jonathanklee / Sapio

Android Open Source API compatibility
GNU General Public License v3.0
108 stars 4 forks source link

[Feature] history and comments #21

Open hirntot opened 7 months ago

hirntot commented 7 months ago

Hello there! Just found out about your app and already contributed a few ones. Doing that, I had a few questions/issues:

let's take "GLS nBank classic" as an example.

  1. I chose that it works perfectly.

I remembered: It actually doesn't, since it has an issue scanning bills, if I remember correctly.

  1. So I looked up that app and it was green at microg/User. Then I did the same procedure with the same app, but chose "works partially"

I thought about it again. Anyway, this might be OS specific.

  1. So I did the same procedure with the same app, but chose "works perfectly" again.

What I learned from it:

  1. I can choose and change any app as often as I want.
  2. It instantly changes in the database without any notice of earlier evaluations.
  3. I can't trust wheter an issue is os based and
  4. I can't even trust whether a user detected issues but didn't care too much about it to set it "partially".

My suggestions: A. I think, a history log or even a counter (inside the matrix) might help someone to find out about the validity of the green point inside the matrix.

B. Imagine, a user gets shown a matrix where the bubble of microg/user is 2/4 green, 1/4 orange and 1/4 red. Then they click on it and get a list of all former answers, plus the comments next to each former answer, if the contributor chose to comment. So the user might be able to understand that:

C. Maybe the app remembers (locally!) what apps I voted for and asks me back whether I really want to change my vote from green to red for a specific app.

Thanks for the idea and for the work you put into that app!