jonaswouters / XhprofBundle

XHProf bundle for Symfony 2
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problem with bundle and XHGUI #49

Open p365labs opened 10 years ago

p365labs commented 10 years ago

HI all I have a problem in setting up the bundle with XHGUI. this is the DEV environment

the bundles save the profiled data correctly to MYSQL but when I try to access XHGUI from the profile console I get an error from the http://xhprof:81/xhprof_html/. The server created for xhpro.

The error is 500 internal server error.

This is the error in apache LOG :

[Mon Mar 03 18:16:38 2014] [error] [client] Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
[Mon Mar 03 18:16:38 2014] [debug] core.c(3112): [client] r->uri = /Users/me/webtool/dev.php

It looks like the problem is in .htaccess config of the symfony2 public directory, or in the apache virtualhost for xhprof. Any one has an idea ? Have you ever had such a problem with symfony2 and this bundle ?

thanks a lot!

stephpy commented 10 years ago


Never had this issue. I never used XHGUI :\ Seems to be an issue with xhprof client, not related to this bundle i think.

I hope somebody here will be able to help you.

p365labs commented 10 years ago

actually the standard xhprof client works, but not XHGUI. I hope somebody could help me.