedit birdfont blizz blocs blueharvest bluejeans bookmacster boom-3d boxcryptor brave-browser brave-browser-beta brave-browser-dev btcpayserver-vault butt cacher calibre camtasia camunda-modeler caprine carbon-copy-cloner cellprofiler chatty chiaki chirp chromedriver-beta chromium cleanshot coda cookie copyq corretto coteditor crossover cycling74-max dash dashcam-viewer data-science-studio datadog-agent datovka dbeaver-community dcp-o-matic dcp-o-matic-batch-converter dcp-o-matic-encode-server dcp-o-matic-kdm-creator dcp-o-matic-player deeper deezer djay-pro docker-edge dotnet dotnet-sdk drama dropbox-beta easy-move-plus-resize electrum eloston-chromium emclient epic-games epichrome eset-cyber-security-pro evernote expandrive expressvpn extraterm fantastical farrago feishu fing firefox flash-npapi flash-player flash-player-debugger flash-player-debugger-npapi flash-player-debugger-ppapi flash-ppapi fldigi flutter folding-at-home folx framer freeyourmusic futuniuniu geekbench gemini get-backup-pro get-iplayer-automator ghost-browser gisto github-beta gloomhaven-helper goodsync graphicconverter hackintool hands-off hbuilderx home-assistant hstracker ibackup-viewer icab icollections iina-plus imazing integrity intune-company-portal invisor-lite iterm2-beta jamf-migrator jasp java-beta jclasslib-bytecode-viewer keep-it kext-updater keymanager keysmith kite krita kui lando-edge lark lazpaint lbry ledger-live lehreroffice lifesize listen1 local logisim-evolution logitech-presentation logos loom lrtimelapse macx-dvd-ripper-pro maltego mamp mars masterway-note mathpix-snipping-tool mattermost mcgimp megasync melodics mendeley-reference-manager microsoft-auto-update microsoft-edge microsoft-edge-beta microsoft-edge-dev microsoft-excel microsoft-office microsoft-outlook microsoft-powerpoint microsoft-teams microsoft-word milanote minitube mochi monero-wallet mongodb-compass-beta mono-mdk movist-pro mqttx mtgaprotracker multi musescore musictube mymonero mysqlworkbench native-access naver-whale navicat-premium netron noxappplayer numi obsidian odrive omniplan onlyoffice opencpn openphone openvpn-connect opera opera-beta opera-developer oscar osu-development paw pd-l2ork pdf-expert pgadmin4 phocus phpstorm plex-media-server plexamp pocket-casts polar-bookshelf popo porting-kit praat presentation proclaim profind protonvpn protopie proxyman pyfa pyzo qbittorrent qobuz qownnotes qtum quickhash quip qutebrowser raven-reader razorsql react-studio rectangle refined-github-safari rekordbox removebg rescuetime responsively reunion rocket-chat sabnzbd scihubeva seamonkey second-life-viewer segger-embedded-studio-for-arm sequel-ace sf-symbols sidequest signal signal-beta sim-genie sip sizzy skype slack slack-beta soulver spamsieve spatterlight spires splashtop-streamer splayer splice standard-notes stats steermouse strawberry studio-3t subler suspicious-package swiftformat-for-xcode swiftstack-client swinsian syncovery syncroom tastyworks telavox-flow tempo tg-pro thebrain thor thorium thunderbird tiger-trade timer timeular toggl-track tor-browser trilium-notes tuple tweetbot tweeten ubersicht ueli unity unity-android-support-for-editor unity-download-assistant unity-ios-support-for-editor unity-lumin-support-for-editor unity-webgl-support-for-editor unity-windows-support-for-editor usenapp utools vassal visicut visual-studio-code visual-studio-code-insiders vivaldi vivi vscodium weakauras-companion webcatalog webviewscreensaver wechat workflowy wormhole yandex-disk yate youku zalo zoc zotero ==> Deleted Casks delta megahertz-knotes realm-studio Warning: Treating macvim as a formula. For the cask, use homebrew/cask/macvim Warning: asdf 0.8.0 already installed Warning: bat 0.16.0 already installed Warning: fzf 0.23.1 already installed Warning: gh 1.1.0 already installed Warning: heroku/brew/heroku 7.46.0 already installed Warning: artsy/formulas/hokusai 0.5.11 already installed Warning: httpie 2.2.0_1 already installed Warning: hub 2.14.2 already installed Warning: jo 1.4 already installed Warning: jq 1.6 already installed Warning: macvim 8.2-166_1 already installed Warning: the_silver_searcher 2.2.0 already installed Warning: tmux 3.1b already installed Warning: yarn 1.22.10 already installed Warning: zsh-completions 0.32.0 already installed ==> Upgrading 2 outdated packages: awscli 2.0.56 -> 2.0.57 git 2.28.0 -> 2.29.0 ==> Upgrading awscli 2.0.56 -> 2.0.57 ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Pouring awscli-2.0.57.catalina.