jonathanio / update-systemd-resolved

Helper script for OpenVPN to directly update the DNS settings of a link through systemd-resolved via DBus.
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Calling functions on script_type. #70

Closed bac0n closed 1 year ago

bac0n commented 5 years ago


Sanitize $script_type with "declare -f" makes it easy to inject own functions. One could easily exploit the script. ex. mycat(){ /bin/cat /etc/openvpn/credentials/password; }; \ export -f mycat; \ export script_type=mycat; /etc/openvpn/update-systemd-resolved tun0

whole 'main' function is just bad.

tomeon commented 5 years ago
mycat(){ /bin/cat /etc/openvpn/credentials/password; }; 
export -f mycat; 
export script_type=mycat; /etc/openvpn/update-systemd-resolved tun0

Unless the user running this already has the ability to read /etc/openvpn/credentials/password, it is going to bail out with a permissions error:

$ sudo install -dm0700 --owner root --group root /etc/openvpn/credentials
$ sudo install -Dm0600 --owner root --group root /dev/null /etc/openvpn/credentials/password
$ sudo sh -c 'printf -- hunter2 > /etc/openvpn/credentials/password'
$ sudo ls -Al /etc/openvpn/credentials
$ mycat(){ /bin/cat /etc/openvpn/credentials/password; };
$ export -f mycat;
$ export script_type=mycat dev=nope0; /etc/openvpn/update-systemd-resolved mycat tun0
/bin/cat: /etc/openvpn/credentials/password: Permission denied

This escalation route might work if, for instance, a user had the ability to invoke update-systemd-resolved with sudo under a sudoers configuration that permits preserving the relevant environment variables. But, while I can't speak for the repo owner or the others who have contributed code, I doubt this is a recommended -- let alone supported -- configuration.

The prototypical use case is what's described in the README. Under this configuration, OpenVPN itself sets the script_type and dev variables (among others); see the "Environmental Variables" section of the OpenVPN manual. So unless an attacker can control what OpenVPN sets script_type to, this doesn't look like a promising vector.

whole 'main' function is just bad.

Could you elaborate on what you see as main's shortcomings?

N.B. there were a few issues with your example, like neither exporting the dev variable nor specifying a device as $1 when invoking update-systemd-resolved. That's what accounts for the differences between your example and the one I came up with to demonstrate the Permission denied error. I also had to change the mode bits on update-systemd-resolved to permit executing it as my normal user.

bac0n commented 5 years ago

It was just an example but the main issue is that you are using user input as decision without sanitation. The whole security concept of function overriding gets somewhat backwards. I think "main" is overcomplicated, for example "if ! read -r link ifindex < <(get_link_info "$dev"); then" you are calling a function wrapped around a command that parsing and sets a variable and echoing it back to a process substitution that redirects it in to a command that sets the variable and tests the command, puh not sure i got it right.


up(){ echo "up: $@" : }

down(){ echo "down: $@" : }

dev=${dev:-$1}; script_type=${script_type:-$2}

link=($(networkctl --no-pager --no-legend list "$dev" 2>&-))

if [[ ${#link[@]} -ne 5 ]]; then echo "Invalid device name." exit 0 fi

if [[ ${link[4]} != unmanaged ]]; then echo "Device is managed by systemd-networkd." exit 0 fi

case $script_type in up|down) $script_type $dev ${link[0]} "$@" ;; *) echo "Invalid script type." exit 0 ;; esac

exit 0