jonas-schmitt / evostencils

Automating the Design of Multigrid Methods with Evolutionary Program Synthesis
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
11 stars 4 forks source link

FAS error #8

Closed achedrien closed 9 months ago

achedrien commented 10 months ago

After settings up a FAS test file, the FAS scheme seems not to work, in the build output file i get: m

User/User_Solve.cpp:44:28: error: stray ‘@’ in program 44 | gen_mgCycle@10(); | ^ User/User_Solve.cpp: In function ‘void Solve()’: User/User_Solve.cpp:44:17: error: ‘gen_mgCycle’ was not declared in this scope;

So exactencils is not compiled and the optimization is not performed, the test file i have created (maybe it will be nice to add a script file to test):

`from evostencils.optimization.program import Optimizer from evostencils.code_generation.exastencils_FAS import ProgramGeneratorFAS # _prime as ProgramGeneratorFAS from evostencils.code_generation.exastencils import ProgramGenerator import os import sys from mpi4py import MPI

FAS = True

def main(): cwd = f'/home/algo/gode/gode/evostencils'

Path to the ExaStencils compiler

platform_file = f"{cwd}/example_problems/lib/linux.platform"
build_path = f"{cwd}/example_problems"

compiler_path = f'{cwd}/exastencils/Compiler/Compiler.jar'
# Path to base folder
base_path = f'{cwd}/example_problems/'
# Relative path to platform file (from base folder)
platform_path = f'lib/linux.platform'
# Example problem from L2
# Relative path to settings file (from base folder)
settings_path = f'FAS_2D_Basic/FAS_2D_Basic_fromL4.settings'
# Relative path to knowledge file (from base folder)
knowledge_path = f'FAS_2D_Basic/FAS_2D_BasicfromL4.knowledge'
# Name of the multigrid cycle function
cycle_name = "gen_mgCycle"  # Default name on L2
# Additional global parameter values within the PDE system
pde_parameter_values = None
# The maximum number of iterations considered acceptable for a solver
solver_iteration_limit = 500

# Example problem from L3
# Warning: Currently not working, due to a bug in the ExaStencils compiler!
# settings_path = f'Helmholtz/2D_FD_Helmholtz_fromL3.settings'
# knowledge_path = f'Helmholtz/2D_FD_Helmholtz_fromL3.knowledge'
# cycle_name = "mgCycle"
# values = [80.0 * 2.0**i for i in range(100)]
# pde_parameter_values = {'k': values}
# solver_iteration_limit = 10000

# Set up MPI
nprocs = comm.Get_size()
mpi_rank = comm.Get_rank()
if nprocs > 1:
    tmp = "processes"
    tmp = "process"
if mpi_rank == 0:
    print(f"Running {nprocs} MPI {tmp}")

model_based_estimation = False
use_jacobi_prefix = True
# Experimental and not recommended:
# Use model based estimation instead of code generation and evaluation
# model_based_estimation = True
if model_based_estimation:
    # LFA based estimation inaccurate with jacobi prefix
    use_jacobi_prefix = False
# Create program generator object
if not FAS:
    program_generator = ProgramGenerator(compiler_path, base_path, settings_path, knowledge_path, platform_path, mpi_rank,
                                            cycle_name=cycle_name) # , use_jacobi_prefix=use_jacobi_prefix,
                                            # solver_iteration_limit=solver_iteration_limit)
     # program_generator = ProgramGeneratorFAS(compiler_path, base_path, settings_path, knowledge_path, platform_path, mpi_rank,
     #                                        cycle_name=cycle_name) #'FAS_2D_Basic', 'Solution', 'RHS', 'Residual', 'Approximation',
                                            # 'RestrictionNode', 'CorrectionNode',
                                            # 'Laplace', 'gamSten', 'mgCycle', 'CGS', 'Smoother', mpi_rank=mpi_rank,
                                            # platform_file=platform_file, build_path=build_path,
                                            # exastencils_compiler=exastencils_compiler)
    program_generator = ProgramGeneratorFAS('FAS_2D_Basic', 'Solution', 'RHS', 'Residual', 'Approximation',
                                            'RestrictionNode', 'CorrectionNode',
                                            'Laplace', 'gamSten', 'mgCycle', 'CGS', 'Smoother', mpi_rank=mpi_rank, platform_file=platform_file, build_path=build_path,