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats The "examples" directory has been installed to: /usr/local/share/awscli/examples Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/awscli/2.0.57: 11,536 files, 82.2MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/awscli/2.0.56... (11,997 files, 86.7MB) Removing: /Users/jon/Library/Caches/Homebrew/awscli--2.0.56.catalina.bottle.tar.gz... (21.8MB) ==> Upgrading git 2.28.0 -> 2.29.0 ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Pouring git-2.29.0.catalina.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats The Tcl/Tk GUIs (e.g. gitk, git-gui) are now in the `git-gui` formula. Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions Emacs Lisp files have been installed to: /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/git ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.29.0: 1,478 files, 39.7MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.28.0... (1,482 files, 48.9MB) Removing: /Users/jon/Library/Caches/Homebrew/git--2.28.0.catalina.bottle.tar.gz... (19.4MB) ==> Caveats ==> awscli The "examples" directory has been installed to: /usr/local/share/awscli/examples Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> git The Tcl/Tk GUIs (e.g. gitk, git-gui) are now in the `git-gui` formula. Bash completion has been installed to: /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions Emacs Lisp files have been installed to: /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/git + asdf plugin-update --all Updating nodejs... Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Updating python... From b544ac9..6f1b8ac master -> master * [new tag] v1.0 -> v1.0 b544ac9..6f1b8ac master -> origin/master Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Updating ruby... Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. + asdf reshim + gem update --system Latest version already installed. Done. + npm install --global npm /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/bin/npm -> /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/bin/npx -> /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js > npm@6.14.8 postinstall /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/npm > /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/nodejs/10.15.1/.npm/lib/node_modules/.hooks/postinstall + npm@6.14.8 updated 1 package in 4.944s + nuke_modules /Users/jon/code/reaction/node_modules /Users/jon/code/metaphysics/node_modules /Users/jon/code/forty-time-management/typescript/node_modules /Users/jon/code/eigen/node_modules /Users/jon/code/force/node_modules 5.4G cleaned up ```


``` + PlugClean Searching for invalid plugins in /Users/jon/.vim/plugs [==========================================================] Already clean. + PlugInstall Updated. Elapsed time: 0.609100 sec. [=========================================================] - Finishing ... Done! - bufkill.vim: Already installed - fzf: Already installed - vim-hashrocket: Already installed - vim-rake: Already installed - vim-turbux: Already installed - vim-pug: Already installed - vim-ruby: Already installed - vim-textobj-user: Already installed - vim-scriptease: Already installed - vim-rsi: Already installed - tslime.vim: Already installed - vim-vividchalk: Already installed - vim-coffee-script: Already installed - vim-graphql: Already installed - vim-rhubarb: Already installed - vim-markdown: Already installed - pgsql.vim: Already installed - vim-vinegar: Already installed - vim-slim: Already installed - vim-repeat: Already installed - vim-git: Already installed - vim-commentary: Already installed - vim-blockle: Already installed - vim-endwise: Already installed - supertab: Already installed - vim-sleuth: Already installed - ack.vim: Already installed - vim-spacejam: Already installed - Already installed - vim-sensible: Already installed - vim-unimpaired: Already installed - vim-headfirst: Already installed - vim-json: Already installed - vim-bdubs: Already installed - vim-rails: Already installed - vim-weefactor: Already installed - vim-eunuch: Already installed - vim-railscasts: Already installed - gitv: Already installed - vim-irblack: Already installed - vim-fugitive: Already installed - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already installed - tabular: Already installed - vim-speeddating: Already installed - ale: Already installed - vim-bundler: Already installed - vim-haml: Already installed - splitjoin.vim: Already installed - vim-jsx: Already installed - vim-abolish: Already installed - vim-ragtag: Already installed - vim-projectionist: Already installed - vim-surround: Already installed - typescript-vim: Already installed - vim-javascript: