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:warn-if-ret-val-unused should not be true for #451

Open borkdude opened 1 month ago

borkdude commented 1 month ago

I believe that :warn-if-ret-val-unused should not be true for

as this function may be called just for side effects, like here:

  (require '[ :as ctr.edn]) 
  (let [rdr (whatever)]
    (ctr.edn/read rdr) ;; omit first form
    (ctr.edn/read rdr) ;; return second form

One such case can be found here:

clj-kondo uses the :warn-if-ret-val-unused field for detecting function calls that could be omitted and the above caused a false positive.

vemv commented 1 month ago

Thanks! Yes, fully makes sense.

I'll release this asap.

borkdude commented 1 month ago

@vemv I found the following vars for which :warn-if-ret-val-unused is true but also :side-effect is true:

I'm not sure if that is intentional or not. If it is, then perhaps the above is also intentional?

$  bb -e '(->> (slurp "") edn/read-string (keep (fn [[k v]] (when (and (:warn-if-ret-val-unused v) (:side-effect v)) k))))'
( clojure.math/random clojure.core/read+string clojure.core/random-uuid clojure.core/random-sample clojure.core/rand clojure.core/rand-int clojure.core/rand-nth)
borkdude commented 1 month ago

Most of the above vars make sense to me when you look at them case by case, but perhaps read is a good one to change still.

vemv commented 1 month ago

Most of the above vars make sense to me when you look at them case by case

Indeed, I was going to say this. They're bit of a mixed bag.

It also doesn't help that side-effect isn't a very precise term.

but perhaps read is a good one to change still.


borkdude commented 1 month ago

In addition:

borkdude commented 1 month ago

Btw, I was able to work around this manually, no need for a quick release