jonallured / dotfiles

Here be my dotfiles
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Week 38 - juggernaut #225

Closed jonallured closed 2 years ago

jonallured commented 2 years ago

Terminal Stuff

Filesystem Housekeeping

Check for Updates

Stay in Sync

Finishing Up

jonallured commented 2 years ago


``` + brew upgrade asdf awscli bat fzf gh git heroku hokusai httpie hub jo jq macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn zsh-completions Updating Homebrew... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 5 taps (homebrew/cask-versions, homebrew/core, homebrew/cask, homebrew/services and stripe/stripe-cli). ==> Updated Formulae Updated 644 formulae. ==> Updated Casks Updated 321 casks. ==> New Formulae actionlint apache-pulsar bat-extras bottom clickhouse-cpp gtop jpdfbookmarks librist osc-cli pkg-config-wrapper pkgconf red-tldr selene vespa-cli viddy viu ==> Deleted Formulae vavrdiasm ==> New Casks epilogue-operator gcs mathcha-notebook nimblenote notunes remix-ide remotion universal-gcode-platform Warning: Treating macvim as a formula. For the cask, use homebrew/cask/macvim Warning: asdf 0.8.1_1 already installed Warning: bat 0.18.3 already installed Warning: fzf 0.27.2 already installed Warning: git 2.33.0 already installed Warning: artsy/formulas/hokusai 0.5.16 already installed Warning: httpie 2.5.0 already installed Warning: hub 2.14.2 already installed Warning: jo 1.4 already installed Warning: jq 1.6 already installed Warning: macvim 8.2-171_1 already installed Warning: the_silver_searcher 2.2.0 already installed Warning: tmux 3.2a already installed Warning: yarn 1.22.11 already installed Warning: zsh-completions 0.33.0_1 already installed ==> Upgrading 3 outdated packages: awscli 2.2.36 -> 2.2.39 gh 1.14.0 -> 2.0.0 heroku/brew/heroku 7.57.0 -> 7.59.0 ==> Downloading ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Downloading ==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Downloading ==> Upgrading awscli 2.2.36 -> 2.2.39 ==> Pouring awscli--2.2.39.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats The "examples" directory has been installed to: /usr/local/share/awscli/examples zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/awscli/2.2.39: 12,035 files, 88.7MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/awscli/2.2.36... (12,031 files, 88.3MB) Removing: /Users/jon/Library/Caches/Homebrew/awscli--2.2.36... (15.1MB) ==> Upgrading gh 1.14.0 -> 2.0.0 ==> Pouring gh--2.0.0.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz ==> Caveats zsh completions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/gh/2.0.0: 97 files, 28.8MB Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/gh/1.14.0... (90 files, 28.7MB) Removing: /Users/jon/Library/Caches/Homebrew/gh--1.14.0... (6.7MB) ==> Upgrading heroku/brew/heroku 7.57.0 -> 7.59.0 ==> Caveats To use the Heroku CLI's autocomplete -- Via homebrew's shell completion: 1) Follow homebrew's install instructions NOTE: For zsh, as the instructions mention, be sure compinit is autoloaded and called, either explicitly or via a framework like oh-my-zsh. 2) Then run $ heroku autocomplete --refresh-cache OR Use our standalone setup: 1) Run and follow the install steps: $ heroku autocomplete zsh completions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> Summary 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/heroku/7.59.0: 28,792 files, 62.9MB, built in 54 seconds Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/heroku/7.57.0... (57,500 files, 171.2MB) Removing: /Users/jon/Library/Caches/Homebrew/heroku--7.57.0.tar.xz... (7MB) ==> Caveats ==> awscli The "examples" directory has been installed to: /usr/local/share/awscli/examples