jonasundderwolf / django-image-cropping

Django helper application to easily and non-destructively crop arbitrarily large images in admin and frontend.
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Doesn't work with s3 bucket #76

Closed krisfields closed 8 years ago

krisfields commented 8 years ago

I've got everything working perfectly locally, but it breaks in our staging environment, where the get_thumbnailer method returns a url to an image that never made it to our s3 bucket. For example, profile_image.jpg will be in our bucket but not profile_image.jpg.430x360_q85_box-177%2C0%2C383%2C206_crop_detail.jpg, which is the get_thumbnailer generated url.

I'm trying to dig into the code now to see what's going on but thought I'd post it here in case you have any ideas.

pakzech commented 8 years ago

Same here. It seems an issue with easy_thumbnails.

pakzech commented 8 years ago

Found the solution. This will do the trick:

THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage'
THUMBNAIL_BASEDIR = 'thumbs/' # Optional but recommended
espenhogbakk commented 8 years ago

To anyone looking, this did in did work.

jonasvp commented 8 years ago

Great, thanks for helping out, @pakzech!