jonan / ForkHub

GitHub client for Android based on the abandoned official app
Apache License 2.0
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Feature: Notifications & Push Notifications #44

Open codewithtyler opened 9 years ago

codewithtyler commented 9 years ago

Are there any plans to add the GitHub notifications (and push notifications)? I'd love to be able to clear my notifications right from my phone.

jonan commented 9 years ago

Notifications are planned, in fact, it's the next big feature I want to add, but unfortunately, push notifications are not possible. I might try some kind of pull notification system.

codewithtyler commented 8 years ago

Would it be possible to get a status update on this? I'd love to get my notifications straight to my phone and be able to clear them without opening the browser.

jonan commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately there's no real status update, I could give you the exact same answer again.

It's still the next big feature to be added, but my time is limited, so I don't really know when it'll be ready.

tajnymag commented 8 years ago


NHellFire commented 8 years ago

Push notifications are possible, but it'd require having a server to update everyone's notifications and push the new ones with GCM.

digitalcraftsman commented 8 years ago

Alternatively, would it be possible for a client to check Github API in a certain time interval (without beeing rate-limited)? The push notification might not appear instantly, but it's a way to enable this feature without an extra server.

rugk commented 8 years ago

IMHO push notifications ate not that important for now. For me it is much more important to have the notification area, so I can check and clear the notifications on my phone.

0xf10e commented 8 years ago

Especially clearing notifications would be a nice feature to have, +1

jonan commented 8 years ago

Notifications are working already and will be available in the next release, hopefully this weekend.

eljulians commented 8 years ago

Glad to see that it's already fixed; I was looking a minute ago for notification configuration in the app but I have not found it.

codewithtyler commented 8 years ago

@jonan At the moment its a bit hard to tell which are new notifications and which were already there. It'd be nice if each notification included a time for when it was received. (i.e. 1 hour ago, 15 hours ago, 2 days ago, etc.)

jonan commented 8 years ago

@RandomlyKnighted I've just made a few visual changes to the notifications to better distinguish read from unread. I'm still experimenting with the UI, but hope this helps :wink:

codewithtyler commented 8 years ago

@jonan thanks I'll check it out after the next update

moriel5 commented 7 years ago

Can you please not use GCM? noGAPPS users, such myself won't get any notifications that way. XDA Labs utilizes MQTT, and there is a service called ownPush, one of these may help you instead.

rugk commented 7 years ago

At least make it optional, e.g. offer pull notifications (for users without GCM) and push notifications through GCM.

jensck commented 7 years ago

As someone who values his battery life, please do use GCM.

Making it optional would be a nice accommodation, but please don't prioritize a tiny but vocal percentage of users over the overwhelming majority who have have GCM available.

moriel5 commented 7 years ago

Actually using GCM is a bad idea for battery life, not because of itself, but rather because of the Play Services which it utilizes.

XDA Labs uses MQTT, and the way it is set up, it uses much less battery than using GCM ever could.

Also, using GCM is frowned upon at F-Droid, where some people download ForkHub, so ForkHub's reputation will recieve a slight blow if it will go the GCM route.

If ForkHub will utilize GCM, I personally am in favor of it being optional, with something like MQTT used as a replacement on a noGAPPS setup.

Another option (if it does not put too much strain, or take too much time) is to make the F-Droid variant utilize a GCM replacement, while the Play Store variant will utilize GCM.

jonan commented 7 years ago

@moriel5 @jensck @rugk Actually, push notifications are not an option, as there is no way for me to send them. My intention is to implement configurable pull notifications, but I can't give you an ETA.

rugk commented 7 years ago

Okay, so in this case we do not even have to discuss about GCM… 😆

Only about battery usage, probably.

moriel5 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the information, don't worry, I can wait. In that case, battery life should not be an issue for me, as I strictly regulate my installed apps' usage.