I used the latest version of Eastwood :
$ more ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:user {:plugins [[walmartlabs/vizdeps "0.1.6" :exclusions [medley com.stuartsierra/dependency]]
[jonase/eastwood "0.2.5"]
[lein-environ "1.1.0"]
[lein-ancient "0.6.10"]]}}
I looked at the source code but could not make much of it. If someone could point me in a direction
I could investigate further. The lein-sub plugin has been written a while ago.
Maybe it's not compatible anymore. If a better alternative exists, I can switch to it but the lein plugin page
did not enlightened me so far.
I attached the traceback (ran lein with DEBUG=1).
I think this is because lein eastwood ultimately uses System/exit, and not leiningen.core.main/exit which would create a cleaner exit condition. cc/ @slipset
Hi, I have been trying to run Eastwood through the lein-sub plugin and it fails on the second project in the list (I think).
The lein-sub project file is as follow:
(defproject maskatel/dependencies "3.0.0" :plugins [[lein-sub "0.3.0"]] :sub ["common-services" "promethee" "cerbere" "discordance" "discordance-maat" ]; "ether" "discordance" "redevanceIII"] )
I used the latest version of Eastwood : $ more ~/.lein/profiles.clj {:user {:plugins [[walmartlabs/vizdeps "0.1.6" :exclusions [medley com.stuartsierra/dependency]] [jonase/eastwood "0.2.5"] [lein-environ "1.1.0"] [lein-ancient "0.6.10"]]}}
I looked at the source code but could not make much of it. If someone could point me in a direction I could investigate further. The lein-sub plugin has been written a while ago. Maybe it's not compatible anymore. If a better alternative exists, I can switch to it but the lein plugin page did not enlightened me so far.
I attached the traceback (ran lein with DEBUG=1). fail.txt
Any suggestion is welcomed. Luc P.