jonataslaw / getx

Open screens/snackbars/dialogs/bottomSheets without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily with Get.
MIT License
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Features request #201

Closed d-apps closed 4 years ago

d-apps commented 4 years ago

Hey Jonny I made a package for me that has some methods that I always use on my projects, could you please take a look and see if is possible to add them on Get? I think some are really useful features that Get doesn't have yet and could help a lot of developers, all methods are available on my package;

This could be really useful.

Nipodemos commented 4 years ago

if get made internalization too that would be too much kkkkk

this orientation thing i think he added today, or maybe it was there from the beginning and i haven't noticed, but it's there

d-apps commented 4 years ago

if get made internalization too that would be too much kkkkk

this orientation thing i think he added today, or maybe it was there from the beginning and i haven't noticed, but it's there

Nice if he added Orientation today, but I want to know about the others...possibility :)

jonataslaw commented 4 years ago

It is very easy to do localization, as long as it does not involve using assets. In 2 min typing this comment, I wrote a solution to use the text itself as a key, and it would work just by adding ".tr" at the end of each String. But I'm afraid to implement this, and ask to implement the reading of the assets and this will become a snowball. It seems that each feature added means more issues about this new feature hahaha.

extension Translation on String{
  String get tr => trans(this);

trans(String toTransl){
  String locale = Get().locale.toString();

  "oi": {"EN": "Hi", "ES": "Holla"}

class Get {

  Locale locale;
  Map<String, Map<String, String>> translations = {};

  Get.registerTraslations(Map<String, Map<String, String>> tr){
    translations = tr;

Text("oi".tr); // usage

d-apps commented 4 years ago

It is very easy to do localization, as long as it does not involve using assets. In 2 min typing this comment, I wrote a solution to use the text itself as a key, and it would work just by adding ".tr" at the end of each String. But I'm afraid to implement this, and ask to implement the reading of the assets and this will become a snowball. It seems that each feature added means more issues about this new feature hahaha.

extension Translation on String{
  String get tr => trans(this);

trans(String toTransl){
  String locale = Get().locale.toString();

  "oi": {"EN": "Hi", "ES": "Holla"}

class Get {

  Locale locale;
  Map<String, Map<String, String>> translations = {};

  Get.registerTraslations(Map<String, Map<String, String>> tr){
    translations = tr;

Text("oi".tr); // usage

What about the others?

Nipodemos commented 4 years ago

i absolutely love the ideia of using the own string as a key, just the way is used in gettext for example. But i understand that making this really good would add a lot of work. There is a package that i think is very good, although i did not used it, the documentation show that are good things, and i think who made is brazilian too 😄

jonataslaw commented 4 years ago

i absolutely love the ideia of using the own string as a key, just the way is used in gettext for example. But i understand that making this really good would add a lot of work. There is a package that i think is very good, although i did not used it, the documentation show that are good things, and i think who made is brazilian too

Brazilians think alike, I've used a version of this since dart 2.6 (which launched the extensions) and I didn't know there was a package for that hahaha

jonataslaw commented 4 years ago

Hey Jonny I made a package for me that has some methods that I always use on my projects, could you please take a look and see if is possible to add them on Get? I think some are really useful features that Get doesn't have yet and could help a lot of developers, all methods are available on my package;

  • A method that converts Color to MaterialColor, it's useful when you want to use like:[600] inside ThemeData's primarySwatch since it just allow use, the color directly without shade.
  • FirebaseErrorChecker, to check errors coming from firebase, that would be good. (I know that is a little out of Get's scope but I tried kkkk) the error I have on my package.
  • Get.orientation, a method that retrieves the phone's current orientation.
  • DateFormatter, where we can specify like only "pt-BR" and it formats automatically to Brazil date format, it uses intl package.

This could be really useful.

The idea of Firebase is good, but very restricted to one language. If it were something like: Displaying a snackbar, and being able to set the message according to the language would be great! Creating an enum for each error can also be nice. Maybe if the internationalization package is launched, it could be cool. I'm thinking of launching micropackages for Get, a way to get the community engaged, and at the same time, everyone's work will be publicized. I'm going to put these micropackages in the Get description, maybe instead of putting them in the main, people can use these packages together. Since Get has many readme views per week, this can give evidence to other developers as well.

alexkharech commented 4 years ago

abstract class GetWidget

abstract class GetWidget<T> extends StatelessWidget {
  T get controller => Get.find();

  const GetWidget({
    Key key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context);


class HomePage extends GetWidget<HomePageController> {
  const HomePage({
    Key key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(child: Obx(() => Text(controller.text));
GoldenSoju commented 4 years ago

One favor I would like to ask for:

Adding Persistent Bottom Sheet.

At the moment "Get.bottomSheet()" returns a Modal Bottom Sheet, but I was wondering if you could also add the Persistent Bottom Sheet ?

Modal: Persistent:

Modal Bottom Sheet makes the rest of the screen inactive but I would need the behavior of the Persistent Bottom Sheet where the user can interact with the rest of the screen when the bottom sheet is shown.

Nipodemos commented 4 years ago

@jonataslaw some of those feature request were already made, do you plan on making the rest? what's missing is the firebase error checker and the DateFormatter

jonataslaw commented 4 years ago

Internationalization has been implemented, the firebase error check I think it might not be good to be part of the main package, because it is very specific, maybe we will make a specific package for firebase in the future to facilitate not only this, but other resources. The color palette, if the author wants to implement it, can feel free to make a PR, and finally tools that depend on internationalization, such as DateFormat would make this library very large, because translation packages are usually very large. I added intl to a web project, and it doubled the file size. Well, thanks for all the suggestions, but I think that can be closed. If you find something useful that you can do, do not hesitate to open a PR, any contribution is welcome.