# Obtain extracted information from program generator
dimension = program_generator.dimension  # Dimensionality of the problem
finest_grid = program_generator.finest_grid  # Representation of the finest grid
coarsening_factors = program_generator.coarsening_factor
min_level = program_generator.min_level  # Minimum discretization level
max_level = program_generator.max_level  # Maximum discretization level
equations = program_generator.equations  # System of PDEs in SymPy
operators = program_generator.operators  # Discretized differential operators
fields = program_generator.fields  # Variables that occur within system of PDEs
infinity = 1e100  # Upper limit that is considered infinite
epsilon = 1e-12  # Lower limit that is considered zero
problem_name = program_generator.problem_name
convergence_evaluator = None
performance_evaluator = None
if model_based_estimation:
    # Create convergence and performance evaluator objects
    # Only needed when a model-based estimation should be used within the optimization
    # (Not recommended due to the limitations, but useful for testing)
    from evostencils.evaluation.convergence import ConvergenceEvaluator
    from evostencils.evaluation.performance import PerformanceEvaluator
    convergence_evaluator = ConvergenceEvaluator(dimension, coarsening_factors, finest_grid)
    # Peak FLOP performance of the machine
    peak_flops = 16 * 6 * 2.6 * 1e9
    # Peak memory bandwidth of the machine
    peak_bandwidth = 45.8 * 1e9
    # Number of bytes per word
    bytes_per_word = 8  # Double = 64 Bit = 8 Bytes
    performance_evaluator = PerformanceEvaluator(peak_flops, peak_bandwidth, bytes_per_word)
if mpi_rank == 0 and not os.path.exists(f'{cwd}/{problem_name}'):
    # Create directory for checkpoints and output data
# Path to directory for storing checkpoints
checkpoint_directory_path = f'{cwd}/{problem_name}/checkpoints_{mpi_rank}'
# Create optimizer object
optimizer = Optimizer(dimension, finest_grid, coarsening_factors, min_level, max_level, equations, operators, fields,
                      mpi_comm=comm, mpi_rank=mpi_rank, number_of_mpi_processes=nprocs,
                      epsilon=epsilon, infinity=infinity, checkpoint_directory_path=checkpoint_directory_path)
# Option to split the optimization into multiple runs,
# where each run is only performed on a subrange of the discretization hierarchy starting at the top (finest grid)
# (Not recommended for code-generation based evaluation)
levels_per_run = max_level - min_level
if model_based_estimation:
    # Model-based estimation only feasible for up to 2 levels per run
    levels_per_run = 1
assert levels_per_run <= 5, "Can not optimize more than 5 levels"
# Choose optimization method
optimization_method = optimizer.NSGAII
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    # Multi-objective (mu+lambda)-EA with NSGA-II non-dominated sorting-based selection
    if sys.argv[1].upper() == "NSGAII":
        optimization_method = optimizer.NSGAII
    # Multi-objective (mu+lambda)-EA with NSGA-III non-dominated sorting-based selection
    elif sys.argv[1].upper() == "NSGAIII":
        optimization_method = optimizer.NSGAIII
    # Classic single-objective (mu+lambda)-EA with binary tournament selection
    elif sys.argv[1].upper() == "SOGP":
        optimization_method = optimizer.SOGP
# Option to use random search instead of crossover and mutation to create new individuals
use_random_search = False

mu_ = 4 #32  # Population size
lambda_ = 4 #32  # Number of offspring
generations = 5  # Number of generations
population_initialization_factor = 2  # Multiply mu_ by this factor to set the initial population size

# Number of generations after which a generalization is performed
# This is achieved by incrementing min_level and max_level within the optimization
# Such that a larger (and potentially more difficult) instance of the same problem is considered in subsequent generations
generalization_interval = 50
crossover_probability = 0.7
mutation_probability = 1.0 - crossover_probability
node_replacement_probability = 0.1  # Probability to perform mutation by altering a single node in the tree
evaluation_samples = 3  # Number of evaluation samples
maximum_local_system_size = 4  # Maximum size of the local system solved within each step of a block smoother
# Option to continue from the checkpoint of a previous optimization
# Warning: So far no check is performed whether the checkpoint is compatible with the current optimization setting
continue_from_checkpoint = False

# Return values of the optimization
# program: ExaSlang program string representing the multigrid solver functions
# pops: Populations at the end of each optimization run on the respective subrange of the discretization hierarchy
# stats: Statistics structure (data structure provided by the DEAP framework)
# hofs: Hall-of-fames at the end of each optimization run on the respective subrange of the discretization hierarchy
program, pops, stats, hofs = optimizer.evolutionary_optimization(optimization_method=optimization_method,
                                                                 mu_=mu_, lambda_=lambda_,
# Print the outcome of the optimization and store the data and statistics
if mpi_rank == 0:
    print(f'\nGrammar representation:\n{program}\n', flush=True)
    if not os.path.exists(f'./{problem_name}'):
    j = 0
    log_dir_name = f'./{problem_name}/data_{j}'
    while os.path.exists(log_dir_name):
        j += 1
        log_dir_name = f'./{problem_name}/data_{j}'
    for i, log in enumerate(stats):
        optimizer.dump_data_structure(log, f"{log_dir_name}/log_{i}.p")
    for i, pop in enumerate(pops):
        optimizer.dump_data_structure(pop, f"{log_dir_name}/pop_{i}.p")
    for i, hof in enumerate(hofs):
        hof_dir = f'{log_dir_name}/hof_{i}'
        for j, ind in enumerate(hof):
            with open(f'{hof_dir}/individual_{j}.txt', 'w') as grammar_file:
                grammar_file.write(str(ind) + '\n')

if name == "main": main()`

jonas-schmitt commented 10 months ago

@dinesh-parthasarathy can you please look into this? In case this might be already fixed in your fork, I would suggest to also create a pull request and assign it to @achedrien.

dinesh-parthasarathy commented 9 months ago

Hi @achedrien, so the reason this doesn't work is because the template file used for code generation (example_problems/FAS_2D_Basic/FAS_2D_Basic_template.exa4: line 149) calls the function 'gen_mgCycle' for solving. So, it is expected that the functions printed using EvoStencils during the optimization also have the same name. Instead of passing 'mgCycle' as the cycle name the program generator should be created with 'gen_mgCycle':

 program_generator = ProgramGeneratorFAS('FAS_2D_Basic', 'Solution', 'RHS', 'Residual', 'Approximation',
                                            'RestrictionNode', 'CorrectionNode',
                                            'Laplace', 'gamSten', 'gen_mgCycle', 'CGS', 'Smoother', mpi_rank=mpi_rank, platform_file=platform_file, build_path=build_path,

This should make the optimization work. But, I agree that setting up the FAS is a bit confusing. I will simplify the script so that it is easy to toggle between FAS and non-FAS variants. I have created a separate issue for that, so I am closing this.