Already installed - vim-cucumber: Already installed - vim-styled-components: Already installed + PlugUpdate Updated. Elapsed time: 4.864228 sec. [=======================================================xx] - Finishing ... Done! x tslime.vim: merge: origin/master - not something we can merge x vim-turbux: merge: origin/master - not something we can merge - bufkill.vim: Already up to date. - fzf: 11 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-) - vim-hashrocket: Already up to date. - vim-rake: Already up to date. - vim-pug: Already up to date. - vim-ruby: Already up to date. - vim-textobj-user: Already up to date. - vim-scriptease: Already up to date. - vim-rsi: Already up to date. - vim-vividchalk: Already up to date. - vim-coffee-script: Already up to date. - vim-graphql: Already up to date. - vim-rhubarb: Already up to date. - vim-markdown: Already up to date. - pgsql.vim: Already up to date. - vim-vinegar: Already up to date. - vim-slim: Already up to date. - vim-repeat: Already up to date. - vim-git: Already up to date. - vim-commentary: Already up to date. - vim-blockle: Already up to date. - vim-endwise: Already up to date. - supertab: Already up to date. - vim-sleuth: Already up to date. - ack.vim: Already up to date. - vim-spacejam: Already up to date. - Already up to date. - vim-sensible: Already up to date. - vim-unimpaired: Already up to date. - vim-headfirst: Already up to date. - vim-json: Already up to date. - vim-bdubs: Already up to date. - vim-rails: Already up to date. - vim-weefactor: Already up to date. - vim-eunuch: Already up to date. - vim-railscasts: Already up to date. - gitv: Already up to date. - vim-irblack: Already up to date. - vim-fugitive: Already up to date. - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already up to date. - tabular: Already up to date. - vim-speeddating: Already up to date. - ale: 13 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-) - vim-bundler: Already up to date. - vim-haml: Already up to date. - splitjoin.vim: Already up to date. - vim-jsx: Already up to date. - vim-abolish: Already up to date. - vim-ragtag: Already up to date. - vim-projectionist: Already up to date. - vim-surround: Already up to date. - typescript-vim: Already up to date. - vim-javascript: Already up to date. - vim-cucumber: Already up to date. - vim-styled-components: Already up to date. + PlugDiff 2 plugin(s) updated. [=========================================================] Last update: ------------ - ale: * 557a1ed Make the two nearly identical Swift tools easier to distinguish (5 days ago) * 477eb89 #3332 Implement :ALERename! for ignoring errors (5 days ago) * f384d61 Fix sorting of supported tools (5 days ago) - fzf: * d2d4d68 Always show the number of selected entries to indicate if --multi is enabled (4 hours ago) * faf68db Implement streaming preview window (#2215) (2 days ago) * 305896f README-VIM: g:fzf_action doesn't work with custom sink (2 days ago) + PlugUpgrade diff --git a/rcm/vim/autoload/plug.vim b/rcm/vim/autoload/plug.vim index 9262208..6393d8d 100644 --- a/rcm/vim/autoload/plug.vim +++ b/rcm/vim/autoload/plug.vim @@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ function! s:checkout(spec) let output = s:git_revision(a:spec.dir) if !empty(output) && !s:hash_match(sha, s:lines(output)[0]) let output = s:system( - \ 'git fetch --depth 999999 && git checkout '.plug#shellescape(sha).' --', a:spec.dir) + \ 'git -c credential.helper= fetch --depth 999999 && git checkout '.plug#shellescape(sha).' --', a:spec.dir) endif return output endfunction @@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ class Plugin(object): self.write(Action.UPDATE,, ['Updating ...']) callback = functools.partial(self.write, Action.UPDATE, fetch_opt = '--depth 99999999' if self.tag and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.args['dir'], '.git/shallow')) else '' - cmd = 'git fetch {0} {1} 2>&1'.format(fetch_opt, G_PROGRESS) + cmd = 'git -c credential.helper= fetch {0} {1} 2>&1'.format(fetch_opt, G_PROGRESS) com = Command(cmd, self.args['dir'], G_TIMEOUT, callback) result = com.execute(G_RETRIES) self.write(Action.DONE,, result[-1:]) @@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ function! s:update_ruby() if pull name, 'Updating ...', :update fetch_opt = (tag && File.exist?(File.join(dir, '.git/shallow'))) ? '--depth 99999999' : '' - "#{chdir} && git fetch #{fetch_opt} #{progress} 2>&1", name, :update, nil + "#{chdir} && git -c credential.helper= fetch #{fetch_opt} #{progress} 2>&1", name, :update, nil else [true, skip] end + replug done ```