jonasjacek / colors

List of 256 color codes for Xterm including an example of the color, Xterm Name, Xterm Number, HEX, RGB and HSL code.
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"Xterm Names" are inaccurate #9

Open romainl opened 4 years ago

romainl commented 4 years ago

The colors in xterm's 256color palette are not named. This means that arbitrarily assigning them names pulled from another palette, /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt in this case, and listing those names under "Xterm Name" is highly misleading.

Moreover, the colors that are, in fact, based on X11 colors by default, 0 to 15, are associated to the wrong X11 color names.

I would suggest either renaming the column with a more straightforward name like "Name Of The Closest X11 Color" or removing the column altogether.

lawnowner commented 4 years ago

As said above, the names of colors 16-231 (generally) don't match with /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt, although the names of the grayscale ramp, i.e. colors 232-255, match with /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt.

In addition, XTerm does name the colors in its default 16-color palette, i.e. colors 0-15 (See XTERM(1)), which match with /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt, but are listed wrong in this table, which are actually as follows:

color0 : black (#000000)           color8  : gray50 (#7f7f7f)         
color1 : red3 (#cd0000)            color9  : red (#ff0000)            
color2 : green3 (#00cd00)          color10 : green (#00ff00)          
color3 : yellow3 (#cdcd00)         color11 : yellow (#ffff00)         
color4 : mod. dark blue (#0000ee)  color12 : mod. light blue (#5c5cff)
color5 : magenta3 (#cd00cd)        color13 : magenta (#ff00ff)        
color6 : cyan3 (#00cdcd)           color14 : cyan (#00ffff)           
color7 : gray90 (#e5e5e5)          color15 : white (#ffffff)          

I came to write about the 16 main colors and then saw this issue, so I thought I'd write it here.

romainl commented 4 years ago

FWIW, colors 0-15 are not really "named" in xterm: