jonathanKingston / ember-cli-sri

Generation of SRI hashes for ember
MIT License
48 stars 15 forks source link

Other maintainer wanted #23

Open jonathanKingston opened 8 years ago

jonathanKingston commented 8 years ago

I haven't used Ember for the last 8 or so months, which means that I'm taking a lot of my free time to manage changes on projects like this.

I would like a keen maintainer who can work in times when I am busy.

Apply here.

jonathanKingston commented 8 years ago

See also:

stefanpenner commented 8 years ago

I can take over

jonathanKingston commented 8 years ago

@stefanpenner you already have npm and git access, so as and when it makes sense feel free :D.

I still will be around for questions about SRI and clarifications on the spec if anyone needs that however broccoli integration and other bits are generally what takes a lot or my time which I know is a walk in the park for you.


stefanpenner commented 8 years ago


Should we move it to the ember-cli org?