zsh completions and functions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> gh zsh completions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ==> heroku To use the Heroku CLI's autocomplete -- Via homebrew's shell completion: 1) Follow homebrew's install instructions NOTE: For zsh, as the instructions mention, be sure compinit is autoloaded and called, either explicitly or via a framework like oh-my-zsh. 2) Then run $ heroku autocomplete --refresh-cache OR Use our standalone setup: 1) Run and follow the install steps: $ heroku autocomplete zsh completions have been installed to: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions + asdf plugin-update --all Updating python to master Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Updating nodejs to master From ea13348..95a2091 master -> master ea13348..95a2091 master -> origin/master Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Updating ruby to master From cac8546..0fd97e9 master -> master cac8546..0fd97e9 master -> origin/master Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. + asdf reshim + gem update --system Updating rubygems-update Successfully installed rubygems-update-3.2.27 Installing RubyGems 3.2.27 Successfully built RubyGem Name: bundler Version: 2.2.27 File: bundler-2.2.27.gem Bundler 2.2.27 installed RubyGems 3.2.27 installed Regenerating binstubs Regenerating plugins # 3.2.27 / 2021-09-03 ## Enhancements: * Redact credentails when printing URI. Pull request #4868 by intuxicated * Prefer `require_relative` to `require` for internal requires. Pull request #4858 by deivid-rodriguez * Prioritise gems with higher version for fetching metadata, and stop fetching once we find a valid candidate. Pull request #4843 by intuxicated # 3.2.26 / 2021-08-17 ## Enhancements: * Enhance the error handling for loading the `rubygems/defaults/operating_system` file. Pull request #4824 by intuxicated * Ignore `RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS` for the bundler gem. Pull request #4532 by deivid-rodriguez ## Bug fixes: * Also load user installed rubygems plugins. Pull request #4829 by deivid-rodriguez # 3.2.25 / 2021-07-30 ## Enhancements: * Don't load the `base64` library since it's not used. Pull request #4785 by deivid-rodriguez * Don't load the `resolv` library since it's not used. Pull request #4784 by deivid-rodriguez * Lazily load `shellwords` library. Pull request #4783 by deivid-rodriguez * Check requirements class before loading marshalled requirements. Pull request #4651 by nobu ## Bug fixes: * Add missing `require 'fileutils'` in `Gem::ConfigFile`. Pull request #4768 by ybiquitous # 3.2.24 / 2021-07-15 ## Bug fixes: * Fix contradictory message about deletion of default gem. Pull request #4739 by jaredbeck ## Documentation: * Add a description about `GEM_HOST_OTP_CODE` to help text. Pull request #4742 by ybiquitous # 3.2.23 / 2021-07-09 ## Enhancements: * Rewind IO source to allow working with contents in memory. Pull request #4729 by drcapulet # 3.2.22 / 2021-07-06 ## Enhancements: * Allow setting `--otp` via `GEM_HOST_OTP_CODE`. Pull request #4697 by CGA1123 * Fixes for the edge case when openssl library is missing. Pull request #4695 by rhenium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RubyGems installed the following executables: /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.0.1/bin/gem /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.0.1/bin/bundle /Users/jon/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.0.1/bin/bundler RubyGems system software updated + npm install --global npm removed 9 packages, changed 43 packages, and audited 258 packages in 3s 11 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details found 0 vulnerabilities npm notice npm notice New minor version of npm available! 7.19.0 -> 7.24.0 npm notice Changelog: npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@7.24.0` to update! npm notice Reshimming asdf nodejs... + op update 1Password command-line tool 1.11.4. You're using the latest version. + nuke_modules /Users/jon/code/metaphysics/node_modules /Users/jon/code/force/node_modules 1.6G cleaned up ```


``` + PlugClean Searching for invalid plugins in /Users/jon/.vim/plugs [=========================================================] Already clean. + PlugInstall Updated. Elapsed time: 0.389202 sec. [=========================================================] - Finishing ... Done! - bufkill.vim: Already installed - fzf: Already installed - vim-hashrocket: Already installed - vim-rake: Already installed - vim-turbux: Already installed - vim-pug: Already installed - vim-ruby: Already installed - vim-textobj-user: Already installed - vim-scriptease: Already installed - vim-rsi: Already installed - tslime.vim: Already installed - vim-vividchalk: Already installed - vim-coffee-script: Already installed - vim-graphql: Already installed - vim-rhubarb: Already installed - vim-markdown: Already installed - pgsql.vim: Already installed - vim-vinegar: Already installed - vim-slim: Already installed - vim-repeat: Already installed - vim-git: Already installed - vim-commentary: Already installed - vim-blockle: Already installed - vim-endwise: Already installed - supertab: Already installed - vim-sleuth: Already installed - ack.vim: Already installed - vim-spacejam: Already installed - Already installed - vim-sensible: Already installed - vim-unimpaired: Already installed - vim-headfirst: Already installed - vim-json: Already installed - vim-bdubs: Already installed - vim-rails: Already installed - vim-weefactor: Already installed - vim-eunuch: Already installed - vim-railscasts: Already installed - gitv: Already installed - vim-irblack: Already installed - vim-fugitive: Already installed - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already installed - tabular: Already installed - vim-speeddating: Already installed - ale: Already installed - vim-bundler: Already installed - vim-haml: Already installed - splitjoin.vim: Already installed - vim-jsx: Already installed - vim-abolish: Already installed - vim-ragtag: Already installed - vim-projectionist: Already installed - vim-surround: Already installed - typescript-vim: Already installed - vim-javascript: Already installed - vim-cucumber: Already installed - vim-styled-components: Already installed + PlugUpdate Updated. Elapsed time: 5.043682 sec. [=======================================================xx] - Finishing ... Done! x tslime.vim: merge: origin/master - not something we can merge x vim-turbux: merge: origin/master - not something we can merge - vim-weefactor: Already up to date. - bufkill.vim: Already up to date. - fzf: 3 files changed, 18 insertions(+) - vim-hashrocket: Already up to date. - vim-git: delete mode 100644 ftplugin/git.vim - vim-rake: Already up to date. - vim-commentary: 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - vim-pug: Already up to date. - vim-ruby: 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - vim-textobj-user: Already up to date. - vim-scriptease: Already up to date. - vim-rsi: Already up to date. - vim-vividchalk: Already up to date. - vim-coffee-script: Already up to date. - vim-fugitive: 4 files changed, 694 insertions(+), 335 deletions(-) - vim-graphql: create mode 100644 test/rescript/default.vader - vim-unimpaired: 2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-) - vim-rhubarb: create mode 100644 LICENSE - vim-markdown: 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) - pgsql.vim: Already up to date. - vim-vinegar: 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) - vim-rails: Already up to date. - vim-slim: Already up to date. - vim-repeat: Already up to date. - vim-blockle: Already up to date. - vim-endwise: Already up to date. - supertab: Already up to date. - vim-sleuth: Already up to date. - ack.vim: Already up to date. - ale: create mode 100644 test/test-files/python/pyre_configuration_dir/foo/ - splitjoin.vim: Already up to date. - vim-spacejam: Already up to date. - Already up to date. - vim-styled-components: Already up to date. - vim-sensible: Already up to date. - vim-javascript: Already up to date. - vim-headfirst: Already up to date. - vim-json: Already up to date. - vim-bdubs: Already up to date. - vim-eunuch: Already up to date. - vim-railscasts: Already up to date. - gitv: Already up to date. - vim-irblack: Already up to date. - vim-textobj-rubyblock: Already up to date. - tabular: Already up to date. - vim-speeddating: Already up to date. - vim-bundler: Already up to date. - vim-haml: Already up to date. - vim-jsx: Already up to date. - vim-abolish: Already up to date. - vim-ragtag: Already up to date. - vim-projectionist: Already up to date. - vim-surround: Already up to date. - typescript-vim: Already up to date. - vim-cucumber: Already up to date. + PlugDiff 11 plugin(s) updated. [=========================================================] Last update: ------------ - ale: * 2f72a3ed [YAML] CircleCI: skip checking for new tool version (#3902) (3 days ago) * dca56dd7 ALECodeAction fix: check linter name when searching for nearest error. (#3901) (4 days ago) * 31349f20 Update ALE test docs to mention NVim 0.5 (#3904) (4 days ago) * f769f64c [ale-python-root] add `.pyre_configuration.local` to list of files (#3900) (5 days ago) * 19437e25 Robot framework rflint support (#3715) (10 days ago) * bf29f6ea Fix 3897 - add poetry to isort (#3898) (10 days ago) * b504eeb0 [python/pyre.vim] Fix pyre persistent behavior (#3895) (10 days ago) * c5c58f5b Improve the thriftcheck handler pattern (#3893) (12 days ago) * 42aadf6a Fix 3886 - Don't JSON decode completion user data if already a dict (#3894) (12 days ago) * 35d0bd15 Fix truncated echo (#3889) (2 weeks ago) * 8fd23f4b Introduce an ALELSPStarted autocommand (#3878) (2 weeks ago) * b9fdb91e Cppcheck backwards compat 1.34 (#3887) (2 weeks ago) * d53a0850 Add fixer for "dotnet format" (#3879) (4 weeks ago) - fzf: * 0f02fc0 Reset {n} after reload (6 days ago) - vim-commentary: * 627308e Always uncomment with :Commentary! (6 days ago) - vim-fugitive: * e1d382b Fix resolution of scp style URLs (20 hours ago) * 3d67d23 Normalize path when parsing remote URL (22 hours ago) * f02217b Avoid repeat config retrieval in :GBrowse (22 hours ago) * 12c4042 Separate remote resolution from URL reassembly (26 hours ago) * bb89a7a Invert flag for lazy initialization (26 hours ago) * a67e1f8 Try to avoid interference by $GIT_DIR and $GIT_WORK_TREE (3 days ago) * 27abc3f Respect 'splitright' instead of 'splitbelow' for :vertical (4 days ago) * 67c4c03 Support jump to diff from :Git log --name-status (6 days ago) * 79a6a19 Fix typo (6 days ago) * ba52c2b Make RemoteUrl() option parsing a bit less convoluted (6 days ago) * 529311c Fix check for wrong executable (6 days ago) * 5f387d4 Fix FugitiveRemoteUrl('origin', FugitiveConfig()) (6 days ago) * 5be8263 Override GPG_TTY to prevent terminal garbling (7 days ago) * 1651cd7 (tag: trashtest) Extract helper to determine PTY availability (7 days ago) * 630ecc8 Use --filters in cat-file whenever possible (7 days ago) * e2927fb Force current buffer