jonas / tig

Text-mode interface for git
GNU General Public License v2.0
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The diff view doesn't auto close after staging file in the status view #1273

Open bigunyak opened 1 year ago

bigunyak commented 1 year ago


I'm pretty sure that the diff view used to get automatically closed after staging/unstaging a file in the status view but after upgrading to tig version 2.5.8, this doesn't happen anymore. The workflow I'm trying to get working is this:

  1. Open status view.
  2. Navigate to a modified file and press Enter to see the diff.
  3. Inspect changes in the diff view and press u to stage the file.
  4. The diff view should get automatically closed when a file is staged/unstaged. Instead, it shows diff for the next file in the list.

Is this the intentional behaviour and if so, how can I change it?