jonataslaw / get_cli

Official Getx CLI
Apache License 2.0
590 stars 171 forks source link

Package: get is not installed in this application #179

Open heshesh2010 opened 2 years ago

heshesh2010 commented 2 years ago

Version: 1.7.1

Time: 126 Milliseconds

HeshamElnemrs-MacBook-Pro:theedukey hesham$ get create page:test ✓ File: test_controller.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test/controllers/test_controller.dart ✓ File: test_view.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test/views/test_view.dart ✓ File: test_binding.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test/bindings/test_binding.dart ✖ + Package: get is not installed in this application

HeshamElnemrs-MacBook-Pro:theedukey hesham$ Package: get is not installed in this application bash: Package:: command not found HeshamElnemrs-MacBook-Pro:theedukey hesham$ get create page:hesham ✓ File: hesham_controller.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/hesham/controllers/hesham_controller.dart ✓ File: hesham_view.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/hesham/views/hesham_view.dart ✓ File: hesham_binding.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/hesham/bindings/hesham_binding.dart ✓ File: app_routes.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/routes/app_routes.dart ✖ + Package: get is not installed in this application

HeshamElnemrs-MacBook-Pro:theedukey hesham$ get create page:test3 ✓ File: test3_controller.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test3/controllers/test3_controller.dart ✓ File: test3_view.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test3/views/test3_view.dart ✓ File: test3_binding.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test3/bindings/test3_binding.dart ✖ + Package: get is not installed in this application

HeshamElnemrs-MacBook-Pro:theedukey hesham$ get init ? Which architecture do you want to use? (Use arrow keys) ❯ GetX Pattern (by Kauê) CLEAN (by Arktekko) ? Your lib folder is not empty. Are you sure you want to overwrite your application? WARNING: This action is irreversible (Use arrow keys) Yes! ❯ No

No files were overwritten

Running flutter pub get

$ flutter pub get Running "flutter pub get" in theedukey... 2,195ms

Time: 16244 Milliseconds

HeshamElnemrs-MacBook-Pro:theedukey hesham$ get create page:test4 ✓ File: test4_controller.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test4/controllers/test4_controller.dart ✓ File: test4_view.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test4/views/test4_view.dart ✓ File: test4_binding.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/modules/test4/bindings/test4_binding.dart ✓ File: app_routes.dart created successfully at path: lib/app/routes/app_routes.dart ✖ + Package: get is not installed in this application

and when i open app_routes.dart i found :

part of 'app_pages.dart'; // DO NOT EDIT. This is code generated via package:get_cli/get_cli.dart

abstract class Routes { Routes._(); }

abstract class _Paths { Paths.(); }

so route code not generated