number for FugitiveStatusline() (10 days ago) * 1a652c0 Tab complete :Git ++options and --options (10 days ago) * 6b1d902 Support lazy initialization in statusline indicator (10 days ago) * bb4d1dd Eliminate internal use of FugitiveCommonDir() (10 days ago) * b6545ad Fix inconsistency when scrolling :Git! preview window (10 days ago) * be0abe0 Standardize handling for quickfix commands (12 days ago) * 02eb2e8 Fix typo in error message (13 days ago) * 404c3c2 Use new tab for --patch maps (13 days ago) * ed6b45a Drop unused args parameter from :Gcommand implementations (13 days ago) * 6f07d7e Make initialization lazy (2 weeks ago) * 8c243a7 Provide User FugitiveEditor event (2 weeks ago) * 0840f00 Avoid error when mapcheck() and semantics differ (2 weeks ago) * 8d25dd7 Fix pedit map in :Git -p grep (2 weeks ago) * d488a70 Add >/ and >:/ as work-tree version expansions (2 weeks ago) * 2a53d79 (tag: v3.4) fugitive.vim 3.4 (3 weeks ago) * 2e395fa Provide FugitiveDidChange() (3 weeks ago) * 46404ad Enforce 'autowrite' in all subcommands (3 weeks ago) * 2f3cd47 Remove :Gcgrep (3 weeks ago) * 90ef74f Fix :Git difftool on Vim 7 (3 weeks ago) * ebc7dda Fix :Ggrep on Vim 7 (3 weeks ago) * 8bdbbf8 Change :Gstatus to error stub (3 weeks ago) * ef8e771 Document ++curwin (3 weeks ago) * a7d224b Support :Git ++curwin blame % (3 weeks ago) * 46a4387 Change :0,1Git blame to split by default (3 weeks ago) * 3d30a2a Expand ~~ as cwd (3 weeks ago) * 254cc8e Tab complete !bufnr (3 weeks ago) * 5b0a4af Improve fallback go-to-file in temp buffers (3 weeks ago) * b96e1a3 Update :Gpush FAQ entry to mention :Git! (3 weeks ago) * a5d997f Pre-expand argument when completing Git objects (3 weeks ago) * 8920453 Return full ref name on FugitiveHead(-1) (3 weeks ago) * 2016ce1 Fix check for maps disabled by dictionary (3 weeks ago) * 2b37219 Fix check for -addr=other on nvim (3 weeks ago) * 9ace6c6 Expand :GMove and :GRename arguments (3 weeks ago) * 4efb697 Document :Ggrep -q (3 weeks ago) * 97505a4 Expand :(literal)./ arguments to use cwd (3 weeks ago) * 3e032f2 Clean up job dictionary entry after nvim job completes (3 weeks ago) * 0d8dc0f Add stdin support to FugitiveExecute() (3 weeks ago) * cabcbc2 Further tweak to direct :Git blame count handling (3 weeks ago) * 404f8a2 Replace #ReloadStatus() with #DidChange() (3 weeks ago) * 30bf224 Fix direct blame maps in short files (3 weeks ago) * 328501d Make "q" error maps consistent (3 weeks ago) * b64c426 Try :Git for default dispatch in status buffer (3 weeks ago) * d6e1a57 Accept a dictionary in fugitive#RemoteHttpHeaders() (3 weeks ago) * 6b546f3 Better HTTP redirect detection (3 weeks ago) * dfd7be2 Fix error on :GBrowse remote/branch@remote (3 weeks ago) * 10b4434 Extend :Gdiffsplit zero argument positioning to ">" arguments (3 weeks ago) * acfcb06 Don't append another filename when expanding ">commit:file" (3 weeks ago) * 6f0ff0e Favor ssh:// URL over scp style when possible (3 weeks ago) * a6be4a3 Limit size based :Gdiffsplit orientation to no argument variant (3 weeks ago) * c9aaf78 Force :leftabove for :Gdiffsplit! with argument (3 weeks ago) * d523fee Respect 'splitbelow' on :Gdiffsplit with argument (3 weeks ago) * 4603d77 Provide :Gdiffsplit ++novertical (3 weeks ago) * 6b7892d Fix edge case in s:Map() short circuiting (3 weeks ago) * cdf60a3 Provide User FugitivePager autocommand event (3 weeks ago) * 385c0fb Use not for temp file "." map (3 weeks ago) * 4f747ad Support jump to commit in :Git log --graph (3 weeks ago) * 18fd27e Provide slightly less bad "." map in temp buffers (3 weeks ago) * fa5892d Map "(" and ")" in blame buffers (3 weeks ago) * 46a2f58 Provide utility function to expire cached config (3 weeks