jonathanchu / atom-one-dark-theme

Atom One Dark - An Emacs port of the Atom One Dark theme from
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A question about the colors used in atom-one-dark-theme.el #15

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago


I was browsing through the source code of one-dark-syntax and I couldn't find the following colors that have been used in atom-one-dark-theme:

Is it the case that I wasn't able to find these colors in the one-dark-syntax repo or did you use these colors independently?

Thanks, sixpointzero

jonathanchu commented 8 years ago

Hey @sixpointzero! Hmm, it could be one of three things here:

1) The official one-dark-syntax color was modified since porting over this theme. If that's the case, these can be updated on our end. 2) It was my closest approximation to the color match and might be slightly off, hence the color not found. 3) I messed up :)

I can take a look at these in more detail tonight and verify the colors. However, feel free to correct these if they don't seem right to you!

jonathanchu commented 7 years ago

Whoops, accidentally closed this one out. Re-opened.

jakubdonovan commented 6 years ago

I cannot find this package in melpa. Where did it go and was this fixed?

jonathanchu commented 6 years ago

@jakubdonovan hey! I haven't verified if these colors are exact or up-to-date with the latest official Atom One Dark theme yet.

And also, yes, it is still on MELPA -

jhacksworth commented 6 years ago

TL;DR: The only color variable that I can't account for is atom-one-dark-bg-1.

I amended the links in @sixpointzero's original question to point to the state the repo was in at the time of the question, Jun 2, 2016, instead of master, so that we can understand what he's referring to. I'm also including the names of the color variables in the link names, for ease of reference:

(These links are to an outdated version of this theme)

Here is the current version of the theme at the time of this writing, on Jan 31, 2018 (Note that the values for atom-one-dark-silver and atom-one-dark-black have been updated):

I created a gist with a mapping of Atom One Dark colors to this theme's colors in this gist:

Here is a sample output of that mapping (when plugged into the LESS CSS compiler):

The only color variable that I can't account for is atom-one-dark-bg-1. If we want to only use colors defined in the Atom theme, I think that a good candidate for atom-one-dark-bg-1 is @input-background-color, which has a hex color value of: #1b1d23

I hope this makes sense and isn't a confusing mess. 😃