jonas / tig

Text-mode interface for git
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Add context menus #1327

Open andree182 opened 2 months ago

andree182 commented 2 months ago

For people that don't want to keep 20 key bindings in head, it could be very handy, if some kind of simple context menus (accessible e.g. via key 'x' :)) would be available - similar to what gitk has. It can be achieved using 'dialog' or similar, but it's not as seamless (+some functionality has to be reimplemented).

It could probably just show the currently applicable bindings, for simple implementation.


1 [HEAD] [STABLE_123] {origin/STABLE_123} set release 2 fix bug abc 3 | [master] fix bug abc 4 | {origin/master} commit xxx 5 |/ 6 commit yyy 7 {origin/STABLE_42} commit zzz

On line 1:

On line 4, options like:

The context menus could be configured very similarly to the key bindings.