ago) * 126363b Tweak Vim 7 more prompt behavior (4 weeks ago) * 4ff2c8c Disable -- More -- prompt on push/fetch (4 weeks ago) * 5aa8a34 Directly echo :Git output for a few trivial commands on Vim 7 (4 weeks ago) * ad8c1c8 Work around hostile ftplugin/man.vim (4 weeks ago) * 7e21d41 Trigger FugitiveChanged after writing stage buffer (4 weeks ago) * 09d3551 Don't show "Bare" status for worktrees attached to bare repos (4 weeks ago) * 74b0960 Add deprecation warning to FugitivePrepare() (4 weeks ago) * de02a4b Change deprecated Git wrappers to error stubs (4 weeks ago) * 9317414 Provide FugitiveGitVersion() (4 weeks ago) * b06ad2a Provide FugitiveExecute() (4 weeks ago) * 61e1e94 Make FugitiveConfig(callback) asynchronous (4 weeks ago) * b07632a Fix :Git merge (4 weeks ago) * e91d17d Adjust User events for fugitive:// buffers (4 weeks ago) * 6dd18b5 Support :Git ++curwin (4 weeks ago) * 7c1f2ed Move config --list parsing into Execute callback (4 weeks ago) - vim-git: * 8565831 Avoid double setting 'filetype' (9 days ago) * 6ee5e1f Remove ftplugin/git.vim (9 days ago) * 2ca0d2d Fix 'include' in ftplugin/gitcommit.vim (9 days ago) * 3d86e00 Remove old v:version check (9 days ago) * 3d6080d Remove q map in :DiffGitCached temp buffer (9 days ago) * efcede1 Remove b:git_dir from ftplugin/gitcommit.vim (9 days ago) * 303b085 Fix b:undo_ftplugin for gitrebase (9 days ago) * 3a96b1b Remove 'keywordprg' from gitrebase and gitcommit (9 days ago) * 3d68c6d Highlight output of git log --oneline (3 weeks ago) * b237ebe Highlight output of git log --graph (3 weeks ago) * 1bab5f2 Fix pattern matching "object" lines (3 weeks ago) * f12322a Retool syntax/git.vim (3 weeks ago) - vim-graphql: * 9a9fe18 Document ReScript support (2 days ago) * 3ef4eee Add rescript support (#79) (2 days ago) - vim-markdown: * ed76403 Change from email to URL (7 days ago) * 82a10f4 Always indent 4 spaces after reference-style link (7 days ago) - vim-rhubarb: * 82e71b1 Allow dictionary to specify enterprise URLs (3 weeks ago) * 2405973 Provide simple callback API for requests (4 weeks ago) * 75b8e01 Tweak README to eliminate partially/partly inconsistency (4 weeks ago) * e4f7fb8 MIT License (4 weeks ago) - vim-ruby: * a2b8e91 Add highlighting for shareable_constant_value (10 days ago) * 10dfcbe Merge pull request #436 from dundargoc/typo (2 weeks ago) * 388d9c7 chore: fix typo found by codespell (2 weeks ago) - vim-unimpaired: * 9cf8b25 Use getreginfo() to save/restore unnamed register (27 hours ago) * cbca5cf Remove broken garbage from botched commit (27 hours ago) * f216778 Use parenthetical plug maps for encoding/decoding (29 hours ago) * 77a878c Don't encode trailing newline of block selection (29 hours ago) * c51ed44 Hide ugly plug map on option toggle with 'showcmd' (3 days ago) * 5a0fb63 Add [C and ]C string encoding maps (3 days ago) * 58e4434 Add maps for option toggles (9 days ago) * 4173df7 Remove co and =o stub maps (9 days ago) * 825a3ee Document [f/]f :colder/:cnewer (9 days ago) * c147741 Support navigating the quickfix history (#218) (4 weeks ago) - vim-vinegar: * 43576e8 Fix unnamed netrw buffers with :set hidden (3 weeks ago) + PlugUpgrade diff --git a/rcm/vim/autoload/plug.vim b/rcm/vim/autoload/plug.vim index 6a958cb..b6e4cbf 100644 --- a/rcm/vim/autoload/plug.vim +++ b/rcm/vim/autoload/plug.vim @@ -1208,7 +1208,8 @@ function! s:update_impl(pull, force, args) abort normal! 2G silent! redraw - let s:clone_opt = [] + " Set remote name, overriding a possible user git config's clone.defaultRemoteName + let s:clone_opt = ['--origin', 'origin'] if get(g:, 'plug_shallow', 1) call extend(s:clone_opt, ['--depth', '1']) if s:git_version_requirement(1, 7, 10) + replug done ```