jonallured / dotfiles

Here be my dotfiles
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Week 20 - juggernaut #222

Closed jonallured closed 3 years ago

jonallured commented 3 years ago

Terminal Stuff

Filesystem Housekeeping

Check for Updates

Stay in Sync

Finishing Up

jonallured commented 3 years ago


``` + brew upgrade asdf awscli bat fzf gh git heroku hokusai httpie hub jo jq macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn zsh-completions Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core). ==> Updated Formulae Updated 1 formula. Warning: Treating macvim as a formula. For the cask, use homebrew/cask/macvim Warning: asdf 0.8.0_1 already installed Warning: awscli 2.2.5 already installed Warning: bat 0.18.1 already installed Warning: fzf 0.27.0 already installed Warning: gh 1.9.2 already installed Warning: git 2.31.1 already installed Warning: heroku/brew/heroku 7.53.1 already installed Warning: artsy/formulas/hokusai 0.5.14 already installed Warning: httpie 2.4.0 already installed Warning: hub 2.14.2 already installed Warning: jo 1.4 already installed Warning: jq 1.6 already installed Warning: macvim 8.2-171 already installed Warning: the_silver_searcher 2.2.0 already installed Warning: tmux 3.2 already installed Warning: yarn 1.22.10 already installed Warning: zsh-completions 0.33.0 already installed + asdf plugin-update --all Updating nodejs... Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Updating python... Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Updating ruby... Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. + asdf reshim + gem update --system Latest version already installed. Done. + npm install --global npm changed 14 packages, and audited 255 packages in 2s 11 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details found 0 vulnerabilities + op update 1Password command-line tool 1.9.2. You're using the latest version. + nuke_modules /Users/jon/code/force/node_modules 1.2G cleaned up ```


``` + PlugClean Searching for invalid plugins in /Users/jon/.vim/plugs [==========================================================] Already clean. + PlugInstall Updated. Elapsed time: 0.402899 sec. [=========================================================] - Finishing ... Done! - bufkill.vim: Already installed - fzf: Already installed - vim-hashrocket: Already installed - vim-rake: Already installed - vim-turbux: Already installed - vim-pug: Already installed - vim-ruby: Already installed - vim-textobj-user: Already installed - vim-scriptease: Already installed - vim-rsi: Already installed - tslime.vim: Already installed - vim-vividchalk: Already installed - vim-coffee-script: Already installed - vim-graphql: Already installed - vim-rhubarb: Already installed - vim-markdown: Already installed - pgsql.vim: Already installed - vim-vinegar: Already installed - vim-slim: Already installed - vim-repeat: Already installed - vim-git: Already installed - vim-commentary: Already installed - vim-blockle: Already installed - vim-endwise: Already installed - supertab: Already installed - vim-sleuth: Already installed - ack.vim: Already installed - vim-spacejam: Already installed - Already installed - vim-sensible: Already installed - vim-unimpaired: Already installed - vim-headfirst: Already installed - vim-json: Already installed - vim-bdubs: Already installed - vim-rails: Already installed - vim-weefactor: Already installed - vim-eunuch: Already installed - vim-railscasts: Already installed - gitv: Already installed - vim-irblack: Already installed - vim-fugitive: Already installed - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already installed - tabular: Already installed - vim-speeddating: Already installed - ale: Already installed - vim-bundler: Already installed - vim-haml: Already installed - splitjoin.vim: Already installed - vim-jsx: Already installed - vim-abolish: Already installed - vim-ragtag: Already installed - vim-projectionist: Already installed - vim-surround: Already installed - typescript-vim: Already installed - vim-javascript: Already installed - vim-cucumber: Already installed - vim-styled-components: Already installed + PlugUpdate Updated. Elapsed time: 3.817356 sec. [=======================================================xx] - Finishing ... Done! x tslime.vim: merge: origin/master - not something we can merge x vim-turbux: merge: origin/master - not something we can merge - vim-ruby: Already up to date. - vim-pug: Already up to date. - vim-textobj-user: Already up to date. - vim-scriptease: Already up to date. - vim-rsi: Already up to date. - vim-coffee-script: Already up to date. - vim-vividchalk: Already up to date. - vim-markdown: Already up to date. - vim-graphql: Already up to date. - pgsql.vim: Already up to date. - bufkill.vim: Already up to date. - vim-vinegar: Already up to date. - fzf: 6 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-) - vim-rhubarb: Already up to date. - vim-hashrocket: Already up to date. - vim-slim: Already up to date. - vim-rake: Already up to date. - vim-git: Already up to date. - vim-repeat: Already up to date. - vim-commentary: Already up to date. - vim-endwise: Already up to date. - vim-blockle: Already up to date. - supertab: Already up to date. - vim-bdubs: Already up to date. - vim-unimpaired: Already up to date. - vim-spacejam: Already up to date. - vim-sleuth: Already up to date. - ack.vim: Already up to date. - vim-weefactor: Already up to date. - Already up to date. - vim-sensible: Already up to date. - vim-json: Already up to date. - vim-headfirst: Already up to date. - vim-rails: Already up to date. - vim-fugitive: 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - vim-eunuch: Already up to date. - gitv: Already up to date. - vim-railscasts: Already up to date. - vim-irblack: Already up to date. - vim-styled-components: Already up to date. - vim-javascript: Already up to date. - typescript-vim: Already up to date. - vim-surround: Already up to date. - vim-projectionist: Already up to date. - vim-ragtag: Already up to date. - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already up to date. - tabular: Already up to date. - vim-speeddating: Already up to date. - ale: Already up to date. - vim-bundler: Already up to date. - vim-haml: Already up to date. - splitjoin.vim: Already up to date. - vim-jsx: Already up to date. - vim-abolish: Already up to date. - vim-cucumber: Already up to date. + PlugDiff 2 plugin(s) updated. [=========================================================] Last update: ------------ - fzf: * 3f75a83 Replace RuneWidth to StringWidth to handle grapheme clusters (4 days ago) - vim-fugitive: * 0868c30 Tighten up diff highlighting (5 days ago) + PlugUpgrade + replug done ```